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  Sep 2015 Kellie
Melissa S
One pulls me down in a sea of tenderness
safe gentle lapping waves of love and comfort
so soothing like a warm summer pond in the south
He is my anchor

The other loves me like a wild forbidden passionate rush
an all consuming type of love, making the world disappear
clinging to a life raft in a turbulent sea
He is my storm

Enticing waters with the luminous waves that can tempt the dead from their bed. My soul longs for both. I cannot drift off to peaceful sleep until the waves of desire find their sweet release. A wondrous storm of love in a turbulent sea or a steadfast anchor that has taken hold on a part of me
  Sep 2015 Kellie
Sian Carrington
Tucked away in the crevices of my mind,
Are shades of sorrow you left behind.
Memories of joy and sweet contentment,
Innocent of hate and bitter resentment.
Initiating as friends who desired affection,
Enthralled by lust and blind to speculation
From those whom regarded it all "too soon",
To prove them right and close in June.

Six months of sweet, indolent days,
Precious as the next due to the simple way
Your presence alone kept me elated,
Your revered wit held me captivated.
The moments we shared basking in the sun,
Or curling with the kittens - equally as fun.
The hushed inertia of our days spent together
Was not irksome and dull but treasured forever.

I can adopt adjectives, embellishments and rhyme,
In the child-like hope they may turn back time.
I can exhaust poetry as a means to say
That I miss you more each day.
But should you read this, I pray you must know
That the colourless wave of self-pity and woe
Brightens and shallows with every passing day,
And that our precious moments are pocketed away
In the warm embrace of my broken heart,
Slowly mending now that we are apart.
Like a phoenix rising from ash-glistened coal,
I will grow from the embers and rejuvenate my soul.
I will rise again and start anew,
And cherish the days I shared with you.
This is a tribute to someone who left me recently. I am not bitter or resentful but grateful for our time together. Writing this has helped me to mend and move on, and realise that some paths are meant to cross.
  Sep 2015 Kellie
David Hall
I loved you from hello
I just never told you so
wasn't really anywhere
my love could ever go

I loved you from afar
like a distant shining star
each night I look up at you
and wonder where you are

I've loved you all along
my love was always strong
I loved you even though I knew
my love was probably wrong

I love you even still
my love for you is real
unless the hands of fate let go
it’s a love you’ll never feel
  Sep 2015 Kellie
Tyler McCarthy
There lay appeal in you I can’t get near
beyond what I could ever hope to be,
inside held back by this old faceless fear
yet you exert control o’er most of me.

Alone I wonder if I had dreamed you
inside the broken piece of my own head,
but rather than a view of stars anew,
addictions to an outline that won’t shed.

A whole year on hiatus for you friend,
internal bleeding from one-sided strife,
alone with all these countless wounds to tend-
I figure it’s time to let you live life.

Tonight my eyes forego some of their shine
because in dreams alone will you be mine.
  Sep 2015 Kellie
Hannah Beth
She is light on water
And that bite in the air
That wakes you

It wakes you and you're alive and you can't help but breathe

And then she grins and
She hugs you
Her hands at your neck
And the breathing has stopped

And you know then
Things can't go back

To before
It was so ******* simple

A hug was just a hug and a kiss was nothing more

Now there's fire in your veins when she walks through the door
  Sep 2015 Kellie
sleepless nights
and countless attempts
of flirting with death.
fear and loneliness
until the last breath.
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