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  Aug 2020 Jen
Dr Peter Lim
...then an opening
without ending
you alone will hear
the divine song as you draw near

in that state of oblivion
all sorrows are forgotten
in the bliss of silence
love blooms in refulgence
  Aug 2020 Jen
Conrad Aiken
This is the house.  On one side there is darkness,
On one side there is light.
Into the darkness you may lift your lanterns--
O, any number--it will still be night.
And here are echoing stairs to lead you downward
To long sonorous halls.
And here is spring forever at these windows,
With roses on the walls.

This is her room.  On one side there is music--
On one side not a sound.
At one step she could move from love to silence,
Feel myriad darkness coiling round.
And here are balconies from which she heard you,
Your steady footsteps on the stair.
And here the glass in which she saw your shadow
As she unbound her hair.

Here is the room--with ghostly walls dissolving--
The twilight room in which she called you 'lover';
And the floorless room in which she called you 'friend.'
So many times, in doubt, she ran between them!--
Through windy corridors of darkening end.

Here she could stand with one dim light above her
And hear far music, like a sea in caverns,
Murmur away at hollowed walls of stone.
And here, in a roofless room where it was raining,
She bore the patient sorrow of rain alone.

Your words were walls which suddenly froze around her.
Your words were windows,--large enough for moonlight,
Too small to let her through.
Your letters--fragrant cloisters faint with music.
The music that assuaged her there was you.

How many times she heard your step ascending
Yet never saw your face!
She heard them turn again, ring slowly fainter,
Till silence swept the place.
Why had you gone? . . .  The door, perhaps, mistaken . . .
You would go elsewhere.  The deep walls were shaken.

A certain rose-leaf--sent without intention--
Became, with time, a woven web of fire--
She wore it, and was warm.
A certain hurried glance, let fall at parting,
Became, with time, the flashings of a storm.

Yet, there was nothing asked, no hint to tell you
Of secret idols carved in secret chambers
From all you did and said.
Nothing was done, until at last she knew you.
Nothing was known, till, somehow, she was dead.

How did she die?--You say, she died of poison.
Simple and swift.  And much to be regretted.
You did not see her pass
So many thousand times from light to darkness,
Pausing so many times before her glass;

You did not see how many times she hurried
To lean from certain windows, vainly hoping,
Passionate still for beauty, remembered spring.
You did not know how long she clung to music,
You did not hear her sing.

Did she, then, make the choice, and step out bravely
From sound to silence--close, herself, those windows?
Or was it true, instead,
That darkness moved,--for once,--and so possessed her? . . .
We'll never know, you say, for she is dead.
Jen Aug 2020
Some day you’ll be
At piercing globes
Lost for words
And entranced
Until you near
The peak
Of what
You thought
Was unreachable
Of what one can see
In the immenseness  
That is
The universe
Of you.
Jen Aug 2020
I left my blue, cotton tee dress
On your floor, and I...
Didn't come back for more;

You kept calling every night
Not sure why you put up
Such a fight
To take over my mind
When I told you we
Should end it,
See other people,
Move on,
Avoid the hurt
And the pain.
Everything was
Silly string animal puppet silhouettes
On your wall danced
Of something insincere
Like black magic trickery
And licorice idiocies
Mirrors cast in open flames
Meant to fuel a clever game.

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring...
Pick up the phone
"Pick up, I know you're home..."
Ring, ring, ring...
I shut off my phone,
Not listening.

"Please call me back. I just wanted to let you know that you left your blue dress here."

"It's okay.  It's just a dress.  I'll buy another.  It's not worth going back to blue."
  Aug 2020 Jen
Molly Jo Triplett
into the novelties
of the day

Tucking into the folds
of late August valleys

painted in vintage clover

falling toward winter

Ivory forms lazily turn mobiles overhead

As symbols,
as comfort
as bucket filled rain.
Jen Aug 2020
I am free!
I am happy,
I am enough.
I am beautiful,
I am me,
No apologies.
This poem is for anyone out there that might think that they are not enough... you are!  In the past couple of weeks I have been doubting myself... last night these few words came to me.  This is the only way I want to see now.
  Aug 2020 Jen
Sarita Aditya Verma

There is a language spoken
Between the leaves and the breeze
Peacefully green, the leaves
Ever changing the velocity of the breeze
Ancient and eternal their relationship

Inspired by the weather in the evening :)
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