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Jen Aug 2020
See more than
What is said

See within

To what
Is shown

From inside-
Out in emotion.
Jen Aug 2020
"How do you get
To 'Happily Ever After?'"

It's time for
The next chapter
No use hiding
It anymore,
What I'm after...
And want to capture...

In the next pages
There will be
New muses
For my heart
To fly after
Because it's time
For the next chapter

Time to put myself
Out there
And live
With no regrets
Because no one
Ever found
A love
Without moving,
Guarded guise,
And closed eyes

It's time for
The next chapter
No use hiding
What it is
I'm after,
What I want
To capture
In the next chapter

Is there ever
Such a thing...
As Happily Ever After?
  Aug 2020 Jen
Donall Dempsey

The snow stormed

ran around
the night

like an ill-tempered

and as suddenly
fell asleep

in mid tantrum.

We woke in the morning
& found it still

sleeping softly
curled around the house.

We tried not to
wake it

as we tiptoed out

leaving footprints all over its mind

and played about
in its dreams.
Next page