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  Mar 2020 Jen
John Edward Smallshaw
I wanted to write
but I couldn't think
of anything
I cooked some fish,

I wish
I had written though of
something Germaine to
the current situation,
two metres short of meeting someone
I watched as they went on their way
and isn't it the truth that today
we're all a bit removed?
Jen Mar 2020
They step in to
The local grocery for
the weekly shop.
A soldier in a
Green apron stands
Bravely, sanitizing
And passing out
Once inside,
The shelves are
Almost empty in spots.
Customers who once
Looked full of emotions
Now appear devoid of life,
Going through the motions.
You touched a surface?
Repeat, "Don't touch my face,"
"Don't touch my face."
Check out time is here at last,
Thought there would be
Longer lines but
Not many people are inside.
The cashier asks,
"Did you find everything you need?"
With a smile as if pretending
"It's business as usual."

One lady says at least she found
Paper plates which was a
Welcome surprise.
It's our turn, and we are
Told we have more than
The allowed amount of meat.
(We only have three small
packs of beef)
And explain we are a family
Cooking in this week.
The sky outside is rainy now,
Should be a tornado warning today,
But there's no telling when
The world will end
(It's easy to be 'in our heads')

Experts write about all
Possible scenarios & outcomes.
Human minds do what
Human minds do in these
"Paper or plastic?"
Jen Mar 2020
Gray morning mist
Walking into the waves
Separating in two
Before you.
Water crashing,
Becoming one
At the end
When you
Reach the sand,
Arms wrap
Holding you,
The sun,
The end of
Two waves
As they become
One ocean
  Mar 2020 Jen
What does it take?
To sit in silence

What does it take?
To inhale a breath of love

What does it take?
To hug the universe

What does it take?
To breath out peace to all

What does it take?
To accept this moment,
As it is.

A deep breath
A smile
A single drop of gratitude

All is well and always will be
In Grace Eternal
  Mar 2020 Jen
Melancholy of Innocence

Those who lives gets away
Those who LOVEz dies...

Those who live -
They are cutting trees
They are creating pollution
(Car, travel, flight...
Industries, factories, wars)
They are killing & making extinct
Flora and fauna - unrelentingly
They are mining mountains,
Drilling earth's core
They have not even left
The bottom of the sea untouched
They are ****** our Mother Nature
While siting in their
Luxurious houses, posh offices
Soaked in leadership, power, fame
Success, followers and slaves

The individuals who are rich
Are responsible for such living
They're 2000 times more accountable
For Earth's destruction

All at the Nature's cost
We've seen how our world is today!

By giving 6% in Philanthropy
To their agents of "profit"
By show-casing & marketing their cause
They're getting away with their crimes

Everyone is fighting for a something
Nobody is fighting for one's soul

For those who don't obey the
Government, society & world
Leaders, family & friends
There are courts and police,
Laws and legislation, & rules
To ban, block, bar and blacken
To humiliate, insult and blame
To arrest, punish, imprison & isolate

Those culprits are using
All ways to legalize their
Corrupt life-style
They want to be
Desperately successful in life by
Seeking more profits, money & funds
By saying:
"Doing for society's good"
They are getting away so easily
With exploitation and
Destruction of nature

Is True LOVE really alive at all?

Today, most LOVE is figment of
One's intelligent imagination
Imitating books, movies & stories

The innocents who LOVE are dying

The one who live lives
The one who LOVE dies...

No wonder Nature is getting back at us
with Covid-19, Corona-Virus...

The whole world is on its knees
Still human EGO wants to
Sing, dance, and say positively
"We will succeed against Nature"

RESILIENCE.. - that's what they say..
And show "V" for victory sign

At such times...
I question human race's intelligence

When will we take a step back and
Stop this race of success & money?

And live in harmony with Nature
In LOVE with each other...?

Jen Mar 2020
no matter what's going on,
Just find a little place in you
To stay warm &
Escape the darkness
That sometimes
Is this world.
no matter what's going on,
Find a little place in you
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