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 Apr 2018 janessa ann
Spent all my money on comfy camo clothes
Diors and Docs
and none of them have pockets
for you

would’ve spent it trying to get to you, get me out the friendzone
but i’m good, the gleam
of spring rain incites the wetness
and half drear to outshine

but i’m doing me and making each day
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
Remember when we first did meet,
our hearts rejoiced and skipped a beat.
Remember our first kiss goodnight,
the hug we shared that summer's night.

Remember when we walked the beach
and all our dreams within our reach.
Remember how we used to be
when I had you and you had me.

Remember when we used to talk,
when we held hands and took long walks.
Remember how we spent our days
in warm sunshine and in the rain.

Remember when our one desire
was take a chance and ignite the fire.
Remember the times that made our hearts melt
and all of the passion and desire that we felt.

Remember when you looked at me
and saw the one you love and need.
Remember when you reached for me
and knew that we were meant to be.

Remember when our love was new.
Remember the day we both said, "I do."
Remember the journey we started together.
Remember our love was always forever.

Remember the promise we made together,
to love and to cherish and to care for each other.
Remember the promise in good times and in bad
and to make each one happy rather than sad.

Remember when you held our child
and rocked the baby when I grew tired.
Remember the treasured times
like these when love grew into family.

Remember when the world was bright,
when we would laugh and hold on tight.
Remember when our hearts were broken,
when times were tough and words unspoken.

Remember when we grieved our loss
with parents gone and feeling lost.
Remember when our love endured
the pains and heartaches of the world.

What happened to the life we shared?
What happened to a love so rare?
What happed to the kiss goodnight,
the warm embrace, the love at night?

Did it all just happen? How do we right the wrong?
I know that in my heart your arms I do belong.

Can we live our lives together just like it all began,
and can we hold and cherish each other and remember our love again
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
No other friend is quite like you,
No other friend could do exactly what you do.
No other friend could listen to my dreams,
No matter how weird it all seems.
You're the one who's there for me when I need a friend,
We're gonna be tight till the end.
We always have fun when we are together,
We always find something to do no matter what the weather.
No other friend could understand me like you do,
I don't know what I would do without a friend like you.
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
She's my best friend
Till the very end.
She makes me smile,
All the while.
When she goes away,
I miss her every day.
She cheers me up when I have a frown,
And turns that frown upside down.
She's always the one who knows what to say.
I promise you I'm here to stay.
We have so many memories
That are going to stay with me.
We've had so much fun,
And more to come,
You're my one and only trophy
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
life can
be so unfair
but our souls came
with blueprints to bloom
—with DNA to brave
the swamps of
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
no i can’t change you or her
God’s wrath is disillusioning you
from hearing yourself or me
or all death’s friends

you think you can fix her
a thousand times like each plate
she’s thrown at you and each fist
she’s swung at you

and i’m telling you God won’t remember
the woman that she used to be
and the counselors won’t help you or her
but you’re a fixer man

can’t fix your back from that one time
she hit it with your old baseball bat
but you’ll fix her one day, right?
*** angela
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
Lacey Vogel
not only you
face the troubles in life
distracted in what's right and wrong
discoloration begs within me
struggling the truth in life
contemplating if i should be here
my brain tells me no but my soul tells me to stay
is there a way out
a way out of this pain
a way out of the struggle and everything
that brings me down
i can't i can't find a way out
help me before its too late
the doors are closing
i'm gone.
I know all of mine are depressing:(
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
My name
is No Name

No Name,
because I dont want to be remembered by
what I was born with.

I want to be remembered,
by the things I've done.
Who I've helped.

I want to be remembered
by when I was alive.
I want my generation
to be looked upon
as the 'Golden Gen'
The Generation that
changed it all.
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
pull you close
grab my waist
rest my hands
on your face
kiss you slow
close embrace
lift me up
wearing lace
hands will drift
press and trace
melting with
the sweet taste
love on lips
time to waste
you and i
in this place

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