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 Apr 2018 janessa ann
i remember
gettin' kinkykinky in the backseat
while your friend drives
illumined shoulderblades in the dimmers
your step daddy doesn't have much
say in us running away since you're 18

your mommy never loved me
and how i don't normally fit in things

told me you'd be going to school
in Kirtland, but i'm missing out
on how thick you're getting
for the waving tiers of succulence
belting in your stomach
profusion of feelings confusing your tongue
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
A rose in the grass,
plucked from the bush.
It'll die soon.
They all do.

A butterfly on the swing,
on a cool summer evening.
It just came out of the cacoon.
Some don't make it this far.

A little girl,
on the top of the slide.
Smileing from ear to ear.
Don't you wish we were all that happy?

Freeze time and all is beautiful.
There is no pain.
There is no hurting.

Freeze time and all is well.
The frowns are smiles,
The tears are dried.

Freeze time,
but it must resume sometime.
 Apr 2018 janessa ann
Lacey Vogel
A struggle
A never ending circle of pain
Trying to find a way out
But it finds a way back in
The pain
The darkness
The saddness
It comes and goes like waves in the ocean
It crawls back in to your mind
Devouring everything you once had
The absolute loudest neighbors on the planet.
I was raised Catholic
But Easter
Belongs to
Mother Nature
It is a holiday
Hijacked by men
Who refused to accept
A female worthy of
And holiday
We don't want to be led
But we love being
When it was good
It was The Best
It was bad, too
I can't deal with bad
When it's coming from
Any boy
Even That Boy
Hard to accept.  On total boycott, because there is no other way.  Still miss him, though.  I know he feels that too.  We broke each other's hearts.  I went crazy on him....literally, right before my anyuerism, (or however you spell that ****)  Even after all that, and I healed, he told me he lived me, and always would.  I knew he was telling the truth.  I loved him too, but he crossed some lines with my family during my stroke and recovery that are insurmountable.  And later, he crossed it with me, too.
 Apr 2018 janessa ann

I once was this beautiful bright flower,
then he came along and plucked me from my spot.
He stuck me in a vase,
watered me,
nurtured me.
Then forgot me.


I was the blue sky,
and he was the red sky.
We could not stay away.
Then he bled into me,
and I turned to purple.
He decided, purple wasn't for him.
Then he forgot me.

 Apr 2018 janessa ann
Who am I?
Who is this person I see in the mirror?
I don't know.
Much has happened since I met this Person.
Good, bad, and everything in between.
Now, I don't know who this is.
All the hiding, all the pretending.
All for naught as I have lost my true self.
Who am I?
I am not mentally ill
But I wonder
If I was
How envious I would be
Of all those
Who know
The bliss
Of boredom
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