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I don't know where this boat will dock
I don't know where it is taking us
But surely my dear
Ours is not to know tomorrow
If we take it one paddle per time
Living one day at a time
The tide might sway us aright
To a life of bliss
I guarantee there will tempest storms
The type in the days of Noah
Give me your heart my dear
Sail with me in this lonely journey
For in oneness we are strong
Only then can be berth safely
On this journey called love
Nights like these should be written about
Summer, the slow count of the clock
A train, rattling, whistling past
Time itself seems to stop
Nights like these deserve poetry
With words far more elegant and sage
These nights make poets of unlikely people
But not of me, I’m afraid

A night like this deserves clarity
But frankly, my mind is a mess
There are words, tangled, on the tip of my tongue
And all others feel meaningless
The truth is too raw to be beautiful
But beauty is so often a lie
This night deserves better poetry; I
Can’t explain what I’m feeling inside
 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Apr 2019 Jacob Ciciora
Kate S
Child of the Skies
you use to dream so wide
soaring on the graceful winds of change

Child of the Earth
you use to dream so sure
as sure as the ground beneath your feet

but you don’t dream anymore
do you?

Child of the River
you use to dream so soft
kind as the element that gave you life

Child of the Fire
you use to dream so wild
engulfing the world and captivating it at the same time

but you don’t dream anymore
do you?

Child of the Sun
you use to dream so free
never limited in your search for happiness

Child of the Moon
you use to dream so curious
always in wonder with the world around you

but you don’t dream anymore
do you?

Child of the Times
you use to dream about happiness
but as the days rolled by they ripped it away

Child of Humanity
you use to dream about love
but they cut that out of you too young

now, you don’t dream anymore.
now, you are not longer a child.
now, you no longer seek love and happiness.

Child of the World
you use to dream about living
and now you simply survive
The birthplace of weapons.
The backbone of wars.
No sound but the throes of steel.
In fires that burn, unending.

Shaped by the beating of the blacksmith.
Each stroke, manifesting his will.
To forge the weapon of prophecy;
The sword to lead us to victory.
Bathed in the blood of its enemies.
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