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167 · Apr 2019
Blue birds and backyards
Iz Apr 2019
There used to be a blue Jay that would visit a tree in my backyard daily
Last April I found him dead in the road
Stiff and lifeless
My backyard has since become very mundane
No birds visit anymore
Not even the ducks
Only weeds grow now in place of beautiful flowers
It’s odd how times change
But even more odd how we don’t notice until all the change has come and gone
166 · Dec 2018
Iz Dec 2018
There’s never a day
That goes by
Where I am not
Reminded of the poltergeist  you
Left me with the trauma you caused
These ghosts they haunt me
In the dark of the night
Alone in my room
I feel the wounds
That never healed
Below the surface
Of my oh so forgiving flesh
Iz Aug 2019
‪When you hear “think before you speak”
what you should be hearing is
“ be aware of the emotions you’re about to convey and if they’re actually how you feel” recognize what you feel
before you push those emotions onto those around you ‬
163 · Feb 2019
Iz Feb 2019
To look back on past loves
And know the intensity you felt
Like being stuck in a furnace
And feeling your organs melt
That blistering heat the love you felt
But time cools all coal
And we’re just ashes now
163 · Jul 2019
A wish from the damned
Iz Jul 2019
In the mists of my agony
I begged to stop breathing
Then I found myself here in endless purgatory
Iz May 2019
It weighs you down
That weight of uncertainty
Like chains around your neck holding rocks too heavy to carry
You sink
Into a sea of overthinking
The “what if’s” become defanging
Drowning out all other thought
Is this hell?
162 · Jan 2019
Iz Jan 2019
I walk along the shorelines of your ever deep
The waves grab at my ankles
With ulterior motives to trap me here
only my feet leave prints in this sand
These are uncharted lands and I am
161 · Jun 2019
What’s left to do?
Iz Jun 2019
Let it pour out of you
Like water from a broken dam
That’s all you can do
161 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I thought healing was easy,
Growing and improving,
I didn’t know it was uncontrollably sobbing when I read my poems to people and binging on junk food,
But like I love to say “you must feel it to get over it” but
Who ever likes to really take their own advice?
I know it must rain for the flowers to bloom but I’m tired of being a bud
157 · Jan 2019
Iz Jan 2019
I’m too sad to write
You took my words away
156 · Jun 2019
Party hard die harder
Iz Jun 2019
I yearn for the adrenaline I get from slamming 8 drinks the scent of gasoline in my nose,
The feeling of being free for once in my condemned life
I just want to breath and not feel the weight of 20 cinderblocks stacked on my chest
It’s hard to live this life but I’m doing my best
154 · Dec 2018
Water cycle
Iz Dec 2018
In your presence
I am liquid
But in your absence
I am ice
153 · Feb 2019
Bitter and cold
Iz Feb 2019
There is not a day that goes by
I am not reminded Of how your rough hands gripped my body
I remember the pavement cold and damp
My hair a mess sweaty and tangled
From the stress and the struggle
But I am only so strong and so able to defend
You were tall, narrow face, dark hair, ****** eyes
I should have run when I saw you
But I trust even when all signs tell me to hit the road
You watched the life leave me body
And I left a ghost, a shell if you will
Of who I once was, you used me, you killed me, and left me a rotting corpse,
I ******* Hate You
And what you did to me on that cold bathroom floor
150 · Jan 2019
Iz Jan 2019
thick blankets
And no clothes
Your hair spread across my chest
Skin soft as velvet
Warm as a hot spring
And I am lucky enough
To have found this ruby
Iz Mar 2019
Some days I feel as if I’ve melted into the earth
And become a fine goo
And others I feel as if I’ve been shot into the sky past the atmosphere and into the cosmos just to fall back down again into my gooey state of depression and self loathing
149 · Jan 2019
Iz Jan 2019
You treat me as fine china
In this concrete house
148 · Jul 2019
Iz Jul 2019
We own a black a white cat
With spots like a cow
And I’ve never heard him moo once
That’s all you need to know about how looks can be deceiving
147 · Aug 2019
Iz Aug 2019
It’s funny how easily
We can feel abandoned
Even when they’re in the same
Room as you
Something as simple as a look
Sends your anxiety through the roof
It starts
The questions
The never ending what if’s that
Suffocate any logical thought until it’s
But a faint whisper amongst the roar of doubt
When will I move on
And realize it’s okay to be alone
Even if I’m not
146 · Jul 2019
Iz Jul 2019
It’s a Friday night not too humid not too hot
I was raised on rainy summers and muddy feet
Stained clothes and yellow teeth
A bath every three days and hair untamed
So nights like these are unfamiliar
I don’t know where the rain went or how it manifested into only an emotional thing
I remember taking hours to pack for beach trips and coming home burnt to a crisp
Boogie boards and big waves skinned knees and salty hair
now I lay in bed basking in self loathing
And I shower everyday
My hair is short
And I can’t go without brushing it
Is this what life is
Holding onto nothing's
Searching for the “light”
145 · Apr 2019
Not special
Iz Apr 2019
How long does it take until the repetitive action of doing something
No longer becomes special
And how do we know who pushed it over the edge
Iz Mar 2019
I like silk kimonos after long baths
Filled with beer and bongs that never go unpacked
I like cigarettes when my visions blurry
And midol for the headaches
I like to sleep later that I should and wake up in the middle of the day
I like long walks to nowhere and short walks to somewhere
Big fields and vast waters
I like feeling free
141 · Mar 2019
Cardiac arrest
Iz Mar 2019
I just want to stop feeling like I’m ******* choking all the time
I just want to breath
141 · Jun 2019
A ghost of the once loving
Iz Jun 2019
I find myself touching you
Just to remind myself
You’re real
Maybe I’m in disbelief
Or I’m just so scared of one day waking up and you not being there
I have to remember you were here once and every time I touch you that’s the proof
140 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
Of all my years in church

The one thing I learned was

The devil loved tenderly

And god?

He was cold
139 · Feb 2019
Like a bottle of wine
Iz Feb 2019
You tell me
I am but a fine wine
Who’s beauty is tasted
In the years I fermented
For had I just been sipped after being bottled
I’d be too sweet on the tongue
With time comes elegance and body
136 · Dec 2018
Iz Dec 2018
Your lips
So tender
They drown
Me in sin
136 · Jan 2019
Iz Jan 2019
There’s no death in these
Forests deep in your eyes
Only love
134 · Dec 2018
Mean it
Iz Dec 2018
How long
After you told me
You loved me
Did you realize
It was just lust
On your mind
134 · Jul 2019
I miss you
Iz Jul 2019
It’s strange how the body can miss someone
Aside from the mind

It’s left my arms

My skin has gone

When will you be back
I need to take my body home
133 · Apr 2019
Who are you?
Iz Apr 2019
I’m a stranger to myself
The reflection I yearn for
Is empty as of the past few months
I stand in front of the mirror for hours on end
Just hoping to see
But I am unrecognizable
Some nights I sit in the guilt
Of continuing like I know at all who I am
But what do I say
I hope I can wake up one day
And really see me
132 · Oct 2022
Iz Oct 2022
In the ground we rot
Seeds turn into luscious plants
From the dirt comes life
132 · Jun 2021
Iz Jun 2021
We spend hours planning our lives with our friends as children,
but we never plan the disasters
We never plan for the waves so high they wash away the hope
we plan for the best days, the big days and those in between
but why don’t we plan for the pain, the hurt and the disappointment,
It’s almost like I set myself up with these ideas of true accomplishment
I dreamed of a life filled with more than this
And now when I share the life story of me there is one term I hear over all else
How could somebody so young with so much hope be crushed so deeply?
How could they not?
What keeps us from the inevitable?
I think I wanted so much I wanted to go so far
Although I shot for the moon I did not land amongst stars
I landed in the vast emptiness of disappointment, the dread you feel once it’s all laid out in front of you
ever memory ever moment seems so much bigger than it did,
Maybe I never stopped to smell the roses
Or maybe I just didn’t realize how good they smelled at the time
But I can tell you when looking back at my life although sadder than expected it’s a road I’ve been assigned, and turmoil looks a lot more like growth the farther you walk the line
131 · Jun 2019
The same but is it?
Iz Jun 2019
Every few months I find myself in the same parking lot
At the same laundromat
In the same parking space
Listening to the same melancholy music
Smoking out of the same bowl
But always having new conversations, never seeing the same two people
130 · May 2020
Iz May 2020
Think of the trauma
As a seasoning
And you
The fine steak
126 · Dec 2018
Sweet tooth in my soul
Iz Dec 2018
Cigarette butts rest in the guts of who we once were
Young to love
But not too young to feel pain
The pain of knowing
We killed this long before we could save it
and now we live day by day
As corpses consumed by the
Death of a love so real and so sweet
It rotted us from the inside out
Didn’t you know
Sugar gives you cavities
126 · May 2020
Behind the curtain
Iz May 2020
There’s pictures on the walls of my childhood homes with holes so deep behind them you’d get lost if you went in alone
122 · Jan 2019
Puppy love
Iz Jan 2019
It’s a soft tender love
That kisses your forehead
And gently strokes your hair
121 · Jan 2019
Iz Jan 2019
There was Marley and Romey
Then nalla
Then zeus
Now Dominic
These are the cats who showed me wisdom
That words could never match they’ve cared for me more than the hands of loved ones, and the hearts of friends and I am forever greatful
For my feline family
121 · Mar 2020
Friday January 10th
Iz Mar 2020
The Thursday before your passing you crossed my mind
I planned on sending a package with a letter inside
Maybe some writings I thought you’d like
But it was foolish of me to assume I had more time
It just takes a minute to remember every memory
All the unspoken words
All the times shared laughing
It is more painful now than I imagined it would be
These words I never spoke will forever be stuck with me
But that’s the thing about time
It’s unforgiving
119 · Jan 2019
Cracked and dry
Iz Jan 2019
They were once soft and plump
Like a ripe peach
But I find myself biting them so hard some nights
I don’t know how I have not bitten them off yet
My lips I mean
I bite and bite and bite
Until they bleed
Then I bite some more
They’re cracked and dry
Just how you left me
119 · Jul 2019
Insignificant/10:13 PM
Iz Jul 2019
He eats noodles from a ***
That’s fresh off the stove
They’re hot and they burn as they
Slide down his throat
I sit back and watch as he dances
With his fork
Beard full of sauce top button popped
We sit on a couch stained with the memories of lives and loves too short
Funny how it really is the little things
The moments so insignificant that they themselves become significant in this strange memorable way
Like looking at the street lights as you drive around in the rain
I’m convinced by the time I die I’ll have lived the best I could have in this insignificance
That’s all it is isn’t it
I guess it’s not that serious
118 · Jul 2020
The giver
Iz Jul 2020
I gave everything I had to you and still you wanted more
I broke my ribs to make you trinkets
And my skin to keep you warm
I overworked my emotions just to keep you from feeling bored
Now here I am
And worn
116 · Dec 2018
Iz Dec 2018
I don’t know what to write
I can’t put it into words
how I feel
It’s a mix of envy and hate
I can’t tell you who I am
I can’t tell you what I’ve done
I can just tell you I’m not who I want to be
And I’m not who I’ve been
I’m someone so distant from who I once was
I might as well consider my true self
116 · Dec 2018
Brackish waters
Iz Dec 2018
I am the rocks
In the rivers
We used to skip
Sunken to the bottom as if
None of the smooth
Hops across the water mattered
Stuck in mucky water
With nothing to show
Except a few smooth
Dances across the still surface
and a swift fall to
Resting grounds
Where all the memories we shared lay on each and every stone
114 · Nov 2018
What I need to hear
Iz Nov 2018
It’s okay to take a break
It’s okay to need some time
It’s okay to not feel guilty
It’s okay to be okay
It’s okay to help yourself
It’s okay to separate from the mess
It’s okay to do whatever you need to do to continue feeling like you can make it
Because you will
111 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I like it rough
SO when you leave
I have something to
Say I felt
110 · Nov 2018
5:45 Nov. 23
Iz Nov 2018
Beautifully rich plants grow against the house
We are here often
The cat he’s a beast
A true predator
He’s loyal
And delicate
He lives a life of respect
The geckos run against the ceiling
On the top edge of the wall
Catching moths and spiders
They fear me
But I do them no harm
I love the wild life
It’s a life I wish to live
One of simplicity
And endurance
For I am only a human
I run on guilt and misery
110 · Mar 2019
Iz Mar 2019
How is it that everyday I find myself falling in love with you all over again
Like a sprinkle that turns to a pour you completely engulf me
And the tingles run up and down my arms and my chest touches the ceiling
I’m madly and completely in love with you like it’s the first time I realized it all over again and I swoon
107 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
The lights were utterly blinding,
as the shock of the recent events began to sink in,
It all comes back to me like I'm right there on the bathroom floor again,
I muttered at least a dozen times
But would you have stopped had I spit out the word one more time?
You stole something from me that night,
a piece I have tried anything for to get back,
But when you were taking it from me the dimly lit bathroom went black,
I can still see the face your friend there at the time made,
I can see his peaking head staring, burning me with his eyes,
I have NEVER felt so *****, disgusting, and unclean
And it haunts me every night on the way to my dreams
God those blinding lights in my eyes about to spill,
My feet hitting the ground ware almost a thump in the distance at best,
My lungs burned, and I felt as if they were incapable of taking in air
When I made it to the place I was staying for the night
I remember sitting there staring for most of the night, knowing I had to burn those god blessed underwear because what you did left more than a stain
And I constantly battle with myself back and fourth in my head,
but I have to understand,
It was NOT my fault
and you are just a terrible terrible man.
almost three years
106 · Jan 2019
“I’m sorry”
Iz Jan 2019
I replaced “it’s not okay”
With “I forgive you”
Until my heart that was once
Overflowing with love to give only to you
Shriveled up into a cold hard crumb
That only felt hate
I let that fire in my chest burn long enough
To **** who I used to be
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