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121 · Mar 2019
Iz Mar 2019
How is it that everyday I find myself falling in love with you all over again
Like a sprinkle that turns to a pour you completely engulf me
And the tingles run up and down my arms and my chest touches the ceiling
I’m madly and completely in love with you like it’s the first time I realized it all over again and I swoon
119 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I like it rough
SO when you leave
I have something to
Say I felt
118 · Jan 2019
“I’m sorry”
Iz Jan 2019
I replaced “it’s not okay”
With “I forgive you”
Until my heart that was once
Overflowing with love to give only to you
Shriveled up into a cold hard crumb
That only felt hate
I let that fire in my chest burn long enough
To **** who I used to be
118 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
The lights were utterly blinding,
as the shock of the recent events began to sink in,
It all comes back to me like I'm right there on the bathroom floor again,
I muttered at least a dozen times
But would you have stopped had I spit out the word one more time?
You stole something from me that night,
a piece I have tried anything for to get back,
But when you were taking it from me the dimly lit bathroom went black,
I can still see the face your friend there at the time made,
I can see his peaking head staring, burning me with his eyes,
I have NEVER felt so *****, disgusting, and unclean
And it haunts me every night on the way to my dreams
God those blinding lights in my eyes about to spill,
My feet hitting the ground ware almost a thump in the distance at best,
My lungs burned, and I felt as if they were incapable of taking in air
When I made it to the place I was staying for the night
I remember sitting there staring for most of the night, knowing I had to burn those god blessed underwear because what you did left more than a stain
And I constantly battle with myself back and fourth in my head,
but I have to understand,
It was NOT my fault
and you are just a terrible terrible man.
almost three years
117 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
I woke up today with the stench of self loathing and long held grudges in the room
     So it will be one of those days again,
it very quickly occurred to me,

I didn't expect today back so soon,
I could have swore the devil told me it would be at least another week.
I don't feel like choking down these age old bones
116 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I’ve listened to sicko mode
For an hour and a half now
And I still do NOT
feel as if I am on sicko mode
115 · Dec 2018
Living with it
Iz Dec 2018
My trauma
It is heavy
Like stacks of bricks on my back
And I carry it with me
To the store, when I’m out with friends
It’s there when I wake up in the middle of the night
It’s often the first thing to cross my mind
It surges through my veins
It’s like poison in my blood
It makes my mouth taste bitter
It makes me want to run
But no matter how fast my feet hit the ground
Or how far I may travel
These bricks don’t come off so easy
They follow me town to town
115 · Oct 2018
August 27th
Iz Oct 2018
I am the
rocks in your water beds
across these vast forests
in those beautiful eyes,
always there never moving
stuck but not trapped
the gentle current always has something
I could never think of to say
so inspiring so consistent
time here is like
no other place this form of me has been
I believe the word to describe how I feel
in you is
I've never felt this way, so safe so secure.
115 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I gaze into your eyes
And suddenly
Iz Jan 2019
I have had a raging headache
For days now
My ears are ringing so loud
I can’t tell if people are talking to me
Or I’ve began to go into psychosis
I don’t think I’ll ever kick
This wretched pain in my head
114 · Dec 2018
Iz Dec 2018
No matter what you do
You do everything alone
You are born alone
You die alone
No matter the amount of friends love or
No one owes you anything we’re all
On our own
113 · Nov 2018
Sad songs on empty roads
Iz Nov 2018
The radio is loud
The wind is touching me in ways it never had before
I am full
And traffic is nonexistent
It’s 10:26
I’m a little high
A lot drunk
My moms sleeping at home
If only she knew
This is the most I’ve felt in weeks
Maybe she would understand
I get nothing done
Because there’s nothing to work for
I’m numb
112 · Dec 2018
Relearning love
Iz Dec 2018
As I child I would pull apart lizards
And throw toads against my house
Because I thought that’s what love was
Hurting the ones you cared about
Thank you dad
For putting that idea in my head
That everyone who loved you
Loved you so much they wanted to see your beauty forever sealed by death
112 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
The way your eyes told me a million words
In that rear view mirror
I still get butterflies thinking about the moment
I met my forever
107 · Feb 2023
Iz Feb 2023
I don’t think I’ll ever forget what it felt like
To be struck like a match
And burn out in your hands
But I’d be a strike anywhere for you anytime
Because your heat was unforgettable
And my heart was left nonflammable
106 · Oct 2018
self care
Iz Oct 2018
Is it really self care if I take another day off,
get ****** in my underwear and wait for the night to roll around,
**** a bottle then walk the town,
I haven't been able to get anything done
103 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I love how your skin rubs against mine
In the cold air
How your lips so smoothly meet my
Your hands know all the right things
To do
Your tongue tastes of of a high I’m willing
To risk everything for
I surrender my body to you
103 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I can’t remember when I stopped
Feeling like I was enough for you
I just know everything went cold
99 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
Oh the roses,
So fragile so sweet,
As blood ran from my finger tips,
I whispered,
" love me poetically"
99 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
The man of yes
Can never say
96 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
My dryer recently broke out of the blue
Just stopped heating up
But I understood my dryers pain on such a deep personal level we bonded from that moment on
Except I didn’t break out of the blue I stopped heating up after you started to let other versions of you slip out
I stopped admiring how the light reflected off your once so utterly perfect face, I stopped sitting so close to you
Hugging you back
I stopped thinking you were the best thing I’ve ever seen and I started understanding every time I said it I meant it
“I love you more”
Really everything I did once upon a time
Almost made my stomach turn now
Like a dog in the night
You wait for me
Like a broken dryer I shake and rattle
But at least I don’t text other women
Yea big dummy is my name don’t wear it out
94 · Dec 2018
Iz Dec 2018
I think I started needing
Control when I started
To lack it from others
When my father stopped keeping me on such a tight leash
And my mother finally set me free
I don’t think I knew what to do
So I would cling onto people
And control their every move
Because I didn’t know that was
What you were not supposed to do
Until I ruined everything I had with you
92 · Dec 2018
Wet matches
Iz Dec 2018
I dimmed my flame for you
I smudged out my shine
I covered my gold skin in black tarp
Layer after layer
Until you could no longer tell
How glorious I once was
And I did this all so
You would feel comfortable loving me
I know I was intimidating
My twinkle was blinding
The diamonds buried in my chest, they more
Closely resemble coal now
But when it gets cold down here
In this damp dark hell
I often scoop out some coal and lay it out in front of me
I light it with my flame
That’s barely sizzling
And I remember what I once was
What I never learned to love
Until it was no longer me
And I shiver in the cold
Missin when I was a not just an ember
92 · Dec 2018
Iz Dec 2018
It is the shadow under my step
It is the darkest of feelings
It drips off of me like oil
On wet wood
It is, and isn’t
Who I am
Who I want to be
92 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
Unstitch my soft skin,
dive in me,

Wash over yourself in my love,
love my fear that will
surge through you

Hold all my troubles in your hand,
Be my breathing
91 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
I sit and stare
At the walls
Out my window
At the passing faces in malls
At the cars passing on the road
I’m so numb
Everything I’ve ever come to know
Feels cold
90 · Nov 2018
Young bukowski
Iz Nov 2018
I have developed this poetic alter ego when I write
As my words pour from my ears out onto my paper
I know I have it
I have what many long for
It comes to me and I have to let it out
No matter where I am or what I’m doing
I have not ****** as many without emotion,
Or drank my life away
But I feel some nights my writing reflects the young bukowski in me
As a girl I would read his poems in solitude, I’d soak in his ooey gooey words that reaked of stale cigarettes and *****
They gave me something no other writing has
True untainted feeling
if I had a dollar for every time I wished Charles bukowski was still writing and alive I’d be rich
90 · Nov 2018
Liquid air
Iz Nov 2018
I woke up this morning
Gasping for air
I had been dreaming of diving
The deeper I went the less I wanted to go up
I just kept swimming
Knowing I could only hold my breath so long
I was almost happy
But I remembered that would leave me
Without you
83 · Oct 2018
Shapes and Shadows
Iz Oct 2018
I am my own demise,
the ghosts that grip my past and the fears that shape my future,
I am the vacuum seal I put on my own mouth to keep these catastrophically painful things I am feeling inside,
I am everything I seem to feel and everything I never wanted to be,
but that’s just when I get stuck in my own head,
I know I am more but am I really more if my own head is all I seem To be,
it’s hard not to feel the negativity when it has been the only thing I’ve had through it all,
and in a way my own self hate is more comforting than excepting the flaws I must change,
and understanding I am not who I feel I am, some nights much similar to this one,
not even writing can help the cinder blocks piled in my guts,
but I suppose the time it took to write this was better spent than shoveling coal into my mouth and burning up my Insides,
sometimes we must smolder
Sometimes it is not the writing that heals me but the time I spend focusing on pouring myself out rather than overflowing.
81 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
I reach out
     until my ******* tendons
     and you just watch
standing inches away
     mocking me,
80 · Dec 2018
Iz Dec 2018
I wanted you to beat me
Until my guts were mashed potatoes
But you wanted to hold me close at night
And tell me I was pretty
79 · Nov 2018
Iz Nov 2018
How is it that everyday I find myself falling in love with you all over again
Like a sprinkle that turns to a pour you completely engulf me
And the tingles run up and down my arms and my chest touches the ceiling
I’m madly and completely in love with you like it’s the first time I realized it all over again and I swoon
Iz Dec 2018
Dear gentle cat who loves eveyone he meets
What do you think when you look at me
When you smell my face do you smell the lies I’ve told big and small
When you push your head against my hand
Do you feel the wrong I’ve done with it
The things I’ve stolen, the hits I’ve landed
When you plop down next to me do you
Feel the presence of all who have sat there prior
Do you feel the emptiness of the spaces in my room
Where ones who have now past once sat and laughed
When I scratch your cheeks
Do you know I’ve not been the best me I could have been
Do you know I’ve done wrong
Do you know I am only human
Or do you look at me with those big marble eyes
And see every time I’ve done something nice,
Do you see the groggy mornings were you wake me to feed you
The hours spent laying together as I talk about nonsense
Do you only see the good I am, and understand the bad is only part of me
Tell me cat
Tell me please, what do you see, everytime you look at me
74 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
I thought sweet love poems was my thing
But nothing drips so smoothly from my chapped lips like the woes I leave scattered across my journals and notes
But I suppose I must revisit my past I set off again and again sometime
I might as well write it out
72 · Oct 2018
Recollection of Each Blow
Iz Oct 2018
In every sweaty faced, teary eyed, frizzy haired argument I found myself facing you in,
I never once failed to crumple to my core,
Like waves carrying immense riptides you dragged me in every room around the house by the hair, by the shirt, by the neck, by the wrist,
Like a ******* dog you had me,
wrapped around the leash closely bound by your fists,
And no matter how far I may stray from you,
How long gone I want to think the distant memory of you is
I can still feel you tugging on the chain never fully unlatched,
I listen to your voicemails, I decline your calls by hand,

You are the juggernaut of my fears,
the final boss I can not face
Every time you raise your voice I find myself as a little girl again,
those big dumb blue eyes that didn't ******* understand,
When I looked at you I hurt so deeply inside,
When I look at you I hurt so deeply inside
We both know I'm not busy
We both know I'm avoiding you
But when I listen to your voicemails alone in my room
I feel like that little girl again who wants just so desperately to believe you love me,
you loved me
That you're actually miss me
But I still feel the ghost pains from every smack, slam, and blow
so when I don't answer the phone understand, I'm fighting back everything in me to not answer and let you know,
I don't care if you have, will, or plan to change
The time I granted you to do so is
long gone,
I'm standing up for the me who had not yet learned to love her now callused shell
I haven't seen my father in almost 2 years, it feels good to be the one in control
69 · Oct 2018
Iz Oct 2018
It was slow, thick
God, it was something I have never had
A love so loving so pure,
and we made it
I remember when I knew I had dove too far into our thick sugary syrup
my finger tips grew tingly and my lips a shade of
But you still loved me even though I was collapsing under this
responsibility of loving someone like I never had before
you held me close as our eyes never broke contact
in this caramelized casket we lay
As lovers
and fools.

— The End —