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go on your way
My beloved child
turn aside from
the swerving path
untangle your gaze
to center on Me
stand in courage
hugging wisdom
guard all thoughts
leaning upon My love
release what's behind
and walk on in joy
Proverbs 4

I've always been the good pal
not the one you take to the bal
I'll never be girly and cheesy
people'll maybe say I'm freaky
I'd rather wear snickers and jeans
than wait for the charming prince
I'm the one who likes junk food
not the girl this guy finds cute
I thought I was fine with that
but now I'm feeling kinda sad
I know I'm more like a dude
I hope that's just the prelude
Sit with me in silence.
Hold my hand with the hand
Of your mind.

I'll be your shadow; you be mine.  
We'll rest in two dimensions.
Watch ourselves in 3D.

Safe in the warmth of
Our common intentions. A womb,
A room for you and me.

Let's communicate like mountains;
Be like solid, silent giants.
Sit with me in silence.

A river dug into purest stone after
Uncountable years reflecting
Sunlight, moonlight, stars and blue

Skies unrejecting. Dark clouds too,
In some divine alliance.

*And deep within it's deepest deep,
Two single, uncut diamonds.
Until we're ground to grains of sand,
Sit with me in silence.
How did it feel ?
It hurt...

It hurt so much my heart broke
And my chest implode 
It hurt so bad it made me sick
Now I just want to sleep

It hurt like it never had
I know my words sound sad
It hurt because it was real
And at first that wasn't the deal

It hurt just to think of it
Even for a little bit
It hurt to know I was wrong
To think it would last long

It hurt 'cause it had to
I just need to go through
It hurt but one day it won't
Since someone will heal my wound
 Aug 2015 Justen McLaughlin
Tell me I'm dreaming
When I look upon your face
Your smile is dazzling
Your eyes hold my gaze

And for a moment I'm trapped
Between seconds that refuse
To pass, because they too
See me looking at you
Even time is stopped by your charming self

— The End —