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  Aug 2022 Hello Daisies
Press me against you
Like flowers in a book
Hello Daisies Aug 2022
I know it's annoying
I know I'm a broken record
For months
And years
Crying over the same things
But it's like
I lost the best part of me
And she's ran away
Without ever missing me

I have to ask myself
What's wrong with me
I have to ask everyone
If they still love me
Or if they're also planning
On leaving me

I want this to stop
I can tell myself to get over it
But it won't quit
I can call you a *****
Tell you you're selfish

But I still won't win
I've lost
So much these three years
And Everytime I try to heal
I lose something else precious
It's miraculous
I'm still trying

There is no denying
This will always hurt
Can I ever heal the burn
When is it my turn
To tell everyone off
To tell you you hurt me
And I don't want to see you
Or pretend it's okay
Or pretend it'll go away
But you left me once again
Broken and lost
Crying and lying
Thinking I'll never be good enough
Now I truly feel everyone will leave me
I can't get close to anyone
Befriend anyone
Everyone hates me
Or loses interest
Best friend for ten years
Guess that really meant nothing

Tried to make amends and you left me
Didn't even try
And acted like nothing transpired
Nothing matters to you besides yourself
I gave you so much of me
And you took it and gave nothing back
Well one thing back
Broken pieces of a heart
That was already trying to heal

You steal
And hide
You run
And lie
You pretend
And make fake friends
You are selfish
You were never
My best forever
But a user
Who wanted to feel safe
Wanted someone to throw everything on
We had so many amazing memories
Now they're ruined
All burnt
She's broken now too
The group is gone
The place I thought I belonged
It haunts me
Every face name and place I see
I'm drowning under sea
Chained down and gagged
While you watch
Driving your boat to safety
Leaving us behind for the unknown

Where do I go now
How can I escape
They say get over it
Like I was ever good at getting over anything
Even if I was
I could never get over this
What I thought we had was bliss
Now it's an empty abyss

It's gone amidst
Ghost haunt me in the dark
Your face lurking in my dreams
You're life terrozing my job
Everytime I see you with that snob

So how do I get over this
The best parts of me
The happiest memories
Thrown away in the trash
Like it never mattered
Like I don't matter
You were the one who taught me to heal
To feel something so real
But you became so selfish
You threw me away
And now you don't wanna say
That it's over

Leaving me doubting
Leaving me wondering

I have been so used
It's time to let go
But I've gripped so hard to this
How do I let go of my life ?
Even if it's all gone
I can't let it go
You were everything
We were everything
Now we are nothing
And I'm just suffering
Turning to rage
Locked away
Throwing up emotions
Every day

I want myself back
I want you back
Us three back

How can it be right
To throw this away
It feels wrong
Makes me sick
I can't even fathom it

But you

You already took the trash out
And never looked back
Hello Daisies Aug 2022
The moon shines down
Bigger then ever
Better then wherever
I left my heart last

a sign of beauty
Of romance
Wanting to dance
Or even prance!

I've been feeling loss
All kinds of grief
It's still within me
It'll never leave

sights like this
Chills in the air
Blow upon my skin
Problems seem so thin

My heart hurts
It follows me everywhere
Sometimes I forget why
the pain stays the same

In the name of this pain
I try to find my peace
Sometimes the moon shines
I feel a great release

Thank you for the beauty
Thank you for the calm
I want to rest my head
On the shimmering palm
Of the moons light

Ever so bright
Take my grief
My ball of hate
Take the weight
throw it away

In the seasons
It'll return
Through the wind
Crashing until burn
Into my skin
I'll feel the fire
But I'll never tire
Of what is higher

Shine down upon me
Let me glow
I will grow
Ever stronger
As I hope longer
For the pain to settle

The fires will calm
Every autumn
Perhaps sleep
Every winter
I know it'll attack
Ever harder
In the summer

As I await the return of your peace
I'll never forget
The promise
Of your sweet relief

Life is bittersweet
At it's very best
It's all a mess
I fight the screeching
With the hope of whispers
Quietly speaking
your delicate breeze

Thank you moon for shining tonight
For glowing ever so bright
The biggest I've seen you in many nights
My grief has calmed
The storm is not gone
But settled
For a night of love
For a moment of peace
Just a dash of hope
a night to hold
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
The weather's warming up
Spring is here
Then soon summer
Everyone's out
And about
Happy smiles glowing everywhere

I don't dare
Try to smile
Summer is vile
Spring brings the pain

It is nothing but a stain
Of my suffering
The loss I've felt
The assault I've dealt

It's not a myth
It's torture
I can't keep going
I wish it was snowing

My heart is in shreds
My body is bleeding lead
I miss her
I feel him
I'm broken within

I can't keep doing this
Crazy mind games
Please let me go
Summer has such a hold

Like shackles ripping my flesh open
Slowly and red
Rashes and dread
I cannot escape
The sweat
And blood
Of everyone's beloved
Just wrote a lot of poems and thought I post them been going through it
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
From GTA
To oakwood
To living together
Us three
To gorillas with bananas
To 2019 no more virgins

I am hurting
I am lost
I have lost
So much
How can I go on

From cons
To Brian jokes
To surprise birthday cakes
And surprise birthday trips

Where do I get
My sanity back
My heart to not hurt
Release the memories
Into the ocean

I can't contain them
They are tearing me apart,
Ripping out my heart
Would hurt less

You seem fine
I gave you your new life
Guess I couldn't be in it
I still can't believe it

Best friends forever
Sisters like no others
Stronger then lovers
Gone and alone
Like whatever

I still remember
First meeting you
Playing that game
Thinking you're cool
I still remember
Introducing you
Sharing the memes
Thinking this is everything

I still remember the concerts
I still remember prom
I still remember getting in trouble together
Dying are hair
Without a care

I still remember best friends forever
I guess you forgot
What that meant
Prioritize anyone but us
And just forgot about us

You can move on
But I can't go on
I still remember it all
Hits me like a train
Or wrecking ball
I'm down for the count
I can't be doing this
Let me let go of the sadness

Best friends forever
Means nothing
If you can't remember
To love your friends
And be with us
It's so obvious
You're gone

And I am not too far along
But where I go I do not know
Feels like I'm already in hell

*** I also remember

Ditching me for her
Replacing me with another
Forgetting me for him
Not being there when she died
Always telling me a lie
And I'd forgive you
To not lose you
But it hurt
More and more
It hurts
How id beg
Basically on my knees
How pathetic I became
Yet again
For your attention

I still remember it all
And I'm starting to fall
Completely apart

Pls let the pain stop
Let the memories go
It's hurting me
I don't want to forget the good
But the bad is too much from you
You broke our hearts
And you didn't even fall apart

Hello Daisies Jun 2022
Nothing beats the
The amazement
Being wonderstruck

From 500 thousand dandelions
In a field
Just me
Happy as can be

I'm rolling
I'm tumbling
The dandelions have taken hold of me

Behind a playground
Little ol me
Lost in the field
Momma's looking for me
Hours have passed

I'm not her daughter right now
I'm a fairie
And this is my land
My fun
My everything
The dandelions chose me
And nothing has the same beauty

As that sweet innocent bliss
From a simple thing
Like dandelions and me
Feeling free as a bee 🐝

Why can't I still be that happy
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
b e happy
Be h a ..ppy
Be happy
Be happy
Be HAppy
Be haPPY

H A  P P Y

I'm trying to remember
To be happy
They say it's a choice
I just have to tell myself
Stop crying
Be happy
I keep telling myself
Stop crying
Be happy
I'll repeat myself
Stop crying
Be happy
When will it work
Or will I just keep
Repeating myself
Stop crying
Be happy
The words lose meaning
It's just gibberish
It's mush
I'm mush
Can I love myself
Can I believe myself
Can I choose to leave
My suffering
I want to stop crying
I want to stop breaking
My own heart
It hurts
So everything hurts
Down the hole I go
Dark and desperate
Crying all the time
But if I tell myself
To smile
Will it help
For awhile
Then I'll fall
Crash into the abyss
My solitude
Give me no gratitude
Let me loathe myself
Til I can climb the hole
And breathe again
Does it really work
I keep trying
A broken record
I'm annoying for sure
But here I go

Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
I can't seem to just
Be happy
Let my body rest
Let me do things I love
I can always climb above
But it takes me unreasonably long
To stop the dreadful song
And just be ******* happy
Or least
Halfway content

That isn't
This suffering
Love myself
And forgive myself
And forget the bad
And be
For just
A minute
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