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 Feb 28 Crow
Lizzie Bevis
Peaceful sleep washes
over my consciousness,
I shroud myself
in the warmth of a duvet
and close my eyes.
Time passes in waves
washing the day away.

Colours spiral and blend,
as logic bends,
and I float weightlessly
through memories
that have never happened,
as I can only imagine.

The moon guards my secrets,
in a language
that I almost understand,
while I am everywhere
and nowhere,
dreaming through
seas of starlight
in my dreamland.

Then, my eyes snap open,
and reality crashes over me
like a wave of cold water,
leaving an emptiness
of something once profound,
and scenes that I
can no longer recall.
I can only hope
that it was a beautiful dream.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I wrote this at 01:00 and then promptly fell back to sleep again.
 Feb 28 Crow
Theodorus Rex
Her laugh buoyed me to her heart
Until her teeth turned to stars
And I tumbled into the crease of her caverns
While the trees groan
Dining on the vision
Of two halves dissolving into one.

The roots of morning
Claw at our pillows
Legs jack-knifed into perfect disorder
Curving back unto themselves —
One into another
Until our breath is unison.

We are lovers wearing each other's scent -
The lamp of my heart burning for these moments
My fingers tracing the curl of her ear
Until the stillness of silence
Devours all whispers

 Feb 28 Crow
owls at dawn
we went to the cryptozoology museum
which was filled with oddities and people staring
at the oddities
and demonizing the oddities
and reading about other people demonizing
the oddities
poor secretive creatures
just trying to live their best hidden lives
it made me sad but

if I'm honest
                   I have
         an oddity
                           of my own
  I stare
 Feb 28 Crow
Marc Morais
 Feb 28 Crow
Marc Morais
It doesn’t stay neat—
nothing does.
Not the room.
Not the mind.
Not the feelings
I have for you.

I spill everything out—
ink, blood, tears—
whatever I hold
too tight.

Even the rain
trips over itself,
but you call it
you always do.
 Feb 28 Crow
Sonia Ettyang
Our souls do what they do best. Speak fluently in silence.
 Feb 28 Crow
Clay Micallef
My mind drifts
across the sea
to the sharp edge
of the world
where the sun
sleeps peacefully
with its
splendid poetry
I search for truth
like it’s something
I can find in the
last slice of light
in between is where
the secrets lie
in between the
empty hands of time
between your life
and mine
it’s written across
the night sky
between the stars
between the dark
spaces in our mind
close your eyes
I’ll find you here …
 Feb 28 Crow
Clay Micallef
When the street lights
have gone out
and most people are asleep
all wrapped up tight in their
delicate dreaming
a fallen angel brings me
fragile and broken words
aren’t they beautiful
she whispers
don’t show them
to anyone
if you do they will see
who you really are
they will know
every little secret
that you keep hidden
in your perfect silence
they will know that
you’re one of the kind ones
the wolves will know
your weakness …
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