We were a traveling choir
1st Sopranos sang higher
Our harmony, so precise
Our sound could entice
Getting older Time to retire
Voices others respect admire
We had different goals In the end
We understood musical notes transcend
Romance Of Music in our soul
That feeling in a song will never let go
It’s an experience to remember
Especially the concerts in December
We all sang a cappella
18 voices looking for our fella
Inspired song;
The music in you
By John Denver
This is John Denver’s
shortest song at 56 seconds.
This song has the most profound
effect over my entire life;
“ Music makes pictures,
and often tells stories
All of its magic, and all of its true
and all of the pictures and all of the stories all of the magic the music is you“
That’s it. The entire song
It’s song twice
It’s worth listening to and then
Perhaps you’ll understand what I mean.
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
A cappella 11-6-24
Singing without instrumental, music
My stepsister was a coloratura
She took voice lessons to train her voice to be able to break a glass. She had a gift and didn’t care. There’s not that many soprano Coloraturas in the world. it’s truly something to behold ..
I was told I had a beautiful voice,
but it pales into comparison to your sister.
I was in the elite group for six years. we travel to different places for competition competing against other a cappella choirs
But unless you had a voice like my stepsister, you’re not going to really got anywhere
with your music.
In high school, the school drama class did the play of West side story, and of course the actress could not sing. So I was off in the wings singing this songs, and she was mouthing the songs as if she was singing... because she was in drama, and I was only in choir. I thought it was so silly because they were doing musicals. But I never wanted to be an actress then. later in college, I did star in a musical my first, and only time on stage .the bug did not bite me. I couldn’t wait to get off stage, but it was cool to have a standing ovation in a packed auditorium.
I also sang , The star spangle banner at graduation.I was an instructor. 5000 people three-story auditorium, quite amazing place. I was nervous.. I have had many adventures.
I could defined my life through Music Define moments in time. define moments in time. I could hear a song, and it will take me back to an epic Life eventsmarked by music.