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 Apr 2020 Gina
Ivy Davenport
this is the last time
I lose sleep over you

the last time
my dreams don't come true

cause I'm done
making other people happy

stop stealing my joy
you don't have power over me

I'm giving you a yellow page
so tape it to your face

this is my final notice
the rest of you I erase
 Apr 2020 Gina
If you care
 Apr 2020 Gina
Save me if you must.
Love me if you dare.
Turn me into dust.
Leave me if you care.
A short poem about something.
What is still not certain. But then again, is anything?
 Jun 2019 Gina
 Jun 2019 Gina
Mom asked me a simple question
'What do you want to be?'
So I answered proudly
'I wanna be an astronaut,
simply because I want to thank every each
of the stars and the galaxy,
for taking care of you and letting me have you
in my humble life'
 Apr 2019 Gina
Thomas Wan
 Apr 2019 Gina
Thomas Wan
Love is like taxis
They're everywhere when you don't need it
But nowhere to be found when you do
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