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There is a day when dreams are
Exiled, left to waste away --
The dry sands of tomorrow.
Magnificent dreams,
Too daring, ambitious, demanding,
Cast aside, in hopes that they’ll
Flourish on their own.
We’ll dream once more…

There is a day when opportunities
Are swallowed by the tides,
And sink to fathomless trenches
Never to be seen again,
For there might be another one…

There is a day when unspoken words
With the potential to change a life sit
In one’s tongue, embittering over time,
Since someone else will speak them…

There is a day when the Earth will perish
By exploitive and negligent hands.
We were all aware of what was to come,
So let us amend our ways...

Somethings simply just cannot wait.
Perhaps tomorrow is a day too late.
Did she ever felt all consumed
to her last bits, endurance
following a path leading to a vacuum,
her flesh boils with pain, just enhanced.
she ties her hair up into a bun
climbs the creaky stairs
to read bedtime stories, a typical working woman
where her little girls await.
No matter what, she manages to
survive only for the ones
she foolishly believes are close, may pure
be her heart from any regrets.
dedicated to my mom, a working woman who goes through all but when we need her, she's right beside.
Has lost its way
Forgotten what it meant to live
Greed rules the lands
Hate divides
And ignorance shackles

Has began to die
Corruption reigns with an iron fist
Can't seem to find the light amongst the fog of evil
To give power to those that would lead to healing

It means we'll all rot
To be herded by the lies of the media
Beauty is the only way
Thin is beauty
Shallow is beauty
Fraud is beauty
To be separated by outdated prejudice
Gays are sinners
White is the true superior race
Money can buy anything,
Even love
To be set on a road of self destruction
Poverty is for the lower class
Intelligence is for the weak
Individuality is for the outcasts

Has forgotten what it means to be human
To find the balance
Love without fear
Fight the injustice for freedom of thought,
Freedom to be unique,
Freedom to live,
To live with a purpose

A purpose
That's what Humanity has lost
Humanity just keeps worsening and soon, it'll cease to even know what it means to be human.
She dug me up, amid the ground,
She dust me off with her soft graze.
Her hands were stained chestnut brown,
Her golden eyes were set ablaze.

She brought the sun into my life,
And brushed the gravel from my lips.
Away with the dirt went the strife
And with the sun, came loving bliss.

Together we grew, sprouting blooms.
Roses of such sweet love and care,
We filled the air with sweet perfumes
And added color to the air.

Now tell me what is the reason,
That we should too,
End with the season?
Robert Frost Pastiche, done in style of many of his works.
Sitting here, amidst these ruins
Waiting for something to come
Be it train or deer or people
I hope it's soon--I'm going numb

I wish there'd be a gentle breeze
To stir the moisture in the air
Then, perhaps, I'd concentrate
On poetry, not sweaty hair

An hour passes, perhaps two
Or maybe only twenty minutes?
I can't quite focus--this is hard
I might just listen to the crickets

But I'm not quitter--this'll get done
All I need's a bit more inspiration
This oil well of creativity is running dry
My artsy engine's suffering from dehydration

Guess I'll dig and drill and dig some more
Until I hit a vein of ingenuity
Perchance the topic'd be of love
Or of some ethereal obscurity

Yet pen to paper doesn't click
No matter how it's written
Not love, not pain, not anything
Appears to simply fit in

So after several hours here
I think I have decided
To simply base this poem on
What life now has provided.
This took like 6 hours to write (*******). We had a coffehouse poetry thing at my school and I wanted to write something for that but I couldn't think of anything so
This happened
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