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Gala Jun 2018
Going out felt like
hiding in plain sight.

Just good friends
hanging out.

No stares,
no questions.

We became secret
agents those days.

Walking around
in our eternal haze.
Gala Jun 2018
I want you
all to myself.
I want to bask shamelessly
in your light.
Stare at those bright, hopeful eyes;
without fear of lies.

I need you,
more than i would like.
That soft touch with those delicate hands,
as it meets all my demands.
Gala Jun 2018
Lazy sundowns
as we stare at that old white ceiling.

Fingers intertwined,
thinking about the "ifs" of our future.

It was peaceful there,
in our private place.

Oh what a contrast
to the real world.
Gala Jun 2018
Desire burns as we throw caution to the wind.

Your lips,
Inviting and sweet.
Just as great as I have imagined.

My mind,
panicking at the implications
of our reckless actions.

Your eyes,
Gold shining wild
in the dark.

My heart,
bursting with love
and endless need.

Our fate,
Sealed through an unbreakable bond.
Gala Jun 2018
Trying to act casual,
when you take my hand in yours.
You have done this a million times.
Yet this time my feelings come alive.

The pit in my stomach
slowly fills with butterflies,
and for the first time
it is not unwise.
Gala Jun 2018
Yesterday you promised to stop
Today, you did it again
There is no point in trying
You know that

The slick red is calling
The blade shining

Muscle memory serves you well
My dear
Without thinking you continue
No sign of fear

The pain is but an afterthought,
Barely present
There is danger in those feelings
As you begin your slow descent

No sane person would ever do it
But then again
We both know you are not sane

How far will you go love?
No true boundary stops you
No other but the one above

You are branded
by that iron of thought

Silently announcing the show
Just to end up alone
Like you did all that time ago

You promised to stop
But it has your soul
And you finally realize
There is nowhere to run
Gala Jun 2018
Thinking about you makes me uneasy
- Clearly a bad sign.
But it has been proven
- I am not really fine.

Your words appear
profound and important.
Yet they hide a twisted
and lonely portrait.

When I try to control these feelings
- My hear ignores me
and continues cheating.

It clearly wants you,
oblivious to the curse you carry.
It gives itself away,
and all to my mind's dismay.

— The End —