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Shay May 2019
In a place of absolute bliss

I can sense your arrival
Unlike any other

I can see you approaching with a glisten in your eyes

You have evolved
Yet another height

Never to be expected by many

Your smile the purest form
Like that of a child

Your strength inconceivable
How tall you’ve grown

I see you
I see me

For it is me that has mutated to the essence of the authentic self

Untainted by the world
Yet from this world

I can see your glisten
Radiant as the stars in the galaxies

Unknown to men

Illuminating beyond all beliefs
As I stand and leap forward to gaze into a closer look

Let me see you
Let me see me

Now I’m captivated
In hypnotic state of soul

Never to be released

For this is all I know.....
All I ever want to know.
Trust the process
Shay Dec 2018
Stay me
Why won’t you stay

You continue  to run from time running from what you fail to see is your own shadow

Stay face me with me
Together we can hold hands and interlock a bond unbreakable by the universe itself

Can you not see that every eye contact you make is the deepest fears of yourself begging to be accepted and cradle

Stay me
Stop running
Dwell for just a few and relinquish all control

Allow the freedom of internal chaos to be your best dance yet

Alas the revelation that fear was never tangible only imaginative

Why won’t you believe for one second that the you that exist is the me you hide from

Enough !
Now you see that me is seeking reconciliation
Grab my hand place your face on mine
Your lips on mine
your heart beat on mine and release

I feel you shiver, your hairs standing
Don’t tremble dearest one

I hear you scream “let go”!
I watch you flee into the abyss

I’ll be here again when you arrive
saying won’t you stay with me just a little bit longer this time
Shay Dec 2018
Petals in the wind
So effortlessly dancing around my chaos

Ocean breeze pushing against the current of my soul

Why so tormented are you
Must you be drawn back to the ripples in the water of your evolution

Of your rebirth



Messages from and to within
All lies in the wind

Like petals in the wind
Dancing so effortlessly in my chaos

Life is the dancer and I the dance

Shay Jun 2017
Aware more than ever of the inner war raging within

Rolling thunders caving at my soul
So much chest pain
When will I ever reach it's chest to unveil all that is owed to me
But, how can I be so foolish again to ponder at the thought of judgment

Lest, I seal my heart of an unknown knowledge to man

I am the bottomless pit
The highest peak
The force of each effortless wave

I am the whisper in the wintery nights and the comfort in each sun ray

Open your eyes see it all
Grasp it all
Arouse each molecule
Resurrecting the tasteless triggers that can upset the soul of the universe

Even still, seal your heart
Listen carefully for it's dancing rhythm and lest your smile be its violin.
  May 2017 Shay
i wrote a lot of great poetry when i was in love
i wrote even better poetry when i was in pain
i wrote the best poetry when i realized that the two emotions were actually the same.
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