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 Nov 2017 Mystic904
A long road ahead. .
No light in sight..
No destination do I know.
Will there ever be a respite?

Where do I go?
No one by my side
Clinging to hope,
Praying for time .

Have to find a way.
Though I still can't see the light.
Have come so far..
Can't give up the fight.

Somehow I know
Deep in my heart
I will survive
And if dreams do true..
One day...
So will mine .

But then again..
Where do I go?
Dreams... hopes.  Aspirations much to little time. .at a crossroad where I dont know where to go?Can anyone help me find a way?
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Dr Peter Lim
No wonder so many people
you did so often antagonise
you boasted wherever you went
that you were smart and wise.
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Satsih Verma
You start forgetting
the absence of
existence. Wishing to remain
dead for sometime― to see what you did't
want to see in the hands of god.

A tricky aura
overlaps the consciousness―
of proxy war. Someone
cries out for the earth's hug.
Wolves start howling. This
was a stainless ******.

I get nightmares. Craft
slips from the tongue. You
must decide for yourself, who
was a clean angel. Door was
locked, key in your pocket.
You cannot move in the absence of proof.

I told you, we are heading
towards the Apocalypse.
The oceans waves lift, slowly each droplet rising
Reaching the height of the earth the endless stream of water fighting
Particles refracting and contracting in the sunlight
brilliant rainbows glisten in rivulets so bright

The crystal waters thrusts beyond the sky
The oceans torrents beating to its lullaby
The Moons orbit nears
The water freezing to a blizzard of tears

A river of ice drifts toward the moon engulfed in dark
The stream of shards remaining Stark
The impact is dazzling, but frightening too
I flood and spiral around, am I on cue

I am so glad we can meet and be one presence
Let us swing around and dance through the heavens
After being cold for so long, I'm not sure how to handle your heat
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
my skin burns at the thought of your fingertips
molten lava inside my veins
parched lips wanting you...
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Decorating my bedroom floor.
Lit candles
Flickering upon nightstands.
Our favorite gentle music
Dancing into my ears.
And you're there, too
Waiting upon bed sheets
Bidding me come.
And as passion befalls me
Cold, frigid water
Rushes down my naked skin.
The warm water exhausted
Brings me back
To sitting in the shower
I miss you, baby
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