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Fairy Sparks Jul 2016
love of my life
dearly life
I'm looking for you with my whole life
asking to god every night
where is my man
is he coming tonight?
I'm waiting for the answer of our holy father,
but nothing I hear
nothing was right
man of my life
wondering where are you now?
so tonight as I close my eyes
I hope you're  wondering
how am I doing tonight.
I'm always dreaming about a guy But I can't see his face, it's blurry and he calls me baby
Fairy Sparks Mar 2016
I tried,
I tried to understand you.
I tried not to give up on you
but I can't
You're so bad
we can't handle you anymore.
so as you leave
I wish the word
of god with you...
By: Fairy Sparks
  Mar 2016 Fairy Sparks
"At least I have a girlfriend...."
everyone laughs

Yeah I may be going solo
Here's something you should know, though
I had a girlfriend once too
But now I am on my own

"I bet you think you're so hard
Did she get rid of you?
Did you dump her?
Was it because you're a ******
And have nothing better to do?"

everyone laughs again

Nah, I am not *******
I just extinguished the fire I started
Because the stress was killing me
I may be cold sometimes,
But I ain't no beast

I've got a heart too, I guess
Though I wouldn't mind if you were laid to rest
Because if these insults are some form of test
The only thing you're wasting is your breath

"Nah, I'm just showing how much better I am
And how having a girlfriend makes me a man"

Last time I checked, to be a man,
You didn't need
A girl to beat
Do you understand?

"Aw, ******* ****
You're just being a *****
Why don't you just bend over
And go **** on someone's' ****"

A few people shake their heads

I just said I had a girlfriend
What, because I'm single means I'm suddenly gay?
Tell you what mate, I still like girls
Oh, and by the way...

If you don't beat your girlfriend
Why is her face all cuts and bruises?
Did you do it because you're a "man?"
I really hate you losers

Hit a girl for no reason
"Awww it's coz I'm tough"
impersonates drunk, gets a few laughs
It's pronounced "girl" not "punching bag"
Do you want to know what's rough?

"No, what's rough"
Drunken man takes a swing, misses

"My fist"
just something I thought of. don't know why, but probably because of past things I have heard, of girls being beat up by drunks. Not cool
Fairy Sparks Mar 2016
You're just a boy
that everybody loves
they're going to do
everything and anything
just to be with you
they're dying to hear your voice

You're just a dream
that every lady
doesn't want to wake up.

If I could just tell to god
to let my hands
fit yours.
By:Fairy Sparks
hope to meet him soon..
  Mar 2016 Fairy Sparks
religion should be about hope
not putting fear in other people's souls
should be about about peace
not about starting wars
about forgiveness
not about punishing innocent hearts

imagine all the people living life in peace

but how can one do this when bombs are thrown
instead of love
when moms cry
and children die
peace is impossible to be seen
when music dies and we hear only desperate hearts
wondering why.

we have different Gods and rules
our prayers sound different
our holy books are not the same
there are many sins in our souls
you're not God, nor am I
and none of us should play
the game of washing sins away
with spilled blood
and shed tears.
I feel pain for all the victims of bomb attacks.
  Mar 2016 Fairy Sparks
I will always know the beauty
Of your big blue eyes
Even if the tears are forming
If you feel its storming
And bringing heavy rain
I see the joy behind the pain

A hand to hold
A friendly smile
A savior

You know that I care
That I'll always be there
Despite the distance
And any ocean in between

I will always know the beauty
Of your big blue eyes
And if they're crying
I'll be the one to dry your tears
If you feel its storming
I'll be the sun behind the clouds

I am next to you
And your eyes
They are not sad

And you will hear my song
And sing along
I'll destroy these walls
And together we build bridges

I'll always know the beauty
Of your big blue crying eyes
There is nothing more gorgeous to me
The words you speak
The way we believe
Nothing I'd rather be

Its okay if your not always strong
And its okay to cry
Just as long as those big blue crying eyes
Can smile once in a while

You would want the same for me
A hand to hold
A savior
For Lil' ***
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