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 Jun 2021 FC Azaele
Rupert Pip
All of my favorite things
involve your

or the way your hair would
naturally fall over your eye
as though it was the veil
that was hiding the only
woman in the room.

Everything else is
when you open
your mouth,

the world doesn't
turn when you

the rain doesn't pour
when you

nobody sings when
you talk

piano keys won't pla-

Or uh...
 Jun 2021 FC Azaele
 Jun 2021 FC Azaele
You mesmerized my soul
Caught all my attention

Drawn me into your world
Lost myself into you

Still lost in your world
Trapped in you
with open petals
sunflower awaits sunrise
nodding  and smiling.
My mouth is sealed
My spirit sings
My soul is weary
I long for rest.

Lead me beside the still waters
Wash me in rivers of joy
Let me run through the open fields without fear.
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Caleb Kyme
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Caleb Kyme
I just want us to dance, babe
I know he hurt you
I know your heart is broken
Let's dance to the beat of your broken heart
Here's my chest, make it wet with your tear
Feel the warm as I hold you tight
It's icy outside
I will not leave you
Just be the love of my life.
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Verse Voyager
‘Take away my blues ‘
I said a quiet prayer.
‘What will you have left then?’
Answered God
‘The sky I painted
The seas tainted
Are there for you
to blend into.
Blue is here to stay.’
‘Go on’ he said
‘I have a busy day...
 May 2021 FC Azaele
sometimes i want to burn things
to see them dance with the fire
two partners, fighting for an infinite second
in the brick fireplace of a temporary being.

then they are gone, turned to ashes
the fire burns itself out.
that dance, so beautiful, so inevitable
only lasted a second
before the dancers had places to be

encore, encore
and get another piece of scrap paper
and light another match.

oh, to be the fire
primitive and swirling.
but no.

i'll just have to watch.
 May 2021 FC Azaele
 May 2021 FC Azaele
You know,
I find myself saying
"I'm sorry"
quite a lot.

Back then
apologies were beat out of me,
so now they just bleed out
from the scars
on their own.
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