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Esther Feb 2016
Is this really what I want?
To spend hundreds of dollars,
On brand name clothing
I'll eventually grow out of?

Is this really what I want?
To act like someone
Who is the exact opposite
Of who I truly am?

Is this really what I want?
To do things
That go against my beliefs
Or what I see to be right?

Is this really what I want?
To pay hundreds of dollars
Every few months
Just do get my hair done?

This isn't what I want,
This is what the
world of today wants.
Esther Feb 2016
We live in a strange world
Where people are full of hatred
And innocent people are hated

We live in a strange world
Where little girls are willing to paint their faces
And take off braces

We live in a strange world
Where everyone sees beauty in only one way
And worry about how much they weigh

We live in a strange world
Which people destroy
And pollute

Won't anyone come to their senses?
How long are we going to be like this?
Someone help us
Esther Feb 2016
Walking alone in the darkness
My world looks so different from yours
No one notices
No one takes my hand

Somebody please
Just notice my pain
I just want to reset
Want to return to my happy days
I want to reset
Just help me reset

I'm just stuck in this lonely darkness
Floating around, hopeless
Someone tell me why I'm lonely
Why is only my world stopping?

Walking with someone in the dark
is better than walking alone in the light
So please just offer your hand
One hand is enough to help

Help me go back to the beautiful days
I want to reset
Just help me reset

I need a hand of warmth
But why isn't anyone there?
All I get is weird looks
Don't we all deserve the help we need?
We can all breathe.....
Isn't it the same?

I pray for a society
Where we get the help we need
Without the discrimination
We all deserve that hand of warmth.

I just want to go back to those fun days
Just help me reset
Reset my whole life

Finally, I can breathe....
I actually have a reason to live,
Your smile that is very warm
Finds me before disappearing
In the darkness your smile
Shines brightly into my gloomy heart

I can finally reset
Reset my life
Into the light I come
My new life awaits
I'll be sure to give
A hand of warmth
To that person
Who needs help resetting
Esther Feb 2016
Don't smile...Nobody loves you
Wait until they ask
Let the inner depressing part of you take over
That is how you really feel
At least then you won't have to smile anymore fake smiles
Now people will actually know what goes on underneath that smile and laughter
You don't belong
You're just a loser, coward, and a selfish piece of trash.
You tried to fit in but it doesn't help
Just live knowing no one would mind if you disappeared
All they do is take advantage of you
They get what they want and ignore you
It's actually pretty exciting knowing that the
world around you is slowly caving in
Yeah I may seem happy,
But this is me

This part of me
Is lighting up
The part of me
That is willing to smile for those
who truly love me
Even when I feel horrible
There is a part of me
That wants to stand tall
And show the world what I have to offer
When ever I see the faces of those I love,
That is what keeps me going
Even though there are people
who wouldn't care if I disappeared
People like you reading this do
I hope...
I meant 'you' as in me
Esther Feb 2016
It's just fate
Which can hurt
A lot
And can make you feel like dying
It's feels as if the world is caving in
But no one seems to notice
U end up in pain
With nothing to gain
Suffering all by your self
In a corner
Like a loner
Because of this harsh thing,
Called fate
Esther Feb 2016
I really do like you...
Even though you hurt me
Even though you left me in the shadows
I still dream of us under a mistletoe
Even though we are only friends
To me it seems like you pretend
I understand you don't want to hurt me anymore
Even though you haven't said a single word about it
I'm okay with it
I won't doubt it.
It must have been hard for you
But I was also scarred
Just remember I'm always here
Even if you disappear,
I will wait
Hoping we're soul mates

I really do like you
Even though you hurt me, and scarred me too.
Even though you left me, and came back.

I still love you.

Why do I still love you?
For a reason I don't know,
Please just don't go.

— The End —