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Ek Aug 2018
Little baby doll got a new dress
Pressed with flowers and diamonds
For the high school fest
But the shadow men hunt
Where the glass ball hung
So they tore it to shreds
And left her for numb

A blue mother on the street is weeping
Sweeping ashes of leaving
After a cradle was taken
And the box was a cell
That the man claimed a bell
Could paint it education
When clearly a jail

When 12 kicking boys had entered demise
Their eyes gazed around in goodbyes
As the mouth shut them inside
Now the river is flowing
And noses are blowing
As the ball is aside
And no one is toeing

I stand up and stretch
A page has been ripped
And a brown drop of bean
Gently covered their face
A name is nothing but a headline
And a life but a text

The pig has learned to stand it seems
His seams been tied with newfound peace
So humbly has his weapons been ceased
But how long can this charade now last
The past’s been proven to re-act fast
The southern neighbor bows to no beast
They firmly remember a red borne past
Ek Aug 2018
Vicious with his knives
Sneaks up behind his victims
Slices them with a smile

And all the while they whine
Vicious shines a light
Illuminating the Divine

For which all of his crimes
Add up in the sky
As the government lies

And the homeless do not mind
They're busy picking up grime
And so Vicious must oblige

Pointing to the high
Who clearly can't divide
And the fire is nigh
Ek Aug 2018
I heard a man today claim
that life is like bubbles caught in the rain
any day now ours will fade
and leave behind whatever remains

It rained in Toronto today
rained on pavement and on road
rained on garbage and on stone
rained on children and of old

Umbrella's of yellow and green
shelter the schools from hurricanes obscene
a little tear from sharpened sleeve
will open up a wound to heal

Stacked on boxes of holes inside holes
an echo chamber with no place to go
cast away boat alone on the shore
will open up all new kinds of pores

And when it rains, it rains hard
all the umbrella's been scared by a shard
the boxes are all now to discard
if only there were a bubble like heart
The rain has plenty of mercy
it washes mud away from the cold

The rain has plenty of mercy
it reveals the garbage painted in gold
Ek Aug 2018
Why do we lament about the loss of light
when there is so much to be uncovered
in the dark?
Ek Aug 2018
What do you think it's about
what Do you think it's about
what do You think it's about
what do you Think it's about
what do you think It's about
what do you think it's About
Ek Aug 2018
I'm so stupid I'm so dumb
I'm so naive I'm so young
I'm so easy I'm so impressed
I'm so hasty I'm so obsessed
Ek Jul 2018
Every way your eye can see
there's somebody there waiting for sea
they've built their boat they've backed their bags
and I'm left behind fighting for air

I remember being told long ago
that the ocean's frightful if you drift aboard
yet the wood remained trees as I couldn't decide
cause I couldn't choose a particular style

Behind me, the earth's begins shaking
it's rumbling and my home's quaking
ahead the sea is screaming
I see it tugging my friends; all dreaming

But I love standing on the shoreline
between the ruins and the sunrise
I know I shouldn't stay for long
before my legs begin to corrode
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