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Ek Jul 2018
Every way your eye can see
there's somebody there waiting for sea
they've built their boat they've backed their bags
and I'm left behind fighting for air

I remember being told long ago
that the ocean's frightful if you drift aboard
yet the wood remained trees as I couldn't decide
cause I couldn't choose a particular style

Behind me, the earth's begins shaking
it's rumbling and my home's quaking
ahead the sea is screaming
I see it tugging my friends; all dreaming

But I love standing on the shoreline
between the ruins and the sunrise
I know I shouldn't stay for long
before my legs begin to corrode
Ek Jul 2018
Mirror Mirror what a shame
you've come to ruin another name
smudged in ink
she sank like zinc
before I even knew to blame

Little birdie picking mice
did you know she slept in ice?
Bobbing head
yessings said
and with that, my throat she sliced

Such a midnight spoken blur
whatever did I do to her?
handed hand
she broke my stand
the biggest alley whisperer

It never were a slip of Freud
and now I see she's paranoid
people smart
with empty heart
she dropped my secrets into the void
Ek Jun 2018
I have pictures of the sun rays creeping through the thin tree branches
I have pictures of the waves sleeping on coral sandy beaches
I have pictures of the clouds dancing in an orchestrated line in the sky
But ****, I wish I had a picture of your smile
Ek Jun 2018
O my dearest serenity
you've watched me all my life
pray tell me if I ever garnered
such bad karma from the skies

I break my legs to stay on track
I blind my eyes to not gaze back
do tell me why 6 hawks now monitor
aligning me to the ground

And so close to confetti;
I guess annual traditions must occur
much like with you and my mother
paying a monthly return

But please o do tell me
how I've trickled into this
straight in the middle of a quarreling couple
who I believe is meant to be

Do not let her green eyes ponder
over miscalculated fantasy.
Especially do not let her blue mind wonder
when it is so close to 23
Ek May 2018
Living in my mind
flying high
free of life
please line me down

Chain me down toward the ground
Force me to be earthbound
Strip me of my thought
Lace me with thorn cots
Ek May 2018
It happened early one morning.
It happened like it always does,
times 3.

Strapped, armed, holding hands
what every loving mother
shouldn't do.

Word of it traveled
like the winter flu,
by noon everybody had heard

of maniacal faithers
who took home her children
lighting up fireworks.

The sun blazed dazedly
evaporating 3 crosses,
not quite melting the ice.

Until it reached my porch step,
it were but distant voices.
now it's here

and real. like it always is of course

but now it's closer than ever
bursting at my door.

Sliced up like a juicy tomato
his screams are muffled by
a screen screening bright information

into the heads of mouths
who offer surreal commentary
disguised as jokes.

We're terrified.
We're hypochondriacs fearing
contamination of a rampant

A plague we've never seen before.
Our ****** eyes.

So many have already
been ***** by fate.
Faith in fatherly beards

granting wishes to
obedient children
who go tarnishing other fathers' gardens.

What an absurd world
where IS is ice that
cannot melt.

What an absurd world
where children weep
at mothers' debt.

What an absurd world
where faithful supremity
reigns unchecked.
Ek May 2018
On the night of my 16th winter
I found within me a heart that withered
Like a plum purple grape
Left out in the sun on a gold plate
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