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  Nov 2017 Eloi
Ryan Holden
A tender kiss will
Heal the scars on my lips like
You are the ointment.
Eloi Nov 2017
I sat on the edge of the bed
and I thought I loved you
I thought I loved the way your jumbled thoughts could you so perplexed that your mind would become ruins
I thought I loved you the way that a familiar scent tugs at a misplaced memory
A memory that once brought a smile to your face
I thought I loved you like I was hungry
Like if I didn't devour every last smirk
every last hair out of place
every last everything
It would dissolve into the ground and plant flowers in the neighbor's backyard
I thought I loved you like I loved myself
until I realized that "me" was still an abstract concept
one that you want to know more but it is easier to keep distance from
one that you thought you would know better by now
I thought I loved you because I missed you at three o'clock when I sat at my desk while work dragged on and so did the idea of you
I thought that wanting you was a noble thing to do
something that could make me grander and more like a story book
until I realized that I didn't want to be trapped between your pages anymore
  Nov 2017 Eloi
Daniel Samuelson
The sunset slowly dies and
I collapse into your bed
breathing in the echoes of your scent
this extinct perfume I'll never know again
hands groping for any remnant of warmth you left behind.
The pillows miss your precious headweight
and I sleep in tear-choked sorrow, grasping to a slowly fleeting
memory of you.

Endless oceans separate the space between my ears—
How I wish you sailed in them still.
All I hear now is the distant sirens’ song—
they beckon me to heed their call.
But I know their voices aren't your own.
I could spend sleepless nights searching these waters
until I found a trace of you,
a ghost, nothing but a memory
that forever left its imprint
on this ever-aching heart.
Inspired by a dream I had the night before the tragic Orlando shooting. I sent my thoughts to my good friend on this site, Mr. Daniel Lockerbie ( and we created our second collaborative poem.
  Nov 2017 Eloi
Give me a place I can lay my head,
Sit next to me, let's both get some rest,
We'll talk about the problems we've had,
And all the times we pushed through the bad,
Lay your head on my heart and feel it beat,
Pretend both of us were destined to meet,
You could be the one to make me feel right,
And I promise you won't be alone at night,
All of the minutes are harder to pass,
When we're not together I'm thinking of us,
Not for a blessing, but maybe a curse,
When you're not around it makes me feel worse,
One day this'll fade and you'll never look back,
I hate to admit, we've been pushing our luck,
Minute after minute, every hour, every day,
The moments we've had have pushed us away,
Both of us know that we'll never make it,
One day we'll look at the past and pray we don't hate it,
Truth of it all's we were destined to fall,
Who could've known we'd sink so **** low.
  Nov 2017 Eloi
S Olson
A pocketful of doom is flourishing
ceiling to wall in my cranium,

and though I tend to the tantrum of it
with fatherly, nurturing discipline

it acts as a nebulous cumulonimbus
fog seething with diffusion of void,
breaking through every window of warm

out to the inside I tend to become

an accidental abuser, flailing teeth
into over-ripened words, knocking
unripened fruit from the bough between us.

With nerves like coiled snakes in an apple,
prismatic minds are dulled to a fractal
of their former spectral rainbow
when expunged into the shadow.

Thorough rage—event horizon
clawing sides of deep depressions,
cusping manic at the fervor—

when the cliff becomes the shackle
of the neurosis-fed darkness jackal

open demise toward the mouth of the sun
and perhaps tongue at infinite light.
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