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 May 2018 Elizabethanne
life is a collection of days,                                       
a splitting headache and an ******
and baking under radioactive rays

life is feelings we have named,                              
obtuse arguments and a muscle spasm
bets we've lost and prizes we've claimed

life is all but to be dead,                                           
a spring loaded pinball mechanism
praying to god and imagining what he said

life is a hug and a kiss, everything's okay,           
a tormented soul crawling out of his chasm
blending black and white to make gray
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
You didn’t like it.
My rejection.
Your rejection.
My rejection of your *******
Rejection of your ejection.
You  didn’t like it.
So , you rejected me.
You ejected me,  
From your being
Rejected my offerings,
My laugh,
My traits,
My whole.
All of me
You shunned
Would you have liked it
Had I accepted what you ,
Unsheathed, would the rejection be reversed
Or would it be stalled.
Until the ejection,
Then subsequently the
Guaranteed rejection
Of the whole,  
The rejection remains
And we part ways
You seemed to like it then
Cannons exploding, vicious, destructive,
Gunsmoke clouds adoring sight,
Sweet smell of blood, metallic,
In the air tonight.

My heart pounds wild and free,
Love is blind, still so real,
Underneath the battle front,
Lies what I really feel.

Bullets fly, triggers ready,
I am aiming straight for you,
In my heart I'm hoping,
You are aiming for me too.
This was inspired by the song Heartbreak Warfare by John Mayer
I tried to live,
slowly it pushed me down,
I followed it’s rude rule,
it hurt it tugged and pulled.

It spoke up to say.
I am bad,
I am ruin,
I am suffering,
I am nothing but damaging,
I am not your friend,
I am not your support,
I am not your responsibility
but yet I share your life,
I am pain.

Today I sat with pain,
I drank his tea and shared
my life with his friends,
suffering and illness.

I have learned how to except them
in my life, for I have no choice.
Chronic pain stole my time.
Such a beautiful yet such a complicated piece of art  
How can something be so short, yet so
How can something be so
                                                         ­                              out
Yet so put together?

A therapist
A friend
An escape
A mask

How ever to describe a novel
In a few
Whelp not too great but at least it's a poem
has a way of


It’s time to open your eyes little girl
You’re gonna like this giant world and all it brings
Squeeze my finger and look into my eyes
I know one day your gonna live like kings.

It’s time to take your first steps little girl
You went from crawling to walking so fast
Before you know it you’ll be running across the world
I can see you enjoying life and having a blast.

It’s time to believe in yourself little girl
This is the time you have to be free
Make up little adventures in your mind
Smile and laugh at these thoughts with glee.

It’s time to meet a mean man little girl
Don’t worry, just close your eyes and it’ll be over soon
Just keep counting in your mind, stay distracted
Don’t listen to your body crying, stay in your little cocoon.

It’s time for school little girl
There is so much here for you to learn
But one thing you will learn the most, is how to self-hate
To look like all the pretty girls, that is what you’ll yearn.

It’s time to make yourself sick little girl
You ate too much and now you need to fix this
You cannot get fat, nobody will love you like that
Just stop eating and all that weight will be abyss.

It’s time to acknowledge the darkness little girl.
At first you didn’t notice it but you know it’s there
It follows you everywhere you go, like a gloomy cloud
It’s almost an accessory that you will forever wear.

It’s time to cut yourself for the first time little girl
It will be excruciating and blood will go everywhere
It may hurt but you need an output for all this pain
I know all you want is to vanish into thin air.

It’s time to fall in love little girl
I warn you, it is not at all what it seems
There’s no such thing as a happily ever after
That is only something you will see in your dreams.

It’s time to be in the honeymoon stage little girl
You’re gonna love it here, it’s nice and safe
It’s almost like nothing else matters
Just remember this feeling before you become a waif.

It’s time to fight all the time little girl
You thought you loved him but now he makes you feel like nothing
You will ask yourself if this is what true love feels like
But no matter what, he will be the one you’re trusting.

It’s time to lose all your friends little girl
You will lose yourself in trying to keep something alive
He says he loves you but why does he keep making you feel this way
It will always seem like he’s mad at you, how can you survive?

It’s time to have your heart broken little girl
And yes it will happen many times with this one guy
You will question if there is any life to live anymore
And you will be sitting there for hours as you cry.

It’s time to be strong little girl
You know you can get over all of this
Don’t let your crown fall, you’re a little princess
And all the bad thoughts and feeling you will dismiss.

It’s time to feel the shadows again little girl
You thought you could overcome all the unhelpfulness
But here you are lying in bed at 3 am, suffocating in tears
You will question yourself and all this ridiculousness.

It’s time to put on your mask little girl
Don’t show the world how much you are suffering
Wipe those tears off your face,
Don’t tell a soul how hard it is covering.

It’s time to sit alone little girl
holding your mouth shut as tears burn down your cheek
You will sit there and realise that nobody knows how sad you are
But that’s better than being seen as weak.

It’s time to think little girl
You will question if this is a life worth living
You look at what you have to lose if you were to go
And if you stay how much longer you can keep on giving.

It’s time to make a decision little girl.
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