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The rumour, the lie
The teasing, I cry
The pain of the blade
My vision starts to fade
The handcuff on the hospital bed
My throbbing head
People gather around
Asking me to make a sound
But I'm stuck in my mind
When I surface I find
My family, but not one friend
Time moves slowly as I mend
The cheerful hellos
The tearful goodbyes
Still feeling like I want to die
And it all started
With a rumor & a lie.
How rumors and lies destroy lives
Eliana Knight Mar 14
Amy was a prim and proper girl
And her first arrival to campus was such a whirl
Her roommate, Drusilla, was a weird girl who acted all crazy and tough
She would go crazy if you even looked at her stuff
Unfortunately for Amy, Drusilla also liked to have *** that was really rough
She would hook up with different shady guys, loudly moaning and screaming
One day Amy accidently turned on the light, which left Drusilla steaming
Six days later Drusilla was still really mad
So Amy would stay till late at the library with her study partner Chad
Usually Drusilla would be finished by the time Amy went back to the room
But tonight Drusilla was still at it, yelling like a maniac, so with a sense of annoyance & doom
Amy walked in, there was wrestling, the bed banged on the wall, but Amy didn’t turn on the light
She got into bed, put on earphones and listened to music all night
When she woke up the next day, it was to a gruesome sight
There was blood everywhere and Drusilla’s throat was cut, she was obviously dead
The scary part is the message on the wall written in blood, it filled Amy with dread
‘Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light’ it read!

Based On An Urban Legend
Based on an Urban Legend and the movie Urban LEgens
Eliana Knight Mar 14
In a place where my dark insanity does crawl,
The voices I hear are having a brawl,
Whispers echo in the halls of the mind,
Twisting thoughts of a darkness of the purest kind.

Reality shattered, like broken pieces of glass,
In the endless maze, that my mind is at an impasse,
Illusions surround me in a macabre dance,
Mental illness has my mind in a trance.

Voices taunt, a never-ending noise of despair,
Pure madness reigns when im stuck in my mind’s lair,
Visions torment, shadows popping up, is a poison like cyanide,
In the labyrinth where only the demons’ rule & sanity has died.

Chains of delusion bind my soul,
I feel like a burden & I believe my hysteria takes a toll,
As my loved ones must bring me back from the rabbit-hole,
It torments me and anxiety eats away at my soul.

Fear grips tight in its icy clutch,
In the purview of the mind’s dark touch,
A slave to my thoughts where demonic voices play,
And shadows lurk around making sure they too get a say.

In the darkness where the madness that reigns supreme,
I am a soul adrift in an bleakness dream,
Lost in the abyss of insanity’s tight grasp,
I wait for day when my mind will collapse.
Eliana Knight Mar 10
Donna was a med student who excelled with the written work
But when it came to the field, with dead bodies she would shirk
Which made Regina smirk
Regina had two other friends there, Laura & Shawna
All three would bully other girls, especially Donna
One day Donna had to dissect an eye of a dead body & when she cut what looked like a thick string
The coagulated blood & the smell sent Donna puking
Everyone found it amusing
The professor warned the class to get use to the body oozing
While he continued with the lesson, Regina came up with a cruel plan
With the help of her friends, they snuck in after, cut off the arm of a dead man
And transported it out in a backpack
That night, the big man on campus, Jack
Threw a party in his dorm room
Donna decided to go, hoping to chase away her humiliating gloom
There was an array of alcohol, which Donna started to consume
Which she has never done before
When she started feeling dizzy & couldn’t take anymore
She went back to her room & when she got into bed
She felt something slimy & smelled bad, then she realized with dread
It was something dead
Seeing it was an arm, Donna lost her head
She started screaming intensely loud
Regina, Laura & Shawna were laughing & feeling proud
When the screaming stopped, Donna still didn’t come out of the room, which caused them alarm
When they opened her door, there was Donna maniacally, gnawing on the severed arm
To the dismay of her family, Donna was never the same
Rumor has it she now craves dead flesh & was declared insane
And that she was committed into Anglings Mental Asylum
Since the family moved, no one really knows what became of Donna Wylam.

Based On An Urban Legend
Only Based On An Urban Legend that i read about.
Eliana Knight Mar 10
Dear Life,

The other day I tripped over one of your ‘little bumps’ on my path,
But I have a feeling those making the road don’t measure nor know math,
But could you do a girl a favour, when you hire,
Get someone with previous experience prior,
Because I don’t know if I’m the only one,
But there seems to be an awful lot of them that stun,
Maybe fire everyone & replace them with actual professionals that are new,
Because they just stand and watch, your current crew,
Leaving it all up to an apprentice who leaves a lot of bumps along the way,
And your so called ‘professionals’ just sit back and say,
“Yep, don’t worry, it’s just a little bump, no one will notice it”,
Guess What?!, People are fcking noticing & we get stuck with this sht,
So, get your thumb out your **** and get it done right,
Or believe me you and I life, will end up in a ****** fight.

Yours Truly
An Angry Customer
Just meant for humor
Eliana Knight Mar 10
Procrastination, it may seem splendid,
But it’s a time thief yet to be apprehended.

Considered still out there ruining lives,
It can infect anyone even husbands or wives.

Leaving a trail of victims in its wake,
Its not your fault nor your mistake.

And its like any other virus that makes you sick,
Its ok the side effects are you’ll be slow not quick.

If you are confronted by procrastination,
Let us know your immediate location.

And proceed with extreme caution & stay a distance,
And if it gets you just let it, don’t put up a resistance.

Do not try to capture it nor negotiate,
By then it will have you & it will be too late.

Treat it nice, like a friend not a stranger,
As it is considered armed & comes with danger.

If you are affected, please email:,
And we will get to you when we feel like it, after all it’s not like it’s a bomb.
Eliana Knight Mar 10
In 1983, a team of deeply pious scientists conducted a radical experiment
They found a willing volunteer with merriment
They believe a human without any senses or ways to perceive stimuli
Like what would happen when you die
Except he will be alive
He would be able to perceive the presence of God & survive
They theorized that the five senses clouded our awareness of eternity
And live in the mind sempiternity
There a human could actually establish contact with God by thought
The only one to volunteer was Scott
His wife passed away, he has no family, so he decided to give this a shot
To purge him of all his senses, the scientists performed a complex operation
Scott was heavily under sedation
When every sensory nerve connection to the brain was surgically severed
There was no going back, ever
Although Scott would retained full muscular function, his speech may be impaired
When he awoke he could not see, hear, taste, smell, or feel, & felt scared
He realized he was not, with the ramifications, fully prepared
But it was too late, its permanent, never to be repaired
With no possible way to communicate
All he could do was wait
With no sense the outside world, he was alone
He began to cry and moan
Scientists monitored him as he spoke aloud about his state of mind
He spoke of flashing light, though he was blind
In jumbled, slurred sentences that he couldn’t even hear
He felt in a in closed in a tomb & spoke of fear
Assuming it was an onset of psychosis, they paid little attention to Scott’s concerns
The next few days, he’d lose consciousness & then mumble as he returns
On the fourth day, Scott was unknowingly lying on a bed
When he claimed to be hearing hushed, unintelligible voices in his head
Then he heard a voice, it was Kimberly his wife & although she was dead
He cried out, that he could hear his dead wife speaking with him
And even more, he could communicate back to Kim
The scientists were intrigued, but were not convinced
Until Scott started naming dead relatives of the scientists, that they could not dismiss
He repeated personal information that only their dead family member would have known
Some of the things he said freaked them out & sent a chill to the bone
So a sizable portion of scientists left the study
The only ones left were Ronan, Judie, Stefan and Buddy
A week of conversing with the deceased through his thoughts, Scott
became distressed
Saying the voices were overwhelming, making it hard for him to rest
In every waking moment, his consciousness was bombarded by so many voices
They refuse to leave him alone, even with his wife he no longer rejoices
He frequently threw himself against the wall, trying to elicit a pain response
While the scientists were nonchalance
He begged the scientists for sedatives, pleading and weeping
So he could escape the voices by sleeping
It worked for 3 days, until he started having severe night terrors & woke up screaming
Scott repeatedly said that he could see & hear the deceased even when dreaming
Only a day later, Scott began to shout & claw at his non-functional eyes
hoping to sense something in the physical world, but the scientists did not empathize
The hysterical Scott now said the voices of the dead were deafening
Speaking of hell, the end of the world, their voices were strengthening
At one point, he yelled “No heaven, no forgiveness” for five hours straight
He continually begged to be killed, but the scientists decided to wait
They were convinced that he was close to establishing contact with God
Seemingly mad, at his flesh he started to bite chunks & clawed
The scientists rushed into the test chamber & restrained him to a table
With the restraints, to hurt himself further or attempt to **** himself, he will be unable
For two weeks, Scott had to be manually rehydrated due to the constant crying
They were so close & couldn’t risk him dying
After another day, Scott could no longer form coherent sentences or even a word
It was all very blurred
After a few hours in restraints, Scott halted his struggling & screaming, he was silent
The scientists came closer to Scott since he was no longer violent
To check his vitals and if he wakes up what's the first thing he will say
But he was still silent, until the next day
He was staring at the ceiling as though someone watching the stars in space
Then teardrops silently streaked across his face
Eventually, he turned his head & despite his blindness, made eye contact
The scientists didn’t even know how to react
“I have spoken with God, and he has abandoned us” Scott said with his last breathe
Then his vital signs stopped, there was no apparent cause of death.

Based On An Urban Legend
Only Based On An Urban Legend
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