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David J Oct 2019
But for now she may only exist as a memory in the hearts of those who loved her
Forever reverberating in hearts
Sorrow in resonance
❤ I miss you, you will never be forgotten...
David J Aug 2019
I was thinking to myself
What does powerful writing look like

At first i saw a writer focusing all energy into the pen

But I coreected myself, it would look like connecting the energies of the pen with yourself.
Writing as an extention of your own will...
an extension of your soul
I want to learn, devolpe, and grow.
David J Aug 2019
Wonderfull play, where did you learn it I asked the man
  From the losses of my past he said.

Say my friend, Isn't it simply amazing, this cycle of learning. Since the game was made so very long ago all unto this moment.
   Yes my friend, it is an honor to have had this match.
What an honor indeed to play this game called life. Do not regret mistakes made, be thankful for the knowledge gained
David J Aug 2019
I wonder to whom I journal
Because when I write
It is always a
Be thankful for your notebooks service!
David J Aug 2019
I was given a reason not to die, but im still seaking a reason to live.
Thank you... for making me promise, I'm sure you knew that its the only thing that would keep me alive.
David J Jul 2019
Its times like these i wish i could just fade away. All the worries of the world just gone. I just blow away like crumbled leaves
I yearn to just fade away, carried nowhere but anywhere.
David J Jun 2019
I am weak
I do not have the strength to beat this cruel world
I am... utterly... and inevitably...
     ...  defeated
The world is depressed
The happy are ignorant
And sin is inevitable
I feel like i failed, but winning wasnt possible, how does one enjoy life. I faked joy and i even thought it was possible. But as soon as i let myself think again I recognize how awful this world is... please pray that Ill one day be happy. I wont give up, even if I curse life the whole way
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