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These tears of blood, I'm weeping
As the darkness comes, slowly creeping
I remember my past life, as it was then
I only want to live once again

I wish I could feel the sun touch my face
I wish I could escape this cold place
That my soul is something to save
And help, rescue me from this grave

This undead soul is forever lonely and cold
I only want, I only desire, somebody to hold
I want this feeding frenzy to fade away
And all I want is to walk in the light of day

I can feel my self now, bleeding tears
Eyes carrying blood for a thousand years
Facing a dark and lonely night to roam
All I require is to be back home

Because even a vampire can cry
Even a vampire can die
Even a vampire can still pray
Even a vampire wants love to stay
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Every woman deserves a chance

Every woman needs some romance

Every woman has some love to give

Every woman wants a life to live

Every woman is living a secret wish

Every woman wants a slow kiss

Every woman can give so much

Every woman wants to feel a touch

Every woman has a dream to share

Every woman just wants to care

Every woman should not be alone

Every woman must have a heart to own

Every woman wants to be a mother

Every woman desires to be a lover

Every woman will give you her heart

Every woman waits for love to start

copyright Chris Smith 2004
Let me take you by the hand

Somewhere to be free

Far away to a fantasy land

And live out the fantasy

Can you hear the fairy song

And watch the pixies fly

The beauty of the majestic unicorn

Multi coloured birds in the sky

Elves having a ball

Seeing beautiful flowers grow

Bathing within the waterfall

Chasing after the rainbow

But it is time to go away

From this World you want to be

And we can visit another day

In our dreams we see
copyright Chris Smith 1998
Somewhere there lives in my flat

A creature with a very long tail

It is a silly old big fat rat

That can only run as fast as a snail

He is so clumsy as he sneaks

Wobbling along across the mat

He makes me laugh when he squeaks

Because he is ever so fat

And one day he got stuck in my shoe

All I saw was his tail in the air

He just did not know what to do

Now I wonder if he is still there
I am searching for you

Feel my hunger now

I am needing you

Feed my hunger now

Won't you come to me

This temptation above

Is how it should be

Feed my love

Satisfy this craving somehow

This burning of my need

I want to taste you now

On your love I feed

I feel this hunger for you

For the love you will give

My desire will be true

I feed on you to live
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Can you hear the sound,
Of drummers marching?
Can you hear the pipes,
As the pipers are playing.

Go forth, yon brave men,
Fight for the country today.
March on, march for battle,
The fields will run with blood.

Centuries ago, they fought for country,
Times never change for they fight still.
Guns replace swords, bombs replace arrows,
Go forth brave souls, you are fighting still.

When this battle ends, remember the dead,
They fought with honour, fought with pride.
Be remembered boys, we will not forget thee,
There will be flowers, always, on fields of blood
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Do you remember me?
I was the boy sitting at the back in history
When I tried to talk to you, I would stutter
Because you always made my heart flutter

You were the most popular girl in class
I was ordinary and our styles would clash
You always ignored me as if I wasn't there
It hurt me, knowing you didn't really care

That was so many years ago, now here you are
I'm so sorry to see you've fallen so far
Begging on the street, with nothing in your eyes
Your looks are gone, no one hears your cries

Do you remember me?
I was the boy sitting in the back of history
I'm trying to help you, but I can only stutter
Handing you some money, watching it flutter

Copyright © Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul 2020
When life is beginning to go bad

And all your troubles seem to flow

All things happening make you sad

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

When others are being so cruel

And you can not find someone to know

No one there to speak to you

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

And when the times seem so tough

And you feel sad tears start to grow

Feel like you have had enough

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

Follow your rainbow until you reach the end

Follow your rainbow and then you will see

Follow your rainbow to meet your friend

Follow your rainbow right to me

copyright Chris Smith 2008
She'll live her life her way
But she'll never fade away
Welcoming night not day
The darkness without grey

Now she sleeps with a rose
Where she's gone, nobody knows
Listen and a silent wind blows
Because her beauty, forever grows

She will always be forever beautiful
She will always be forever beautiful
Copyright Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul 2020
All the greatest heroes came out to fight

Batman, Sherlock Holmes, Hercules and all the rest

To face the greatest villains out that night

The ones that were the most evil at their best

The villains were going to take over the Universe and rule

But not one of them really wanted to share

The heroes were the ones honest and true

They were always ready to fight honest and fair

But both heroes and villains failed to see the greatest menace of all

For who wants to read what they can not see

So both heroes and villains, one by one would fall

Forgotten in books, because everyone now watches TV

copyright Chris Smith 2001
She is the night beauty
With her long black hair
Eyes of emerald green
Desired by any man

This lady of the darkness
She needs to feel their touch
Their desire and their need
To make her come alive

She will feed from them
Taste of the red nectar
But they will feel no pain
They will be lost in their lust

She will never drain them dry
Only take what she must
To satisify the thirst she has
And give them her body in return

She loves to feel them move
As her body responds to them
The heat of a moment of desire
Making her feel like a woman alive

She can only exist within the night
Never able to feel the sun touch her
Her lust is something they can never keep
For into the darkness she will be gone
copyright Chris Smith 2010
You promised me false hope
Then smashed out my teeth
Now I find it too hard to cope
Dragged along the razors edge

Once I was the perfect gentleman
I would open the door for you
Until you hatched a delicate plan
Now I slam it shut in your face

Listen to me shouting, "*******"
Middle fingers saying, "*******"
All this anger raging, "*******"
But I still badly need to *******

Kicking me so ****** far down
That it's too much to get back up
Left me in miseries lake to drown
Here alone with a bottle as my friend

Who ever said love was all a game
Well, that ******* got it all wrong
Because I only have myself to blame
Wallowing here in my own self pity

Listen to me shouting, "*******"
Middle fingers saying, "*******"
All this anger raging, "*******"
But I still badly need to *******
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
I rode for a long time
But came crashing down
As I felt myself falling
The wagon carried on
Leaving me too far behind

Staring at Gentleman Jack
Mixed with ice and cola
Beckoning to bring me down
A taste of forgotten thirst
Straight out of the glass

In truth, an acquired taste
Hard but something I need
But one can never be enough
So I shared the bottle with myself
Waiting for oblivion to come

Tomorrow comes the shaking
But Gentleman Jack is near by
Drowning sorrows in silence
Dragging me to forbidden places
I haven't visited in a long time

Copyright Chris Smith 2014
I gave her warm wine and flowers,
and she gave me her hand,
and she led me down into
the promised land.

She gave me skin so soft
that felt of the purest silk.
A touch that was tender,
she tasted of honey and milk.

She was my heaven on earth
with such warm copper skin.
Was I just dreamin'?
Was this all a sin?

She is the girl
The girl in my dreams
She keeps me alive
The girl in my dreams

We've kissed once or twice,
subliminally silenced the screams,
but while I'm combing her hair,
she just rocks and she sings...

She sang, give me your life
And I will give you my soul
Give me all of your love
And I will grant you your goal

So, I gave her my life,
then to me it occurs
that she's jumped back in my mind
and there she laid down hers.

I gave her warm wine and flowers,
and she gave me her hand,
and she led me down into
the promised land.

She gave me skin so soft
that felt of the purest silk.
A touch that was tender,
she tasted of honey and milk.

She is the girl
The girl in my dreams
She keeps me alive
The girl in my dreams

We've kissed once or twice,
subliminally silenced the screams,
but while I'm combing her hair,
she just rocks and she sings...

She sang, give me your life
And I will give you my soul
Give me all of your love
And I will grant you your goal

So, I gave her my life,
then to me it occurs
that she's jumped back in my mind
and there she laid down hers.
Copyright redbarchettadrive and Chris Smith 2010
She is the dark feel of the night
She is the mystery with no light
She hides away in her own pain
She knows how to drive me insane

No one can be as she can be
My gothic lover can never be free
I can see it all deep in her eyes
No one has seen the tears she cries

I know what I feel is wrong
My will slips and is not strong
She is sending temptation my way
I feel my soul wanting to stray

She is taking me down dark places
Teasing me as my body feels her traces
Kissing me and biting me with her lust
Not waiting and wanting my body to ******

I am lost in her body this very night
Each sensation inside her takes away the light
She wants me badly and our bodies glisten
Our sweat mingles as creatures of the night listen

My passion is ready, deep inside her it fills
She takes it all with her lust and her skills
Her body is hot and I can feel her heat
She wants me more as my heart will beat

All this night, until the light of day
She never stops for this is her wicked way
I surrender knowing that she will always win
For I am a prisoner to her desire and sin

She now vanishes from where she came
I know I will be back to play her game
No one can match her, there can be no other
I will always come for my gothic lover

copyright Chris Smith 2008 (revised 2009)
I feel the pain in my veins
It is screaming to be heard
Always the agony remains
It all seems to be absurd

Why do we do what we do?
And then we try to carry on
So much we have to go through
All we want to do is to belong

Sometimes I feel I am a wreck
That I have reached a slump
I should tie a rope around my neck
And then all I could do is jump

Words are all I have left to give
I can not fit in, I am not allowed
Empty shell that still tries to live
One more victim lost in the crowd

And then I can see her face before me
Bringing me back from the brink
And this shell is no longer empty
My mind is once more open to think

Then I see the friends that make me strong
Making me believe in myself once more
I love them all, for with them I belong
They help it all worth writing for
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Yes your Honour
I did the deed
Broke the hearts
Caused the tears
Murdered the feelings
Left them to die

Squandered this life
Stole the idle days
Wasted all the moments
Leaving it to rot
Tortured emotions
So they could scream

Yes your Honour
I await my sentence
Punishment in full
For all of my misdeeds
So lock me away
I am guilty of being me
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Broken Hearts

Many broken hearts

Hidden into misery

Never to be seen

Dream Or Nightmare

Dreams sometimes come true

But nightmares terrify me

  Will they come true too?

Holy Man

Incredible man

Holy and worshipped around

Completely adored


The little rabbit

He is happy as can be

Hopping away now


What are your secrets?

Could you tell them to my heart?

Could you share your soul?

Sweet Heart

Do not forget me

For I will not forget you

The sweetest of hearts

The Baby

The baby  crying

Sounds that touch everyone nearby

The baby needs you
A collection of Haiku written in 2009  
copyright Chris Smith
Like the clowns we laughed at life
We would joke about the day
But we forgot that just like a clown
The make up is removed by tears

In my life, I would brave the high wire
If I fell you would be my safety net
But now alone, I will walk the tightrope
Putting on a brave face, my net is gone

We were acrobats when we made our love
We flew through the air, catching each other
But now when I attempt to take that leap
I can see that that space you had is empty

I am the ringmaster now of my destiny
Sitting here all alone in this heartbreak circus
But this circus is closed now, it can never open
Now alone I will enter the cage, and face my lions

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Heed this poem of darkest days
Hide yourself when Nightmare plays
When you know, those shadows wait
Time runs out, and it is too late

Tears of fire are burning your cheeks
Forbidden secrets that grimly seeks
Draining your life, leaving you dry
Where there is no sound to cry

When blackened terror comes knocking your door
Leaving you empty, and pleading for more
But this emptiness surrounds you
This desperation confounds you

The icy touch of fear in your head
You listen to voices of lingering dead
Haunting you now, in so many ways
Heed this poem of darkest days
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
It's gone
Moving on
Life dreams
Always seems
Times past
Never last

Looking back
Always black
Never proud
Dark cloud
Over head
Tears instead

Can't understand
Looks bland
Words written
Twice bitten
Never shy
Lover rely

Finding passion
New fashion
So sweet
To meet
Kisses grace
Her face
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Hush momma, please do not cry
Hush momma, please do not die
Please stay from deaths' cold touch
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, I am here
Hush momma, do not fear
Into Heaven do not rush
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, you are cold
Hush momma, you I hold
My heart is going to crush
Hush momma, please hush
When time passes and leaves me behind
I find the words, which I come to share
As the world carries on, I feel I am blind
I have tried my best to always be fair

Suffering in silence, which I do the most
Never sharing the hurt that I feel
I keep these feelings locking, scared to boast
I just know that this pain is always real

I have prayed so many times, for it to go away
But it never does , this ****** hurt continues
Having to face it every second, every passing day
I still am always here, a victim of the Devil's dues

Who would have thought, trauma lasts this long
An assault for long ago, is haunting me still
I am alone in my making, hearing misery like a song
I have to always live in shadows, and I always will

copyright Chris Smith 26th December 2009
I am not a soldier
I have not the skills
To lead comrades into battle
Fighting for Queen and country

I am not a politician
I do not have those words
To give people any hope
Believing in government coalitions

I am not a super hero
I can not be a super man
Protecting the righteous
And fighting for justice

I am not a doctor
I have not that ability
To help people to heal
Putting them back on the right path

I am not a King
I can not rule the people
Make them to trust in themselves
Or to believe in this land of ours

I am no one special
I am just one man
One out of millions
An ordinary worker

I am a poet
Who loves to write
To share his words
I will write for you

I am a dreamer
Believing in these visions
That whatever this future holds
There will always be better days

I am a lover
Winning only her heart
As she shares my own soul
Giving to me all of her desires

I am just me
Only being my own self
Because in the end
That is who we ever are
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I am the stranger outside
Watching you in the shower
The monster under your bed
When you're trying to sleep

I am the stalker in the shadows
When you're walking in the street
The fear on the dark corners
You know I'm waiting there

I am the nightmare at night
Those forbidden thoughts in your head
You try to make yourself resist
But you're a prisoner of my will

I am the coming *******
As you fall to your submission
The surrendering to completion
At last, you face exactly who I am
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Lazy dreams of far away night
Amorous embraces by candle light
Tango desires of bodies of two
For I am nothing without you

Memories fade of the past
We believed it would last
But now, what can I do
For I am nothing without you

Lovers come and lovers go
You're the one I got to know
All the good times we went through
Now I am nothing without you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
If a child cries

Your heart dies

You will be near

To a child's tear

If a child cries

You must realise

Treasure that child you hold

Through nights so cold

If a child cries

It is no surprise

You are always there

To show you care

copyright Chris Smith 2000
If you can scratch that irritation
And rid yourself of those fleas,
Put your head upon a masters lap
and be patted gently on the head.
Look up with pining eyes at the table
and gain the reward of a scrap of food.

If you can tempt your master to walk you
Even when the rain is falling outside;
**** your leg up at the leg of a chair
And know you will never get caught.
Bear to take that dreaded walk,
Up to where the fears of the bath await.

If you can dream of the day now gone,
And kick your hind leg up in the air.
If you can train your master well,
To throw a stick but have to bring it back;
Then the world is your bone, my pup,
And every day you will be a dog.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I feel so alone
Alone inside my head
Nobody really understands
Just how I feel

I feel so alone
My feelings are misled
Like a thousand strands
Is it all unreal?

I feel so alone
No one to talk to
Nowhere I can go
Don't ask me why

I feel so alone
Problems to walk through
Does anybody know?
Inside I cry

I feel so alone
I can not cope
Help me, please!
I can no longer wait

I feel so alone
At the end of my rope
Life is just a tease
Now it is too late

Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
If only...

A child was safe to play,
And the danger stayed away.

If only...

Love never had the pain,
With too many sorrows to explain.

If only...

The soldier could always rely,
On coming home and not to die.

If only...

There really existed a thing called peace,
And all the wars could then cease.

If only...

Everyone could always try to believe,
And no one had to grieve.

If only...

There was no punches or tears,
And no one hid behind their fears.

If only...

Someone listened to these words I say,
And made all the troubled times go away.

If only...

Yes, if only.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I just hit my trombone
Playing out the tune
For all the world to listen
On a summer day in June
I just hit my trombone
And let the music play
For all the crowds there
On that June summer day
copyright Chris Smith (Idea by Paula Swanson) 2010
The silence of desire
Hidden in quiet moans
Of those secret passions
Going unheard tonight

Fingers delicately exploring
Places of invisible needs
Pretence of a silent stranger
Imagination of *******

Breathing growing faster
Anticipation of his touch
Releasing the waterfall
Inside her wanted dreams
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
Give him a toy gun
He pretends to be daddy
Who far away is fighting
In some far and distant war
But then in a child's eyes
See the hidden tears
When you have to tell him
Daddy won't be coming home

Momma always keeps her safe
Showing her warmth and love
But she knows Poppa will be back
Smelling of whiskey and angry
And in that child's eyes
She will watch him rage
Punch Momma in the stomach
Because his dinner is wrong

All around this world
We never see the truth
Because the older we become
The blinder we seem to be
And in the children's eyes
Their innocence is seen
But they see better than us
A future that is not meant to be

copyright Chris Smith 2010
The battle was won

It was over and done

The victory is you

But I never knew

The tears were wept

Darkness came and crept

It dragged life through

But I never knew

No emotion in your eyes

Always showing hidden lies

It was always all just untrue

But I never knew

All could see the hurt shows

Did you know everybody knows?

It never came and hit me out of the blue

But I never knew

Tell me, was it worth going through?

Because I was the one who never knew
copyright Chris Smith 2009-
On the outside I appear with a smile
I will share a joke or two
Never show anger on this face
Carry on with the normal routine

Inside I hide the tears I cry
Never letting out the pain
Keeping all the agony locked away
Afraid to be forgotten once again

On the outside I always carry on
Give friends a shoulder that they need
Try to help others the best that I can
Always ready to give out a helping hand

Inside I keep building this ****** wall
If I let you in, I am afraid what you will see
I keep hiding away and carry the weight
I can help you but no one can help me

On the outside I can cover up the scars
Inside they will always still be there
On the outside there is a brave look on my face
Inside it is only another of the masks I wear
copyright Chris Smith 2010
The sun shines and the children play

The heat radiates from the passing day

Under a old Rowan tree I find shade

But this love I have can never fade

For in Summer, I am in Winter still

She has gone, I see the wide blue sky

Not even a cloud is there floating by

She is away from me, in a land so far

And on a day like this I wonder how you are

For in Summer, I am in Winter still

In the cool river I witness dogs that swim

I see butterflies floating only on a whim

And even I know, to enjoy this day I should

I can not stop feeling this hurt, even if I could

For in Summer, I am in Winter still

So enjoy your day, I am alone on a sandy beach

She is just across the water, out of my reach

I look up now and I see a sea gull cry

To be in her arms right now, I would gladly try

But in Summer, I am in Winter still
Copyright © Chris Smith 2007
I painted a picture
A vision of you
I wrote a poem
You were the words

I fell in love
With your precious soul
I found my self
Deep within your eyes

I saw the future
You took me there
I left the past
All the pain behind

I counted my blessing
Kissing your sweet lips
I am now found
Being by your side

I painted a picture
A vision of you
I wrote a poem
You were the words
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I saw you in my dreams

You came to my side

Desire burning in your eyes

I then became yours

My soul belonged to you

You were there in my mind

Your eyes so crystal clear

Moving with purity of grace

Being my Angel in the night

Showing me a piece of Heaven

But when I awoke, you were gone

The memory still lingers of you

The feel of how you moved

And the secrets you showed me

I am awaiting you in my dreams again
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I wish I could see her eyes
And be lost in her gaze
To kiss and have her sighs
Be in a wonderful daze

She is on the other side of the sea
So very near, but so very far from me
Just near her side to always be
I love how she always makes me free

Just to touch her beautiful hair
In my arms, to be able to hold her
I would give up my soul to be there
I would cross the stormiest weather

I do not care of how long it ever takes
I will be there, in how much life tries
I will not give up, this man never breaks
I wish I could see her eyes

copyright Chris Smith 23rd December 2009
A man calls her on the phone
Nothing to worry about
Just an old friend of the past

But the mind plays tricks
When you are far away
Thoughts come too fast

Jealous minds blind you
You never see the truth
You see what you think instead

Jealous minds can trick you
They can eat you up inside
They play games in your head

Love is built on compromise
The foundation of trust
It is what you need to believe

Angry thoughts can always destroy
When the demons come out to play
Do not suffocate her or she will leave

But we never see in our hearts
That they are the one for us
We always think it will go wrong

No one will ever take them away
For they love you as much as life
Because that love always grows strong
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
Jump into the pool of reflection
In pure water of our collection
Many find the path to the light

Master of words with open sight
Of many souls he will belong
Reaching out and being strong
Ready to give all that he can
Incredible and wonderous man
Sheltering us with words to share
Open your minds and find him there
Never forgotten and a hero to all
Copyright © Chris Smith 2011
Joined the World in peace
Only wanting wars to cease
His music is a magic gift
Needed minds to always lift

Let imagination for man and woman
Everyone finding love from a music man
Now working classes have a hero
Never counting down to zero
On a cloud and never ever gone
Numbers of us will always love John
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
A young girl out late one night
Walking home by the street light
She got snatched by three men
Dragged into an alley, taken again and again

Over and over they abused her
Over and over they used her
They just left her laying there
Left her naked, but they did not care

Now she is a little older
And her heart has grown colder
She is now involved with only thugs
She sells her body for drugs

Anything that you want to do
She will do it all for you
If the money is right, she don't mind
With her body she pays in kind

The news said a girl was found dead
Someone smashed a brick on her head
At her funeral nobody came
She was just a ******* the game

copyright Chris Smith 2008
They called him crazy, they called him mad
He got his axe and then he got very bad
The voices were always deep in his head
Telling him to chop, make them dead

Ten dead, newspapers called him a serial killer
They made a TV movie, quite a thriller
On chat shows about him they talked
So after them all he went and stalked

And they caught him that fatal day
Just as he was throwing the actors head away
Thought filling him with drugs he would be dreaming
They still had to take him away kicking and screaming
A bride of the darkness
The thirst is forever
Hunger always unquenched

But she needs to feel
Something more than cold
The warmth of human touch

Alas it can never be so
For she will take his life
Slowly with a kiss of night
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
When I needed love, it was gone
I was alone and I was lost
Listening only to a sad song
I needed someone to be there

The song played and played
She came knocking on my door
She came in and then she stayed
She spent the night and we made love

But on the next day she had to go
So I watched her as she dressed
My body still wanted her so
I said nothing as she left

Now two days have gone past
The lady is at my door
Once again the night will last
As once again she is in my bed

So is this all just pretend
Will my lady ever really exist
Will my lonely solitude end
Will you be my lady at the door

copyright Chris Smith 2007
Amid mushrooms the leprechaun creeps

At the end of rainbows he sleeps

He would hit you with a rock

If you try to steal his crock

A master of devilish trickery

He will play games with ye

Doth thou keep away from me gold

He will say so brash and bold

Catch him and hear him rant

Three wishes he will grant

But those wishes are like the mist

With each one comes a twist

Laughs at you, he is all dressed in green

Never generous, just twice as mean

For his hidden gold he will dig

Trick you and dance an Irish jig
If I could have one last day

If everything would fade away

If the world would crumble to blue

Then let my last day be with you

If the skies began to fall

If the end was coming for all

If there was nothing to do

Then let my last day be with you

If the grass blackened and died

If all life had to face their genocide

If all this was coming true

Then let my last day be with you

(copyright Oct 2008...Chris Smith)
Come play a tune for me

Play of love lost memory

Play of almost anything

Let me hear your guitar sing

Let music fill the air

Play for all of us there

Listen to your sweet tune

Playing by the stars and moon

Beauty of the six strings

And the melody it brings

Hear beautiful music tonight

Play until the day light

Please play a tune for me

Play and set me free

You can play anything

Let me hear your guitar sing

copyright Chris Smith 2008
If you do not love me

Then lie to me, baby

If you do not need me

Then lie to me, lady

To be without your touch

When I need you so much

Not to feel your kiss on my lips

Or the sensation of your finger tips

What would I ever do

If I was then without you

If you were ever to go away

Do not tell me that day

So if you did not want me

Then lie to me, baby

If you did not desire me

Then lie to me, lady
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