I am Sofia Kioroglou from Greece. I am an educational consultant, columnist, sometime feature writer, prolific blogger, poet and fiction writer. My poems have been …
24/M/South Africa
Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
62/M/Traverse City Mi.
Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we traveler the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can. I follow Our …
North Carolina
Poet, mother (in love with her special boys), best friend, word enthusiast, film, movie and art junky (surreal, abstract, bizzare and beautiful), undying bookworm, singer, …
M/Rochester, New York
Contentment, worry, love and fury, Fear and bravery, knighthood, knavery, Joy and sorrow, today, tomorrow, Truthing, lying, singing, sighing, Sitting, leaping, running, sleeping, Living dying, …
F/Emeralds GREEN....
2021 yrs ago Jesus was born in Bethlehem, 1988 yrs ago, crossed at 33 yrs of age on Golgotha. The heaviest pains-sufferings He endured. His …
Student, 22, surfer, majoring in architecture+creative writing and happen to be gay if you really wanna know! Exploring and creating sacred spaces both physical and …
London - England
I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. …
Creatively I have always been drawn to the abnormal in the ordinary. I believe that everything has an innate and intrinsic beauty and attempt to …