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522 · Feb 18
Looking for you
Damian Feb 18
I look for you in cities where you are not
In rooms full of people I know
In places I'd like to share with you
In my dreams where my wishes come true
In my past, I thank the choices that crossed our paths
In my future, I'll be lucky to have you by my side
I could look for you endless times
But the bliss of seeing you will never faint
My heart you make sing a melody each time
just wrote this one. I should probably upload older ones
323 · Jan 22
Your lips, my name
Damian Jan 22
I love how you say my name
Now nothing else will do
I'd prefer to remain nameless
Than hear it from any other than you
316 · Jan 21
eulogy for our love
Damian Jan 21
do not frame it gently, unless your act truly is kind
be cruel if need be, tear and gnaw
but do not ease me, do not sedate me
if you're cleaning our garden
pluck and **** each flower slow
and remember each and every word
let them forever live on the tip of your tongue
226 · Jan 27
pillow tales
Damian Jan 27
Let me, dear, guide myself to you
Let me, dear, make of you a muse
Let me, dear, tour you with my hands
Let me, dear, meet you in your sleepless nights
Let me, dear, know your taste and touch
Let me, dear, forget about words
Let our breath speak in codes
And let our laugh reign through it all
195 · Jan 29
the flood
Damian Jan 29
I truly hope it all washes away
The guilt, complacency and your fears
That like the flood, it cleanses it all
You start anew, forget what you knew
Sleep without worry, dream and never fret
It'll all wash away, be free of your chains
Damian Feb 8
only my heart is heavy as lead yet sways like a feather when you come by
127 · Jan 23
Upon the shoulder
Damian Jan 23
A kiss upon the shoulder
Stab me from behind
Let the blood run dry
Before our kisses say their goodbyes
old poems i wanna share
119 · Feb 28
the sky
Damian Feb 28
If God let me, my dear
I'd rearrange the sky
You'd be my Sun, Moon and Stars
Posting old ones from my Instagram ^^
77 · Feb 28
Child of the Moon
Damian Feb 28
Child of the moon
Bearer of light
The azure calls you "blessing of the divine"
Your descent to Earth, foretold in the stars
Stunned by your ways, graceful in your guise
You skip around so freely, never touching ground
Carried by the Zephyr and its tender breeze
The sky cries your name, the stars light the way
The moon will hum a tune for you, hoping your return
Daughter of the moon, I pray you make your way back home
Oldie. Wrote it after reading The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
74 · Feb 2024
Damian Feb 2024
1/6, those were the odds
He knew and did it anyway
For that I’ll never forgive
For that I’ll never believe
Nor in God or luck
Because if those do exist,
I am no child of he above
And I lost my dad to bad luck
71 · Jan 25
Sinful love
Damian Jan 25
Forgive me Father for I have sinned
I have indulged in the sins of the flesh
Never did I thought to resist
Smell, sight, hearing and taste
My senses all look for her
Graceful as she is, I painted her like a gift from above
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned
My thoughts and worship are hers to keep
#love #worship
70 · Feb 20
forget me not
Damian Feb 20
i hope forgetting *****
and i hope it hurts
but love i hope you miss me
and i hope you call
and like a fool i'll answer
darling let me show you my hand
nothing but a flush of hearts
i hope you leave and remember
how we cradled, as one
and i hope you miss my warmth
and i hope i get to hug you when you come back
51 · 6d
Damian 6d
Feel me gently
When I lay beside you
Touch me softly
When I look at you
How lucky to stumble upon each other
How lucky to call this moment mine
When you lay your head on my chest
When I get to ruffle your hair
When we cuddle until we fall asleep
Let my hands guide themselves to you
Let me hold you, pull you in, hug you, ill never let go
I want to show you the gentlest of loves
don't be a stranger
38 · Feb 21
hope it kills me
Damian Feb 21
l'll let hope hurt me
I hope it kills me
I hope it hugs me goodbye
I hope it kisses me goodnight
I hope l'm caught fooled by it
I hope l never catch myself closed off
What a foolish act to protect the heart from hope
You should let it stab you right through
You should let it leave scars
Don't live your life scared of it
As it gives and takes
Let hope **** you and build you back up

— The End —