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 Jan 20 Charly
Dr Peter Lim
If only
if only you've said
or in any way
I'd have known
the truth:
the state
of your true feelings
and would have
rightly responded

up to now
I've not understood
why you held back
was it doubt
or your fear of love?

The years have spoken
so many springs have fled
so long I've waited
my every hope has faded
all has been lost
everything is too late!
 Jan 20 Charly
 Jan 20 Charly
Let my words run down your body,
Wrap around you, branding softly.
Fingerprint trails, smoke rising thin,
Sizzling heat under your skin.

Scorching my path, marking the line,
Each touch whispers, "You are mine."
 Jan 20 Charly
Dr Peter Lim
If you should-
know me only superficially-
if you were to know me fully
you'd see the really ugly side of me!
 Jan 20 Charly
Abnormal, she waits
his kiss not enough
his love suffering
from self-esteem issues
as she courts danger
like a mouse
trapped in
a wall of sound.
 Jan 20 Charly
One is two
Three is four
And out the door I go
Before the low
I'll play a show
For you to laugh some more
little poem i came up with in my head (:
 Jan 20 Charly
Sam Lawrence
What if darkness were like light?
The blackest places would spill out
And every shadow would conspire
To keep the day as dark as night.

So when that boy leant over me
And saw his true love in my depths,
Was there not some tiny spark,
Some part of me, that lit his heart?

He stayed quite still from that day forth,
Becoming quite forlorn and gaunt
Until at last he fell, drifting down,
Down into the deepest place of all,

Where no living creature can survive
And even darkness cannot dwell.
In his place, a flower grew with petals
Whiter than snow, brighter than the

Moonlight as it dances on my rippled
Crests, caressed by the wind, sipped
By birds that skim across in flocks,
Whilst others watch from distant rocks.
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