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In my hands,
From the beginning,
To the end,
Through the thick,
And thin,
You will always be my best friend,
Till we meet again,
My little man,
My little guy.

Frankie (Frankenstein) Passed away June 13h, 2024.
I will miss you,
Ashes we may fall,
Into our sorrows puddle,
Shall we rise anew.
Words shall tether us together,
Echoes of:
Bonding us together,

For as long We reign,
On different plains,
Our Words lead to change,
In a world engulfed in flames.

So shall it be,
We sit amongst our trees,
Leading those who cannot see through the leaves.
We keep it brief,
To show belief,
As we grieve,
For their relief,
In hope, to set us free.
As I see the poems about why we write,  I wanted to do what I could to express my feelings too. Whether we write to forget, explain, describe or live with, I want to say your words help and I wanted to express that.
This is for all of us who feel no hope, no light at the end of the tunnel.
Appreciation for your skill to deliver such prose under heavy circumstances.
Even though we come from different aspects of life, the roads we all have traveled, we write to convey emotions that all can understand, a global language.
Thank you all for posting,
Just a child hiding in leaves,
Peaking to see if it will leave,
Rushing waves of fires burn,
Only awaiting my turn,
As I am a child hiding in leaves,
Hoping for it all to leave.
Always a treat to see,
Its ever-stretching beauty,
Shall ever be with me,
Like the clouds, ever plenty.

The sky scours freely, matching Her infinity,
The perfect companion,
For even at night,
Her bright strikes provide a sight.
Bringing with it delight and fright,

Been on my mind:
A stream that intertwines,
A gleam born from wayward mountains,
A cabin nestled between,
A plethora of trees,
An ambition for You and Me.

Always a haze,
Leaving but a taste of sweet glaze.
I remember the days,
Whether in my dreams or real life,
Oh, it is always a delight.
From the miniature grasslands of Yosemite to the Great Plains of America, I still was in awe of what a simple landscape can provide.
There is a spot between the Mountains of Nevada and Wyoming, on the main road, where if I could, I would live.

This was written over a period of time, in my attempts to capture, reminisce, about my ideal cabin placement.
Ooooohhh it will getcha,
I know it will.
Drip by drip by drip,
A slow burn,
That will hookya,
Aching for another turn.

You take a hit,
A drag or a sip,
Drip by drip by drip,
Only takes a slip.

An IV for your soul,
Which you already know,
Oooohhh it will get yous too,
Drip by drip by drip,
Leaving all but a clue.
Walking fleetingly on Stormy Clouds,
Playing Peek-A-Boo.
From the Lightning and the Rain,
The Thunder too.

Aware of the risks,
Of the Lightning and the Rain,
The Thunder too.
Fleetingly moving,
On Stormy Clouds.
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