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Apr 2014 · 445
The Worst Loneliness
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
Some people close to me are concerned that I might get too lonely
I don't fear loneliness because I know
The worst kind of loneliness of all is feeling lonely in a crowd
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Moving On
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
I was packing up and moving on
I am faced with many new hellos
and some goodbyes
I did my best and did not cry
I felt that I must try something new
I feel like I am stronger just from knowing you
I will always have a piece of you in my heart as
make a new start
I just moved to a different place today
Apr 2014 · 514
Do The Math
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
Do the math
You and me just makes cents
To me you are heaven sent
Time with you is well spent
You are 2 good to be 4 gotten
You and me = gr8ness
I believe we are meant to be 4 ever friends
This is a Shout out to all my Hello Poetry friends
Apr 2014 · 451
A Million Pieces
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
You might think that my mind is scattered
In the past I was beaten and battered
I warn you that if you break my heart it might
shatter into a million pieces
If you try to pick them up, be careful or you might get cut
Apr 2014 · 3.4k
Cocoon (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
I feel trapped in a cocoon , some days, a Butterfly
Mar 2014 · 2.5k
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
These waves of emotions have taken me by storm
These waves of emotions have made me forlorn
I am at times riding the waves higher than the trees
Then I plummet lower than I seemingly can be
I am drowning in the ocean, can someone rescue me
from these waves of emotion
Mar 2014 · 772
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
There are days when I wish I could rewind and start over again
There are days where I wish I could fast forward just to make it through
There are other days when I get to spend with you, on those days I wish I could press pause or freeze frame to make the moment last longer
Those times make life worthwhile and cause me to smile,
You cheer me up with your unique style
Mar 2014 · 665
Drive Thru
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
Life is like a drive thru at times the message is unclear
The words seems obscure
You often don't get what you ordered in life
There is a lot of chaos and strife
We experience pain that cuts like a knife
We are so hurried and rushed
It makes me wonder why all this fuss
I am trying a new style with this poem
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
The perfect poem went through my mind every word seemed
It had perfect rhyme
It had the perfect amount of lines
Unfortunately I ran out of time to grab pen and paper
Now it forever eludes me
This seemed fitting it happened again the other day
I thought of a perfect poem and by the time I got pen and paper
I forgot the poem, sorry you missed it.
Mar 2014 · 220
No More 10 word
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
How much is too much?
I say no more snow !!!!!
A desperate plea from someone stuck in Minnie Snow Da
that someone is me
Mar 2014 · 733
Snow Angel
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
She met him at a dance, when he glanced her way on a Friday night.
She was trilled that he approached her instead of the other gals.
He told her later it was her eyes that drew him in, he said," they sparkled liked
He took her to meet his mom once, she pulled him aside and told him, She said that," she is from the wrong side of the tracks."
They continued to see each other at the dance and did not look back, Their love was a unique romance.
One day he took a chance and told her the news, He said " Sweetheart I hope this don't give you the blues; I have to go away to war, I don't know what is in store for us."
She said to him "trust me, my love is true, I will wait for you."
She also let him know; we could write letters and before you know it the war will end, He agreed.
The time arrived to say goodbye, He held her tight and gave her a farewell kiss. He told her he would never forget her Diamond eyes, and that the time spent with her was pure bliss. He also said, " Your my Angel in disguise."
They wrote back in forth for awhile. his letters always made her smile.
The last letter she wrote said," My love, I miss you, please take to heart the poem I wrote for you:
                                          Snow Angel
                           You are were it is warm, in that war torn land
                            If you could you could build castles in the sand
                            I am here where it is cold, I could build Angels in the snow
                            I am your Snow Angel, my love warms your heart
                            I loved you from the start, always remember,
                            I am your Snow Angel
She waited at the mailbox everyday, hoping for another letter from him;
but received nothing more, until one day shortly after the war ended.
She saw a man in uniform heading her way, she rushed toward him.
When she got closer she realized it was not her Love, The man had a
letter in his hand, He said" I am so sorry, he got wounded in battle and we lost him.
He Said, with tears in his eyes," He died while saving my life"
He was a Hero.
He once, made me promise that if something happened to
him, I would deliver back to you, your last letter.
She took the letter and looked at the words written on the back of the envelope, You are my Snow Angel and in life or death, you will forever be in my heart.
My mom once told me about a guy that she loved before my dad, having died in the war, so this story/ poem is based loosely on that story.
Plus some imagination too, on my part. I hope you like it.
Mar 2014 · 401
My computer Was Sick
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
My computer was sick, I don't understand why
I try to keep it out of the cold
It is a new computer not old
It had the best protection approved by the geek squad
I am wondering if maybe it was my fault
I had a sickness a couple weeks back
The doctor said I was contagious
I felt like without my own computer my sanity might crack
It is great to get back on track with the virus removed
It is great to be back in a healthy groove for my computer and me
Mar 2014 · 314
Two Kinds Of People
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
I once heard someone say there are two kinds of people in this world
I still think there's wisdom in those words even to this day
The first kind of person: Loves things and uses people
We have all meet that kind a person he or she seems consumed with greed and feels the need to get the most money and possessions and don't  give a thought to  the little people they step on to get to the top, they also turn a blind eye to those in need

The second kind of person: Loves people and uses things
They will uses their money or possessions to help those in need
That kind of person will do what they can to help their fellow man, even if they don't have much themselves
They Love to do good deeds, not asking for anything in return
They take Joy in helping out, it don't matter if they get thanks or not, they keep helping, every once in awhile they might receive a smile from the people they have helped and that makes everything seem worthwhile to them, that type a person makes an excellent friend
Please feel free to comment. I love your feedback
Mar 2014 · 397
A Moment In Rhyme
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
I am living just a moment in rhyme as I go about my day, I think about rhymes that won't go away
My heart beats in synch with the song of a bird
I think of sweet words
At the end of the day, I say Good Night sweet rhyme
It is sublime living a moment in rhyme
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
I read your words line by line
They are like a script in my mind
I picture the story, time after time
It plays like a movie in my mind
The effects are special at least to me
No need to adjust my Tv
I can picture the characters, like I've known them for years
I can relate to their happiness or tears or fears
I flash to another scene, I feel like I'm relaxing by the sea
I love to visit the land with the fairies, described so beautifully
If I am in a mood for comedy, I don't have to look far
I don't need a ticket to the show
I know just where to go
I look at my computer screen
All sorts of wonders appear courtesy of my friends here on Hello Poetry
Let the Movies roll, the kind that touches my soul
I thought of the basic ideas for this poem when watching the Academy Awards.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
Wishing on a star
Throwing change in a fountain
I never saw a *** of gold at the end of the rainbow
Chasing dreams, even though it seems impossible, at times
I might have some luck for a change, or do you think it strange?
What did you wish to be when you were younger?
Feel free to comment
Feb 2014 · 471
Age Well (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
We are like fine wine, we age well over time
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
Thoughts of Spring consume my mind even as snow falls
Feb 2014 · 721
Because Of You
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
You came into our lives like a shooting star
You dazzled us with your Amethyst light
You too quickly disappeared into the night
You made an impact on our lives
You remain in our hearts and our memories
We are forever changed because of you
This poem is first of all dedicated to my friend on here Jelly Belly who recently lost her Grandma.
Secondly to my Dad who when he was alive had a February Birthday
Feb 2014 · 925
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
If you want to be my valentine, you don't have to shower me with fine wine
I would rather just spend time with you
I don't need flowers which too quickly wilt
You don't need to be built like Hugh Jackman to be my man
I don't need to get a box of chocolates, even though I like them
It would be sweet enough to listen to your jokes, and to laugh at them
I know there are more important things than money
You don't need to feel that you need to impress or be best dressed
We are already the best of friends
I just have one question  "Will You Be My Valentine"?
Feb 2014 · 713
When I Am With You
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
I love you more each day.
I thank God for you when I pray.
When I am with you
My tears go away.
My sorrows turn to joy.
I love you more and more.
When you look at me my knees feel week.
You calm me when you speak.
I feel special when you're close to me.
Your love for me is all I see.
I thank you that I can be myself
when I am with you.
I long to be closer too you.
I feel safe in your arm,
safe from any harm.
I'm happy when you are around me.
Your gentle kisses and hugs surround me.
I'm inspired in my creativity.
I'm touched by your sensitivity.
I feel more alive.
I feel like I can thrive,
not just survive.
When I am with you.
I once wrote this as a Valentine's Gift for a boyfriend.
I thought you might like it my friends.
Feb 2014 · 359
I Am Taking A Break
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
I am taking a break I shall not be gone long
I am having surgery tomorrow (February 5th)
I shall return when I feel stronger
It shall be a test for me to stay still and rest
I need to sleep and  recover so I can be with you all again
I will think of you and your poems too!
Jan 2014 · 552
The Long Haul
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I don't recall the exact moment we all got acquainted
Maybe you were flipping from page to page or finding poems that were trending
Maybe you were in search of the latest poetry craze
My appreciation is unending
I  especially want to Thank, those of you who have stayed
I love the comments and feedback  
I feel inspired by the poems, you have displayed on your page
I once again, thank you one and all, for staying with me for the long haul
I wish to thank you my faithful friends and those of you new to my poems too!
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
It's the little things that mean so much
A kind word
A gentle touch
A hug
A smile
A laugh
Sharing of thoughts together
expressing of ones self  with another
accepting oneself and accepting others
caring expressed in many ways.
I am re posting this the first time around it had little views and few comments
I thought I would give it a second chance.
I hope you like it!
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
A lone wolf finds his pack then makes tracks in the snow by the light of the moon
The pack moves with urgency they need to hunt
An unknown source has been hunting with such force, leaving a ****** trail in it's wake
They must not make a mistake their food supply has been threatened.

The pack presses on deeper into the forest, further than they have been before
They used to have more than enough food, but lately everything has seemed to change
In fact even patterns in nature seemed to have been altered, for one thing there have been
more full moons than normal.

The youngest wolf was thinking to himself, could there be a connection between the full moon
and the dwindling food supply, an unknown creature like those humans talk about around a
campfire, an abominable Snowman or werewolf or something else.

The young wolf shakes off those thoughts, they are just story's after all, right
I better not let my imagination run wild, I  am no longer a cub
He rounds a bend in the woods, he looks back he sees that once again got separated from his pack, He was about to turn around and go back to where he last saw his pack, when he heard a strange sound like a half howl, half cry, half scream he felt compelled by curiosity, ignoring his hunger.

He glanced quickly at the moon, it is a full moon, He continued to go toward the sound.
He heard a ear splitting scream, he saw an old cabin in the distance. it looks like it had been
long abandoned could that be where the sound is coming from , The pack had always expressed that he is kind of reckless, but he just could not ignore the sound or the urge to investigate

He quickly approached the cabin, the sound grew louder there was no doubt the sound came from here. He saw an open door, against  his better judgement  he went inside, he slowly approached than suddenly stopped and stared at the sight before his eyes.
The moonlight shone through a window and the man standing before the window was morphing before his eyes, The man/creature had eyes like a wolf, scales unlike anything he had seen before, it was changing before his eyes, it's skin part man part beast was opalescent and shimmered under the moonlight it's colors kept changing like a chameleon effect, yet uniquely different.

He kept watching until the transformation was complete know transformed into something form the tales of man, something resembling a mythological beast. He felt awe and fear at the same time. He would not have believed it if he had not seem it with his own eyes, The transformation of man to beast under the light of the full moon.
I dedicate this short story to those of you, who commented on  The Light Of The Moon and wanted to read more, I hope you enjoy this.
Jan 2014 · 997
A Hug Can
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
There are times when it is hard to know what to say, cliches don't take the pain away
In those times saying the wrong thing can make things worse a verse don't instantly make everything better
When someone has lost a friend hearing they lived a good life, does not give relief to the grief one feels
When one has lost a child or someone in their family, don't feel you have to say the right words better yet just be there as a friend and give them a hug, a hug can speak volumes when you don't know the right words
Jan 2014 · 391
The Light Of The Moon
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
The lone wolf found his pack
He then made tracks in the snow by the light of the moon
Jan 2014 · 459
No Time (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
No time for Soap Opera's , too much drama in life
Some people I know try to **** me into their drama
Jan 2014 · 624
Footloose !!
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
The workday's done, I want to have some fun
I long to be footloose and fancy free
I tune in to Pandora and do a little dance
If you could glance my way, you might think my free style's strange
I  swear I won't do the chicken dance, I hope the chicken is free range
I wish I could dance in the 80's style like in Footloose, no matter what I will smile
I wonder if you would like to walk a mile in my shoes. as the music sweeps me away
and seems to take me to another time and another place
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
We often think of flashbacks as being associated with tragic events
I have experienced some like mentioned above, but maybe they could be something more
In a flashback you can visualize something so intently and you feel like you are living it again
It can make such an emotional impact, it can be paralyzing and emotionally crippling
It can take years of therapy to try to move beyond it, you may feel like you may never be the same
The mind is a powerful thing, professionals say you can change dreams, maybe likewise you can try
to change flashbacks
It would be great to be able to so intensely remember a good memory that you feel as if you are living it again, perhaps remember a time with a friend or family member who has passed on
To remember the sound of their voice, what they said, what they were wearing, the smell of there cologne or perfume. how you felt when you were with them, perhaps having the positive emotions outweigh the negative if possible
It would be great to be able to be able to freeze frame like in the movies on a great moment
It would be great to remember something so intently that you read, such as a favorite poem or book that you remember it for years, or be able to recite it from memory      
I don't know all that our minds are capable of I don't know if you know either
I would love to flashback to your poems and how they made we feel, and recall them in a moments of stress, in a second of time, and melt my troubles away
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I am not normally one to be at a loss of words
The funny thing is around you I get tongue tied
I wonder what do I fear we have been friends for many years
I wonder do I fear rejection, or am I seeking protection for my heart?
I am wondering if maybe, I don't want to lose such a great friend
Life is so complicated sometimes
If I don't take a chance I will never know
I don't want to be haunted by the should have done
I will muster up the courage and send you a message
I hope that sometime soon I can do a happy dance
Jan 2014 · 397
Matters Of The Heart
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
When do broken hearts mend?
When does the pain end?
When is the time to start to love again?
Matters of the heart do not follow timelines or trends
When you feel ready it is fine
Love is patient
Love is kind, keep that in mind as you begin again
My friend when you find a love that is true
You will discover someone that appreciates the treasure that is uniquely you!
A close friend is planning to start dating again.
Jan 2014 · 814
Blanket (9 word)
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
My neighborhood got a fresh new blanket of snow
Jan 2014 · 854
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I have not seen the sunshine in quite awhile
I also miss your smile
I miss nature walks
I miss long talks
I miss the smell of roses in the park
I miss late night movies after dark
I also miss the laughter, that's in the room when I visit you
I also miss me, because without you, I am not the same and that is a shame
I am not one to make demands
I am not going to command you to forget me not
I just want you to know that I am here if you need me
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Warm Up
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I want to warm up on the inside
I think i will stay indoors
I need to grab a cup
I need to curl up with a blanket
I need to drink a cup of luxury
I need to drink some Hot chocolate with whipped cream on top
I should have sweet dreams tonight
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
Life's Story ( see notes)
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
When life's trials seem to cheat you traverse on and do not let them beat you,
most of all don't let them defeat you

When you feel there is nothing to share, remember that someone loves you there
is someone who cares

In life even failure gives you a better understanding, of yourself and your accomplishments
Life is a challenge and an accomplishment at the start of a new day and starting it in a
special individual way

If everyone was perfect, you would not have a great feeling of success, meeting someone new
would not be an adventure, we would not be so witty or shy, life would always be the same
We would care less about people or names; leaning on a friend for support would not mean a
thing or Fall, Winter or Spring.
We would have no one to challenge or yell at
The world would be dark and dreary without a face to make it cheery; the world would be
so serious without laughter coming our way, now do you still want a totally perfect day?
I wrote this when I was a Teen, my Mom kept it for many years I'm not sure why
I hope you like it.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Occupational Hazard
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I had cut my fingernails, to prevent a occupational hazard
My long fingernails kept getting in the way of the cash register keys at work.
I miss the way they looked though .
Jan 2014 · 497
I Want To Stay
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I want to stay inside were it is warm
The subzero temperatures can harm
I don't mean to cause an alarm
The extreme cold has given new meaning to a brain freeze
I don't like Jack Frost nipping at my nose or any other body parts
I don't see the effects of Global Warming at least not right now
I know I will have to face the cold all to soon
I have to work tomorrow
I guess that some people go to shop, no matter the weather
It will be a case of mind over matter
To face the cold and be bold and dress warm and press on
Jan 2014 · 370
Strangers On A Bus
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
There are so many faces going different places
Everyone is in such a rush
I guess these days it is so hard to trust
I guess I will refrain from talking
I guess we will all remain just strangers on a bus
This captures my experience going to work, via the metro bus
Jan 2014 · 384
Happy New Year
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
The New Year the time to start anew
A time to share what is on my heart
I wish you my Hello Poetry friends
Health, happiness and good friends this year
I want you to know that you are dear to me
Your poems inspire me
I never tire from reading them
I am glad to read and thirst for more
I am grateful for the love of poetry
I know poetry is the gift that keeps giving
while living life
Dec 2013 · 710
The Dragon
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
The dragon was guarding his treasures and gold and secrets not yet told
He kept them carefully concealed until it was time for them to be revealed
This short poem was inspired by watching the newest Hobbit movie on Christmas day.
Dec 2013 · 514
Merry Christmas Eve
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
Merry Christmas Eve
I wish for you good friends
I wish for you good food
I wish for you a warm fire to keep you warm
I wish you stay free from harm
I wish for you the love of family
I wish for you the surprise of presents you enjoy
I wish that your heart is filled with joy
I wish for you many great poems to write
I wish for you, many great poems to read, like you have given to me
Dec 2013 · 492
The Driver's Seat
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I'm in the driver’s seat of my life.
At times I feel distracted by the traffic around me.
If I concentrate too much on what's distracting me,
I could lose focus,
and turn the steering wheel too much towards the left,
or to the right,
or turn off the path temporarily.
At times I feel afraid of situations,
I encounter along the way,
but I've got to be strong,
and have faith that things will work out okay.
I need to look at the scenery,
to see what is beautiful along the way.
It's okay to ask for directions,
if I need some help arriving at my destination.
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
He was born in a stable humble and lowly, though he was the one most holy
He was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, crown and jewels did not embrace his head, instead he was lain in a manger where animals were fed
Yet at his birth the Angels did sing and the shepherds came to worship him
  A star was put in the sky as a sign to draw us nigh unto him
  The savior was born, Jesus Christ the Lord, so let us come to the manger and realize what he's done for  
   you and me
   He's the holy one born to set us free, come one come all, rich or poor he loves us all
   He wants to give us Joy, peace and love, let us draw nigh unto him and let him draw nigh unto us
   Let us open our hearts and receive the Christ child and let his love be born anew in our hearts
I dedicate this poem to some of my friends on here especially, Marian, Hilda,Timothy,Elizabeth and Mike
I wish you a very Merry Christmas. I hope everyone on here has a great Holiday season. I know some of you will like the poem and some may not, thanks for reading the poem.
Dec 2013 · 693
She was so cold
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
She was so cold, I'm surprised her words weren't froze
She was so cold, her nose, if she sneezed might make snow
She was so cold, I have a feeling an icicle might be on the ceiling
I wonder why the so called expert lacked Human emotion
She was so cold, I think if she had a potion, it would turn to ice
She was so cold, I think being nice is foreign to her
She was so cold, she gave me the chills
She was so cold, that being near her i felt ill
She was so cold, I wish someone would have turned on the heat
even though it was summer
One time I had to meet with a so called expert and this is how i felt.
Dec 2013 · 615
Easily Distracted
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I sometimes wish I had a one track mind, in a good way not bad
I wish I had a better ability to multitask, instead I get easily distracted
If there is too much noise it affects my ability to concentrate
If I'm too bored my mind might wander
If it's important I try to force myself to ponder
If given to many instructions in too short of time
I get confused
I don't want to lose sight of what I must learn
I yearn to do my best
I guess I need to cope with all the rest
I am experiencing some new job stress
Dec 2013 · 820
The Wonder Of It All
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
It's Christmas time again
Christmas trees and Christmas lights lit up for all to see
I think some of us as we got older we have somehow lost
The wonder of it all
It would be neat to see it though the eyes of a child
The lights the trees seemed magical
There unwavering belief, nothing seemed impossible
Christmas Villages lit up seemed frozen in a simpler time
To children it did not matter if they had a dime, homemade gifts are fine
The presents under the tree were a delight to see
The simple amazement of it all
The wonder of it all
The gathering of family and friends and neighbors too
The real sense of community
The trust people had for their fellow man
It did not matter if you got a little or lot
You were just grateful for what you had
You just enjoyed time with those you loved
  The freshly fallen snow added to the wonder that day
   Then in the fallen snow you play
   I hope you will discover through the eyes of a child
   The wonder of it all
I took a trip down memory lane
I was trying to recall Christmas past, when small had a real sense of wonder
I hope you enjoy the poem!
Dec 2013 · 396
Some Days
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
Some days I feel young
Some days I feel old
Some days I feel shy
Some days I feel bold
Some days I strive to be my best
Some days I feel like life is a test
Some days go good
Some days go bad
Some days I'm happy
Some days I'm sad
Some days I even get mad
Some days I cry
Some days I sing
I will wait to see what today will bring
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
The Sunrise
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I saw the sunrise spreading across the sky in an orange hue
It was a breathtaking view
I will be searching the sky for future sunrises
I wonder what other colors I will find
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Your My Shinning Star
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I want you to know that your my shinning star
You fill my heart with your magnificent light
You brighten my day and night with your dazzling light
You may not know it but you are my muse
You are my inspiration in many ways
Thoughts of you keep me going on difficult days
You brighten my days and night with dazzling light
I want you to know that whether you are near and far
You are my shinning star
You fill my heart with magnificent light
I want you to know that even though our time together is to brief
I always believe in you, and hold you dear in my heart
It is hard to part from you
You may not know it, or I might not show it but after we say Goodbye
I start to cry,then i remember, that i can not hold onto you forever
because you are a shinning star and are destined for greatness
Your my shinning star you fill my heart with magnificent light
I know that you encourage me to follow my dreams
I want you to know that a very big dream already came true
The day I first held you in my arms, and looked in your eyes and saw
that light there, and I am sure my eyes were glowing too,
I remember that day in December like it was yesterday
Always remember your a shinning star
I want you to know your my shinning star
you fill my heart with your magnificent light
you brighten my day and night with your  dazzling light
This poem is one I wrote for my daughter whose Birthday was earlier this week.
I hope she reads it soon, I think she will be surprised, I hope she likes it!!
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