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Dec 2013 · 650
I Had The Job Interview
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I had the job interview today just a day after having a stomach flu
I know you are wondering, the big question how did I do?
I first need to thank all of you for your advice, encouragement and some prayers from some of you
Well my nerves were a bit frazzled, during the first and second interview
I also had a good word from someone, who works for my current employer
In the end it seems I must of dazzled them
I got the job for the season maybe longer
I will have lots of holiday shoppers to help
If you come down my aisle I will greet you and smile
Dec 2013 · 690
In The Cards
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I went to see my Mom with two of my brothers on thanksgiving
I gave her an early Christmas card I had made
She exclaimed when I told her I made her the card, You are a sweetie
Soon after we played cards with her Kings In The Corner
She normally has great luck with cards, but my brothers won
They seemed to be winning in a pattern
I messed it up a bit by winning once
My poor Mother exclaimed that her cards were cr*p!
I guess it was just not in the cards for her
Nov 2013 · 789
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
A week from today I have a job interview
I get anxiety when having an interview
If I am not sure what to say I tend to just spew out a random answer
I worry about what to wear
I get scared when there is uncomfortable silence and fear the worst
My hands sweat and my mouth is dry
If I don't get the job I feel I might cry
I just hope that I don't make to many mistakes
I guess I will try my best and try to focus on my strengths
I have a job interview a week from today
Any interview tips from you, my friends?
Nov 2013 · 373
This Is A Test (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
This is a test of the emergency poetry broadcast system!
This is a test those of you who like my poems, please comment below!
Nov 2013 · 2.7k
Count Your Blessings
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I resolve to count my blessings not just at thanksgiving but all year long
I heard an attitude of gratitude can alleviate some symptoms of depression
I consider it a blessing to have a roof over my head
It is also a blessing to have a bed
I also consider it a blessing every day my bank account is not in the red
It is a blessing to be well fed  
It is a blessing to have family
It is a blessing to have friends
If I keep counting my list might never end
My friends please try to count your blessings
Nov 2013 · 519
The Poetry Storm
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I see the lightning flash across my screen
There is a storm brewing of that I am sure
This storm has no warning except notifications
I have to check this forecast
I may or may not see many notifications on my page
A storm is brewing it is raining down creativity
I see the effects of this storm when I read your poems
The ideas are like tornado swirling in our minds
Instead of destruction our words take a toll, on others minds and souls
There is no need to take cover and hide from this storm
We have no cause for alarm
We can grab a pen or computer and play in this type of rain
Let creativity rain on us and may it reign in our minds
May we drown in the floods of inspiration
May we stay away from the clouds of doubt
I think the poetry storm is brewing, you can shout with joy when it rains on you!
Nov 2013 · 614
Deck The Halls
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
Deck the halls with wreaths
Fa la la, la la la, la la la la
Lets play the old time carols
Fa la la la la, la la la la
See the cash register before us
Fa la la la , la la la la
Swipe the credit card and sing a chorus
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Follow me in merry shopping
Fa la la la la, la la la la
While I see the holiday treasures
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Quickly the year passes ,
as we shop with the masses
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Hail the new year will soon before us
sing with me this chorus
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Lets not mind the winter weather
Lets all be together
Fa la la la la, la la la la
I thought I would try to update an old song.
I hope you like it!
I am not promoting materialism, I am just trying to have some fun!!
Nov 2013 · 470
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
Our love is warmer than a summer day
I am glad you were sent my way
Thoughts of you will keep me warm all winter long
I pray that you stay free from harm
I hope to see you soon
May we dance together under the moon
Always remember there is room in my heart for you
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
The Vessel (edited)
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
The Vessel
A wounded vessel tossed about in the storms of life
The vessel was once strong unshaken by the wind sure and secure in itself and about life
The once strong vessel is wounded again feeling hurt angry insecure ashamed lonely
Overwhelming blows of feelings hitting the vessel the pain is intense the memories of abuse are
Strong a blow to the heart and emotions
A cry out for assistance I cry out for the captain’s help in facing the crisis I look at the holes in the vessel
I ask for support from friends and groups etc. to help me repair the vessel to make it strong again
The vessel is not the same as it once was but there is hope that one day it can be better than it is now
The vessel is being mended and is getting stronger for the first time it's experiencing sunrises and sunsets that it has never seen before
Maybe it can be made stronger than it ever was and sail towards peaceful shores
I wrote this some time back and recently found it on my computer.
I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment!
Nov 2013 · 358
Smile :> ( 10 word)
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I am gonna give to you, my best retail smile!
I thought of this while working at a thrift store recently.
I try to remember to smile and go the extra mile for the customer.
Nov 2013 · 745
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
Let us treasure today
We are not promised tomorrow
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us dance like there's no tomorrow
Let us do things today instead of putting it off until tomorrow
Let us cherish the moment before it rushes away
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us eat all kinds of good food
Lets eat our favorites
Let us read our favorite poems
Let us write some poems too
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us tell our family we love them
Let us call our friends and tell them too
Let us  create some memories and write them down
Let us not take things for granted
Let us not waste today
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM
My friend's CARPE DIEM
Nov 2013 · 770
My Lost Poem
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I have been looking for my poem all day
I think she may have run away
She is lost of that I am sure
The details are a bit of a blur
Her and I went on a Google search
We wanted to do a little research
We disagreed about who wrote A Poison Tree
She thought it was Frost
I thought she was wrong
The search should not have took this long
We went to different poetry sites
I went to famous poets and
I don't know what went wrong
I recently browsed the computers history
I found some reference to  Expedia
I wonder if she felt the need to get away
If I called Expedia to find out if she booked a cruise
I would not know quite to say the problem is I had not named her yet
In the future I will have to remember to name a poem right away
I never would have guessed her desire to roam
If she desires to visit you ,could you let her know she is missed at home
I got the answer for what we disagreed on A Poison Tree by William Blake
I think in the future I should not argue with a poem
I want my poems to stay at home!
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
Life In A Bubble
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I thought I would try life in a bubble safe from the worlds trouble
I also thought the bubble would keep me from germs a double blessing
Life here in the bubble seemed to go at a slower pace
I'm here in the bubble away from the human race
I am protected from crime
I am enjoying time with me, myself and I
I am not watching the news no news is good news right
I am shut out from everyone
I wonder does anyone remember me anymore
I'm starting to feel claustrophobic stuck in the bubble
I did not mean to shut out the ones I love
I would scream but no one would hear me
I am isolated from everything and everyone except my thoughts
I am imprisoned by my thoughts
If you were near, you would hear me say burst this bubble and let me out
I want to live life again  
I want to breathe again, outside the bubble
Nov 2013 · 933
You Take My Breath Away
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
Asthma, you take my breath away quite literally I'm breathless
I currently have Bronchitis combined with Asthma, and coughing fits at times
Leaving me gasping for air.
Nov 2013 · 511
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
Words can...
Words can...
Words can...
Words can...
Words can...
knock down
Words can...
make you smile
Words can...
cause you to frown
Words can...
Words can...
speak truth
Words are powerful tools
I prefer to use them carefully
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I went to Justin Ploof and the Throwbacks Creedence Clearwater Reviva Tribute concert it was a lot of fun it made me feel like I was a Fortunate Son even though I'm a lady
I thought of flowers and psychedelic colors or maybe that was the effect of colorful lights on stage
I saw some people Down In The Corner break out in a dance at least it was peaceful not enraged
I think the crowd went a little crazy when the Bad Moon Rising played I was encouraged by some friends to get out of my seat when they pulled on my hands and we raised our hands to the band
The blast from the past took people on a trip to memory lane ending the rockumentary  with Proud Mary, I wish you could have been there my friends!
Nov 2013 · 601
What Teens Do Right
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
There is so much talk of what teens do wrong
I think it is better to focus on what they do right
They often study late trying to get good grades
So many teens behave well, some have jobs and school
Some are too busy to focus on what others think is cool
Some are phenomenal writers and have such insight
I read so many poems from them on this site
I think they should get some credit for the good that they do
I met some teens in my community when they volunteered
I give the teens that do right a cheer, I wish to recognize you for what you do!
Nov 2013 · 712
Deliver Us From E-mail
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I recently read a joke about a little girl and she was saying a prayer Know as the Our Father and at the end instead of saying deliver us from evil she said deliver us from e-mail.
I thought about this as I sent out on the task of trying to delete lots of e-mails that have piled up,
I say Deliver me from e-mail.
The more I delete the more seem to appear, The spam I find you can not fry and serve with eggs
I *** a lot of political e-mails, I don't know how they got my e-mail address in the first place
The other ones trying to sell my things I don't need, about one percent from some people I care about
I try to delete a few they multiply like bunnies, I sigh I get up and walk away and take some deep breathes.
I think I'm delivered from e-mail at least for today.
Deliver us from e-mail I pray
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
The School Of Hard Knocks
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
When I was younger I was hoping to go to some private university instead I was enrolled in The School Of Hard Knocks against my will. I think that I started this school when I was a premature baby fighting for my life. Then in school were I experienced such strife
I further experienced this school when I married young and while I was trying to further my education my husband violently knocked me against the wall, with the help of neighbors I escaped and got to a safe place. I had to leave town and drop out of school.
The school of hard knocks can be so cruel. I wonder who makes the rules for this school
I've heard it said that experience is the best teacher you get the test first and the lessons afterwards in life there are many lessons to be learned, when I was a new parent I learned many and not every answer is found in books, you learn at times through trial and error
You love your children even when at times they don't treat you right
I am still learning from the school of hard knocks, it seems when I try to get ahead a little bit I get knocked down I feel like I might frown
I think I will get back up I have before, but I have some advice if The School Of Hard Knocks comes knocking at your door don't answer.
Nov 2013 · 409
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I am often wondering even when I'm with friends are you really listening?
Do you really hear or do you just pretend or do you selectively listen to hear what you want to.
I know we all selectively listen, at times especially if someone is long winded and we get bored
I believe everyone wants to be listened to and not ignored
If a tree fell in the woods and no one is around, I believe it still makes a sound
If I fell I'm sure I would make a sound and I hope someone would care and listen to what I have to share
I especially hope that when I have something important to say, I hope I have their full attention and they won't just walk away
I hope that when my time is up, people will say among other things she was a good listener
I ask you today Are You Listening?
Having lost my voice it got me thinking about talking and listening
Nov 2013 · 734
Duct Tape (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
Duct Tape fixes many things but it can't fix me
I'm sick today with ear infection and on top of that I lost my voice.
Nov 2013 · 910
A Virtual Home
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
We are miles apart from various backgrounds
We are gathered together with a common love of poems and writing
The sky's the limit on what we can share
We have formed a bond and made friends that share our love of the written word
The friendships forged here have been strong, we feel like we have been friends for years
We look out for our fellow poets and they know we really care
Here on this site, I have found my voice which had been silent for far to long
I can write about many things with out fear of judgement
I can read many wonderful poems and hear your voice too
I am glad I listened to my daughter when she set me up on Hello Poetry on my Birthday
It has been a gift that keeps on giving, here I have found a Virtual Home.
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Magic Giant Eraser
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
I  wish I had a magic giant eraser to eraser the worlds mistakes
I wish we could start anew
I know I would how about you?
I hope everyone would choose to live in peace without crime
It would be great for kids to be safe in school and everyone following the  rules
I hope everyone would use their tools of kindness and respect for their fellow man
I hope people would lend a helping hand to those in need and do good deeds
I wish we had a magic giant eraser but we don't, but some form of peace could start indeed
We could help out for good in our own communities and take the time to volunteer for some cause we believe in or somehow help our fellow man.
If we help even one person that would be grand, for that one person we have made a difference
Oct 2013 · 750
Mr Sandman (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I asked Mr Sandman for a dream he brought  nightmares
As a kid I was not scared of the boogeyman, I was scared of the sandman.
The idea of someone being able to put sand in your eyes and interfere with your dreams that scared me!
Oct 2013 · 742
The Deepest Well
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
My emotions I sometimes stuff deep inside
I hide them pretty well for a while at least
They silently start to swell, my sadness becomes deeper than the deepest well
If you want to reach me don't preach to me, and say just snap out of it, that don't help
I know you just don't understand. I wish you would walk beside me and just be there
so i know you care
My tears overflow on the inside, you can not see them
I feel like I'm in hell, stuck in this deepest well
I'm sorry this is not as positive as my former poems
I struggle with a depressive disorder and this is how i feel in the midst of it.
Oct 2013 · 306
Only A Number (10 Word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Weight,  why I get so obsessed, your only a number
We often worry so much about our weight and comparing our self with others.
Some of us have struggled with eating disorders in the past including me.
Oct 2013 · 1.6k
The Dating Adventure
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I gather up my purses, I don't want to be late, It's the dating adventure.
My friend set me up on blind date, i think she was blind, she said he looked like Fabio, to me he resembled ET. I'm not one that is shallow or mean but he didn't not have a good personally like I was lead to believe. I feel like i was deceived, he was not interesting to talk at all.
I thought I would give it another try with a different guy, maybe I would have better luck  
I am generous and willing to stick out my neck for a friend, but the guy constantly had me pick up the check with the excuse he forgot his wallet in his other pants or he would reimburse me once he got paid etc. I wish I would not have paid for his lobster with dessert on the side. Dating is an unpredictable ride.
One time I went out with a guy and my sister asked me how my date went I replied what date it was like babysitting. In the search for my honey, I was the one that kept getting stung, bad dates are no fun. I know dating does not come with any guarantee or money back policy. I wish it would for me. I have learned from this not so great dating adventure. I am waiting for a true gentleman it will be worth the wait.
Enjoy Ladies, I think you might be able to relate. Maybe you guys can relate too.
Oct 2013 · 281
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I love to see the beautiful colors on the trees, but I don't like the chill which brings me to my knees.
Oct 2013 · 1.4k
Mood Music
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I listen to music that matches my mood
The music is like color to my senses
Pink: A  happy tune
Blue: A sad song
Green: A song with lots of energy
  Purple: A song that makes me feel joyful
  Black: A depressing tune that I cry to
  Mixing them would be liking a rainbow after the rain
  A mixture of happiness, joy and pain, what remains is mood music, let it play
Oct 2013 · 535
Would IT Be A Sin (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Would it be a sin for the Vikings to win
I think it would be nice for our Minnesota team to win for once.
Oct 2013 · 910
Have I Told You Lately?
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I read your poems faithfully, I think I have remembered to like most of them.
I try to comment if I have the time, I read your words line by line
Your words often bring a smile to my face and cheer me up on difficult days
Some of your poems bring inspiration others tears, some tickle my funny bone
Have I told you lately that you have tremendous talent, please write more
Have I told you lately that you are awesome and I wonder what else you have in store
Your words are beautiful to read or for you men, educational to glimpse the mind of men
I need to tell you today. how much I appreciate you, my fellow poets and friends
Oct 2013 · 508
The Day WE Met ( reposted)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
The day we met
Will never be forgotten
The sun was shining through
Reflecting on the ocean oh so blue
Sparkling like diamonds
Like your eyes do too
With a smile that can be seen
From miles away
Gravitating me towards you
My heart skips a beat
When you call my name
My life will never be the same
You are my Romeo
I am your Juliet
The moments we spent together
I will never forget
You showered me with diamonds
And other fancy things
Taking me to dinner
And pulling out my seat
Treating me like royalty
But clearly it was never meant to be
Because it was only in a movie.
I wrote this with my daughter.
Not many of you have seen this, it was posted July 8th when I started on this site.
Oct 2013 · 645
The Lonely Hearts Club
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I went out with a friend for a night on the town
She said you are single, you should mingle
I know just the place you should try The Lonely Hearts Club
She dropped me off something came up she had to run, she said have fun, call me when your done
I found a seat looked at the menu, saw that prices were cheap and placed an order
The place was in disorder the music was too loud, having dinner for one did not seem to fun
I decided to wait until dinner was through to see if things would improve
I saw that some poor guy nearby spilled his drink all over a gal close to him
To make matters worse he walked up to me, He smelled of alcohol and cheap cigars
  He blurted out that he thought he would take a change and ask me to dance
  He also exclaimed that he was also looking for romance and asked for my name
  I told him I am choosy because I'm no ******  I'm holding on waiting for Mr Right someday he will be in my sight
   I called my friend for a ride home, I left The Lonely Hearts club with my dignity intact
Sometimes when my friend and I go for a night out around town we get bugged by weird guys.
This story/ poem is inspired by that.
Oct 2013 · 513
Across The Miles ( 10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Across the miles, I send  a smile and love too
This poem is for all my friends on Hello Poetry!
Oct 2013 · 3.5k
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I tied to hang a horse shoe up for good luck it turned upside down
What about the horse that is looking for his shoe what is he to do?
I tried to carry a lucky rabbits foot
I wonder what is so lucky about it, it is not lucky for the rabbit
When eating at a restaurant I tried tossing salt over my shoulder for luck
The people that got hit with the salt sure yelled a lot
It indeed was not lucky for me!
I am lucky in one respect to have friends like you to share my poems with!
This poem was a fun one for me.
I hope you enjoy it!
Oct 2013 · 302
Two Seasons
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Here in Minne Snow Da  we have two seasons Winter and Road Destruction!
Minne Snow Da  is a joke name for Minnesota, I call it Road destruction instead of Road construction because you see the destruction  long before you see the construction.
Oct 2013 · 502
Going Through The Fire
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
At times the earthly cares press in so hard I feel like I might break
If they press any harder a diamond they might make
I am going through the fire, I think I am being refined like Gold in the fire, impurity stripped away to give way for the beautiful shiny golden hue making it seem new again
I wonder if we endure tough times so like the Gold, we can shine, we are molded and shaped our character  is further built and we develop more compassion for others
Our passion for life is fueled when we make it through, may we like the Gold shine
If you are going through the fire, I am willing to walk beside you, as your friend, remember you are precious like Gold  and may you shine!
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I see grandpa as I look up to the sky
I can envision him as he greets Jesus eye to eye as love and joy fills the air
The Angel's sing welcome songs and the anthems reach the heavenly throngs
as Jesus and Grandpa walk along the streets of gold as they passed through the Golden gate
They stood for a moment and stared into the Crystal lake, I heard Grandpa exclaim , I can
hardly wait to tell my children about this beautiful place
They traveled along a little further and  joy and peace filled the air
He turned and saw grandma standing there, smiling from ear to ear as she said "I've been waiting to see you, here there are no tears, no sorrows, nor fears here there is only happiness, love, joy and peace eternally
I heard that up in heaven Jesus has prepared, the things that make his children happy
I am sure for grandpa  there will be many 500 card games and they will be the best ever
i wrote and read this poem for my grandpa's funeral.
I hope you like it my friends!
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Sometimes silence is golden, when you don't know the right thing to say, in that case a hug goes a long way to show you care
I wish you would have left a message at least to let me know that our Uncle Alan died
I did not hear about it until after the funeral
Do you think I was to fragile to handle the news?
I wanted to be among the many sitting in the pews hearing about the life he lived
I wanted to offer comfort to his wife and kids who are all grown now
In August when I first learned of the cancer I made a point of talking to Uncle Alan and I made sure , I gave him a hug just in case I would not see him again
I have less regrets because I at least  got to say goodbye in my own way
I wish I could have been at the funeral though surrounded by family on Thursday and said one more goodbye instead I'm left to cry alone
In this case I feel that silence is not golden
I got the news too late that my uncle died
Oct 2013 · 928
Bully By Another Name
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I remember running down the halls in high school while people shouted, that I should try out for track
The reason that I ran so fast and no one had my back was my bully
It was not just his words I feared though his words often made me feel ill
I got the chills when he tried to set me on fire ,when I had on a dress my sister made for me
I tried to report it to a respected teacher at school, who said that he could not help it, because he lost his mom
I still felt that something was wrong about this teacher's logic
I reported it to my sister and the bully's lighter got taken away
I got harassed by the bully and his friends about his lighter being taken away, they called me a Narc
I felt better though that I talked about it, instead of hiding it inside
It felt right to shed some light and make it know that bullying is wrong
I recently heard on the news, now bully's have a new tool, via text and online cyber bully
A 12 year old girl recently took her own life after a few girls bullied her for a number of month's.
I think those girls should be charged with a crime as if they murdered her. It was not right that they took away her self esteem and confidence till she felt like she could not take it anymore
She gave up the fight, I wonder if her parents knew and I wonder if the other girl's parent's knew what they were up to when they bullied her
I wish this tragic event could have been avoided I feel for the parents loss
People need to know that bullying comes with a great cost, one's life which is priceless
I saw the story on the news which saddened me, and it brought up some memories of when i was bullied
Oct 2013 · 398
A Classic (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
If I were a car I would be a classic
Oct 2013 · 3.1k
Excuses To Miss Work
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
My Alarm clock's alarm broke and I did not want to be tarty
I went to a party and came home sick (maybe i should not mention this)
I think i have a fever of 103
I think I have the flu
I am running to the bathroom faster than a racehorse
I have the chills
I have the worst headache in my life
I hurt my back when i tripped on something at work and heavy lifting will make it worse
My doctor advised bed rest
I used up my sick days so I better call in that I'm dead
This is something I hope will be funny to start your work week.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
A Mere Reflection
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I have heard it said that the eyes are the windows to the soul.
I believe they are a mere reflection of what's inside
No one can see what we choose to hide our doubts, fears, pain and insecurities
No one truly knows  unless we choose to share and let someone care about us
We at times look at our reflection and we do not like, what we see because we are not like those on TV
We might feel like we are too short, or not thin enough or not beautiful or handsome
The reflection lies as we unjustly compare ourselves with others
We need to remember true beauty is inside
  We need to be know for our unique qualities and how we care for those around us
   We are individuals and their is no one else just like us
    Our eyes are but a mere reflection of whats inside
Oct 2013 · 716
If This was My day Job
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
If this was my day job, I would have many hours to write
I would have time to ponder the right words to find the perfect rhyme
I would at times work late at night
I would dream of nouns , verbs and adjectives
I would have many poems and stories as well filling up many notebooks and computer folders
I would have more readers and faithful followers of my poems
I would have schedules and deadlines to abide by and maybe autographs to give
I would be living my dreams
It  seems that it is best after all to be content with what I have, great friends like you to share my poems with!
Oct 2013 · 928
Poetry Party
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I wish i could have a poetry party and invite all of you
We could recite poetry and talk about the good old days
We would not care if everything rhymed, we would just have a grand time
We would have  snacks to eat and lots to drink and share in each others company
We would talk until late at night and laugh at jokes
  We would reminisce about what we wrote
   I think at parties end, we would all be the greatest of friends
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Desserts (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts pass them now please, Yummy!
When I am stressed I crave desserts.
Oct 2013 · 303
Memories (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I tried to find you I found you in memories
Oct 2013 · 682
Heartstrings (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Don't play with my heartstrings it is not an instrument.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I'm picking up the pieces of a shattered life: like a scattered puzzle I'm trying to find the pieces that will fit right
I'm trying to rebuild and see whats before me, and wanting to know how it will all fit together all right
It's hard to wait and see what the complete picture will be
I know I will get through it if I persist and except help if needed from others too
I ask, will there be mountains or streams will I have an opportunity to pursue my dreams?
I long for learning , I thirst for positive change
I crave for new adventures, for growth, yet at the same time, I'm scared, I don't want to be hurt again
I feel as if there was an earthquake and I am having to deal with the aftershocks
I survived and I know the future is uncertain
I hope I will have the strength to face The Great Unknown
I hope in the end I will succeed and that the outcome would be a better, stronger more confident me
I wrote this when I was going through a Divorce
Oct 2013 · 505
A Poet Knows
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
A poet knows raw emotion and stirs our emotions making us smile, laugh or cry
A poet knows devotion and expertly crafts it for all to see
A poet knows heartache and heartbreak and describes it, showing  he or she can relate
A poet knows what it is to experience love and happily shares with eloquent words
A poet knows many things and has a sense of  expectation in life
A poet knows the beauty around them and expresses it in words creating a masterpiece
This poem is dedicated to The Poets here on Hello Poetry!
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