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 May 2016 Ann M Johnson
Tom Blake
Half a song,
Only half
A picture
Half a
Half love
Half care...
Let me say
A lemon
A Sunset.
yes , it's snowing

a glorious spring snow

a gale
of flower petals

from my neighbor's tree......

cj 2016
beautiful gifts....beautiful surprises
 May 2016 Ann M Johnson
poems and people striving to be recognized on the mean
streets, here and there,
I wish I could catch their yearning
in a jar like a firefly and light every one
of my nights
up like I used to,
in hot summer wind runnings
and fumblings
when youth and naivete
had my ***** tangled in knots
in my crotch
experience every verb as if I was living it
and touch once again the essence of young spirits,
but comes a day when,
all you can do is say,
go on young love's,
say you'll be there forever
and at the time you feel it,
and you and I did
 May 2016 Ann M Johnson

Do unto others
as you’d have them do
Such an old saying
it’s not something new

Then why do we fight
calling each other names
Pointing our fingers
and casting the blame

Looking for wrong
when there is so much right
Walking in darkness
ignoring the light

Talking behind
somebody else’s back
Laughing at problems
or things that they lack

Making them feel
like they’re nothing at all
Hiding our hands
if they happen to fall

Locking the door
when they’re out in the rain
Wearing a smile
when they’re crying in pain

If we all try
we can turn this around
Open your heart
so the love can be found

It would be easy
you know that it’s true
Do unto others
as you’d have them do
An angel stares into the sky
In the form of a little girl
Born mentally ill,
          The sky which is the
Inner eye of God scatters the spectacle;
        The people ignorant and blind
Pass the little girl, homeless.

All you readers:
Inside your safe worlds
The little girl almost becomes
Visible, only for a moment.
I never counted the stars
In the night sky;
I counted memories.
The times I feasted on the milky way-
Oh, how they tasted like chocolate.
The times I looked up and spelled out your name-
My heart leapt and reached out for them.
The times I hand picked parts of galaxies-
I held a box of the remains in my arms.

We connected. We shone.

I love the stars
They shines bright, in my heart.
But you held it all.
They were in my smile,
But you were the reason they showed.
They brought out the best in me,
But you were the reason for my rising self esteem. 
I could enumerate the ways they spoke out to me,
But it was you who helped me understand.

Yet, some nights,
They don't show.
I feel like my world has crumbled to pieces.
Some nights are stormy,
And no stars are there
To comfort me.

It's dark out now.
I can't find my way.
I'm lost, completely.
They've all vanished.
Or rather, been taken away.
Some people don't like the shining asteroids. 
They forget the beauty of it.
The galaxies.
The universe.
They keep it locked away,
Far from me,
In fear it would blind me
Give me too much hope,
Make me love.

But you are my star.
My milky way.
My galaxy.
No matter what they do,
They can not keep me from loving you
I miss you.
I stopped fearing the night
When I realized
The darkness was
*Inside me
Inspired by Joker's Quote.
Because the last time I loved you, you shattered my heart into millions of pieces. There were so many, I stopped trying to collect them. Instead, I swept the jagged pieces away, burning them to ashes, hoping, praying over the fire a new one would eventually grow.
It never did.
Heavenly Father we drop to our knees,
Lord please pertain to our needs.
Save us, love us, cleanse us of our sins.
Bless us abundantly and remain with us.
Humbly we ask, watch over us.
As we walk through the shadow of death,
Father guide us with your light.
If ever we reach a point where darkness fills our sight.
Jesus, son of God, show us which way is right.
Even in the times of trouble, sweet redeemer, wipe our tears
For blessed are those who mourn, because we shall be comforted.
As your promises are said, God comfort us in this time of need.
Ashes to ashes, till death do us part, God be our guide.
Lover of our soul, comfort us.
Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted
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