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Recognise me when my face can't fantom a smile.
Recognise me when I pull my sleeves down.
Recognise me when I hide behind baggy clothes.
Recognise me when my mood changes too quickly to be normal.
Recognise me when I'm drowning without water.
Recognise me when I'm crying deeper, spiritual tears.
Recognise me when I'm hurting, hurting even myself.
Recognise me when I'm tired, almost everyday.
Recognise me when I don't care anymore.
Recognise me, recognise the help I need.
Help me.
Are you as surprised as I to find
That Kim Kardashian is a international spy

But don't worry she's on the side of right
Working this time for the good guys

The pics that this twit tweets
Is spinning turbans around in the Middle East

Corrupting the minds of the men and their youth
As they google eye over what she let's loose

Though Miss K. is not the one to blame
It's mainly the fault of Uncle Sam

She's just doing her civic duty
In the posting of selfies in her birthday suity

I've had suspensions for years believe you me
The Kim isn't as dumb as she appears to be
Just heard that Iran has accused Kim Kardashian of being a spy...
Who knew!
If I allowed you to shoot yourself my heart would forever perish
For there's no way someone
in it can take a bullet and it survives
allowing you **** yourself
is suicide to me, you're in my heart...
I leased a big part for you to stay
But you've never even brought a chair
the curtains you left are tattered with grief
I wish I'd known you weren't going to stay
I wish you had a signpost written
"Don't fall,this is an abyss"
I felt the sudden change in the air
As icy breath clung I was made aware
Outside my window the shadows fell
But it was too early for night to tell
Still it was cold and dark I know
Then came that knock upon the door
"Thomas , whom I come looking for
Won't you open up for evermore ?"

I shook with fear , for all the years
Suddenly I was filled with tears
I had always made my covered bed
And in absolution I held my head
Still you have no earthy clue
When comes that knock upon the wood
"Thomas , oh Thomas ,  if you would
Unbolt the lock now if you could."

I stood in silence , made not a sound
But by the shadow upon the ground
I knew he waited so patiently
Waiting ! Waiting , there for me
"Come Thomas , the seconds few
You cannot avoid what's in store for you
Do not bother looking for the key
For I have kept it safely here with me ."

I said I was not afraid of Death
That I would not bend in my final breath
Then I remembered my father's passing
How the stillness became so everlasting
And I knew I was no more special
That life is certainly full and spacial
So I opened up the door
"I am Thomas , the Thomas of whom you do implore ."
Sometimes all the time we get
Is a quick minute or two
In the lives of others
With that time what do you do
Do you take that spot to lift them up
In what they're going through
When all the time you have in their lives
Is a quick minute or two

Do you show them loving kindness
To help them through their day
Never knowing who in front of you
Touched their lives along the way
You might be the difference
When a difference needs to be made
Which could be all the difference in the world
With what you do and say
 May 2016 Ann M Johnson
I saw war machines between the clouds
and while the sky was burning
people on the ground were living carelessly,
ignoring the Apocalypse above.

I saw a madman hysterically laughing and dancing
amongst  people with bleeding smiles
and I, as one of them,
was wandering by the river,
watching, listening,
not knowing if anything was real.

(A stranger took a picture of me
and I felt pretty.)

Then finding myself in the middle of nowhere
I saw demons burning everything I owned
—a poem, a dress, and your picture—
My legs frightened running and running and running
until my body touched the ground.
Breathless, suffocating,
I knew then
that it was the end.
just a summary of my dream last night

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