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My ashes will dance in the air of time
My body will feel the warmest fire
My soul will leave my body to swim in the water of void
And my name will remain on earth unstained

Termites won't feed on me
My bones remain whole
As my days traveled into the coffin of divine treasure
As my sun continues to shine in the ether where God lives

Written by
Martin Ijir
 Jun 2017 Brianna
Zachary William
I like this place.
so many people
trying to deal with pain
and anger
and talking about
their joys
and so much of it
under the surface
because the profanity
filter is on by default.
 Jun 2017 Brianna
In my desperate search for true love;
I lost myself.
This was a huge surprise for me; totally unexpected! Thank you :3
 Jun 2017 Brianna
Kelsey Erin
I was created from car crashes and cigarette smoke and alcohol and neglectful and broken parents
I was created from their hurt
I was created to be hurt
I was born unlovable
I was born not being able to love
I was born sad
I was born with a name that means to be brave
I was born with a curved spine and was made into a titanium one
I was made into long legs and unruly brown hair and green eyes and loud opinions with a soft voice
I was made to be resilient.
 Jun 2017 Brianna
Lillian Harris
I cry and care
Too much;
My heart
Is a thing
To be left
 Jun 2017 Brianna
- JP DeVille
My painter friend looked at me and laughed,
"I can't draw, I've told you that," I said.
"What a sad life to not be able to place your emotions on a canvas,"
he grinned.
"I don't paint but I write," I replied, "Want to know the difference?"
Intrigued he awaited for my answer,
"Your art is for the eye, but mine's for the heart."
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