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Oct 2018 · 375
Sunny Kimball, Part 15
Sarah Taylor Oct 2018
It's getting close to Christmas Day
A time of joy, a time of play
But all I want's to find a way
To spend the holiday with you.

No school today, I lay in bed
My love for you won't leave my head
My cheeks become a little red
From thoughts of cuddling with you.

At last, the special day is here
I wish I got you something, dear
But we've a better source of cheer
'Cause you have me, and I have you.

And even though you're really far
We're deep in love, I know we are
I look up at the shining stars
They're almost beautiful as you.
My first time playing around with meter, rhyme schemes, and stress patterns. This poem is fictional (sadly).
May 2018 · 342
Sunny Kimball, Part 14
Sarah Taylor May 2018
When I think of you, I feel spectacular.
Like just the mere thought of you is a talisman
That I hold dear in my heart
And nothing can knock me down.

When I look at you, I feel elated.
Your face, however much you may disagree
Is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
And nothing is more precious to me.

When I talk to you, I feel comforted.
The words we exchange remind me of
The unbreakable bond we have between us
And nothing can replace that.
Apr 2018 · 458
Sunny Kimball, Part 13
Sarah Taylor Apr 2018
My heart is pounding
Bursting with my love for you
I'll write a poem!

But my pen pauses
Suspended above the page
How can I convey...?

I turn my brain off.
It's time to let my heart speak.
My pen gets to work.

"Even though you're far
You're still much closer to me
Than anyone else.

I love you to bits.
I hope you'll remember that.
Do you feel the same?"

I close my notebook
Silently, I'm wondering:
Will my words reach him?
Six haikus to convey my love.
Apr 2018 · 289
Sunny Kimball, Part 12
Sarah Taylor Apr 2018
It's hard to believe this is all real.
How can I possibly explain how I feel?
I love you so much, I just want to shout!
But at the same time, the words won't come out.

You're always there to hear about my day.
You're always there to tell me it's okay.
You're always there whenever I'm down.
And you're always there to dispel my frown.

I know you may not think it's much.
But I certainly don't see it as such.
I appreciate it more than you may know.
And I never want to let you go.

How could I not love you after all you've done?
You're so sweet, kind, hilarious, and fun.
So I want to leave you with one undeniable fact.
I love you so much, Sunny. Always remember that.
Apr 2018 · 375
Sunny Kimball, Part 11
Sarah Taylor Apr 2018
You lay in your bed, weeping silently
Internally writhing in emotional agony
You get a new message, it's from me
Because I will never leave you be.

You awaken, your eyelids wanting to droop
The days can seem bland and repetitive, it's true
But I can break you free of this accursed loop
Because I'm here for you.

I stare at the door in ill-concealed anticipation
My family is perplexed as to why I'm so happy
You knock, and I fling the door open in elation
Because you're finally here with me.
Mar 2018 · 306
Sunny Kimball, Part 10
Sarah Taylor Mar 2018
The ink flows from the tip of your pen onto the paper below
Taking action, you transform thought and emotion into written word
Writing your way into my heart with naught but your own
Because you're a better writer than anyone I know.

I trudge through the day, each day. Each and every day is slow
Sometimes I wonder just how I find the strength to continue
But I remember that, at the end of my day, I can hear about yours
Because you're more interesting than anyone I know.

I attempt to speak, but my voice is drowned out by a wind that never ceases to blow
I have so much to give, I just know it! Why won't anyone listen to me?!
Then you're there, eager to hear every word that I have to say
Because you're sweeter than anyone I know.

I love you so much, I never want to let you go
It's an emotion more powerful than any that I've ever felt
All I want is to be in your arms, and be with you forever
Because I love you more than anyone I know.
Mar 2018 · 410
Sunny Kimball, Part 9
Sarah Taylor Mar 2018
It's cold in my room
I wish you were here with me
To help warm me up.

It's lonely at school
I wish you were here with me
To lift my spirits.

It's dark in my mind
I wish you were here with me
To brighten my day.
Haikus are fun.
Mar 2018 · 339
Sunny Kimball, Part 8
Sarah Taylor Mar 2018
I gather a lump of snow in my hand, compacting it into a small ball
You stand across from me, turned away and completely oblivious to the oncoming onslaught.
I pull my arm back, and launch the snowball at your back. It makes contact and you stumble forward slightly due to the impact.
You turn around and our eyes meet.
Then, we're suddenly laughing, clutching our sides in mirth.
You return the favor by throwing a clump of snow at my head while I'm doubled over. The snowball fight rages on.

We traipse back inside, exhausted from our icy battle. Our faces rosy and our arms aching, we collapse next to one another on the couch.
I grab a nearby blanket and wrap it around us, pulling us closer together. We bathe in the warmth of each other's body heat, and take comfort in one another's presence. I softly kiss your forehead and fall asleep in your arms.

I wake to the sound of sizzling, and the smell of sausages. You're in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. I sneak up behind you and surprise you by wrapping my arms around you and giving you a tight squeeze. You jump in shock, but quickly relax and continue cooking. I sit back down on the couch and savor the time we've spent together.
What will it take just to find that special day?
Mar 2018 · 312
Sunny Kimball, Part 7
Sarah Taylor Mar 2018
My favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate
I go to the store to buy some.
It seems they don't have chocolate ice cream
So I'll wait.

I stroll down the aisle, searching for something delicious
There are so many different flavors of ice cream!
Vanilla, peach, mango, and butterscotch too
And yet I still wait.

It is a very hot day today
I sweat so profusely I fear I may get heatstroke.
I could really use a nice, cold treat right now
And yet I still wait.

Here I am in the store again, searching desperately
I need chocolate ice cream! I can hardly stand it!
Then I see it: the glorious little box atop the shelf
I must say, you certainly were worth the wait.
I'll wait for you, sweetie.
Mar 2018 · 332
Sunny Kimball, Part 6
Sarah Taylor Mar 2018
When I'm with you, my heart starts to pound
What I wouldn't give to hear how you sound.
I see a message from you, and my pulse begins to race
What I wouldn't give to see your face.
You are so wonderful, with so many charms
What I wouldn't give to hold you in my arms.
I hope, wherever you are, you feel this way too
What I wouldn't give to finally be with you.
Screen love is a funny thing, ain't it?
Mar 2018 · 408
Sunny Kimball, Part 5
Sarah Taylor Mar 2018
You turn around, and your gaze meets mine
Time seems to be frozen.
I have wondered, since we've first met
Why I was the one you'd chosen.
Your sweetness, kindness, and sense of humor
Were too perfect for someone like me.
And yet, you were the violin, and I the piano
In our two-heart symphony.
Secretly, I do still dream
Of remaining more than friends.
After all, who ever said all good things
Must come to an end?
More true love poems.
Mar 2018 · 293
Waiting Room
Sarah Taylor Mar 2018
What is life?
How would most people define it? The pursuit of happiness? Motion? Surviving above all else?
That certainly is not how I perceive life.
Life is like a waiting room.
Filled with magazines, posters, and little toys for the children to play with.
Distractions, created to occupy our time and ensure we remain entertained.
Until the Reaper arrives to sweep our souls off to oblivion.
Until the sweet, sweet release of death frees us from the confines of life.
From that sickening waiting room.
Feb 2018 · 266
Sunny Kimball, Part 4
Sarah Taylor Feb 2018
The dry, black grass crunches beneath my sneakers
The chilly wind blows through my clothing
I gaze up at the gray sky
And think of you.

Blood rushes through my dull veins
My pulse quickens exponentially
My heart beats more and more strongly
It beats for you.

The soft, green grass waves calmly
The warm, spring wind rustles my hair
My eyes shoot up to the vivid, beautiful baby blue sky.
I love you.
... I need to stop with the true love poems, don't I?
Feb 2018 · 326
Sunny Kimball, Part 3
Sarah Taylor Feb 2018
The cold, damp floor slammed into his back as the boy landed
Smirking, the giant raised his massive club to deal the finishing blow.
The boy, in desperation, turned his head to the cave's entrance
Beyond which the clouds floated lazily amongst the deep blue sky
Where sunlight shone brightly upon all of the creatures of the Earth
The boy's body suddenly glowed with that brilliant light. It was a part of him.
And suddenly, he had nothing to fear from the minuscule monster with the stick.
Yet another poem of true love.
Feb 2018 · 314
Sunny Kimball, Part 2
Sarah Taylor Feb 2018
Last night, I couldn't get any sleep
Instead I just lay in a huddled heap.
Tossing and turning, rolling in bed
Trying in vain to get you out of my head.
The beautiful time we had spent together
I desperately wished it would last forever.
But Sunny, if it makes you feel any better,
That lie you told me was the best thing ever.
Another poem of true love.
Feb 2018 · 332
Sunny Kimball, Part 1
Sarah Taylor Feb 2018
I bathe in the warmth of the sun's gentle rays
Waves of radiation traveling millions of miles to heat the Earth
I close my eyes, savoring the temperate spring afternoon.
The smell of beef patties cooking upon a grill
The sound of birds chirping delightedly
A rush of emotion threatens to overwhelm me
Like a tidal wave capsizing a ship
Like a dam cracking under the strain of thousands of gallons of water.
I slowly open my eyes, which are brimming with joyous tears.
And your face fills my vision.
The ship topples, the dam shatters
My emotions burst forth in a torrent of tears and happiness
For I have just realized...

You are my spring.
A poem of true love.

— The End —