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 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
As I sit here, writing this, I’m wondering how you’ll react  
If you say something mean, prepare to be smacked  
Or maybe you’ll say something nice  
After all, you’d probably give me good advice
Curiosity is like that urge  
That can suddenly emerge  
It can kind of feel overwhelming at times  
Almost like it’s consuming you alive  
Come on, come on, I want to explore!  
So I ****** open that front door  
My footsteps, loud against the wooden floor  
A great mystery is never a bore    
Adventure awaits!  
So I climb upstairs with great haste  
What lies before me is another door  
And for some reason, I feel all sore  

Behind that door, I see your face  
Looking back at me, locked in place  
What will you do? What will you say?  
Will you just try and push me away?  
My eyes widen, my heart beats fast  
I want to run, run away from my past

I don’t want to alarm you  
I can’t stand seeing you hurt  
This constant, nagging pain  
Is like an everlasting rain  
A giant raincloud, swept over my head  
I want to stay in my bed instead  
But I know that’s just an excuse  
To keep myself from facing the truth  

Suddenly, your face lights up  
That smile again, it’s so abrupt  
And I rush to you, tackling you to the floor  
Hugging you with all my heart, bringing all these feelings ashore  
I thought I went into this on my own  
And your appearance has my mind blown  
My heart flutters in my chest  
I think a feeling within has coalesced
So, as we walk outside, I tease you with a li’l shove  
I think this feeling, it has to be love.
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
Waiting is the worst.
I wait for the day where you tell me the truth.
Where you tell me you love me.
The day where I break free from these shackles of mine.
Where people stop telling me to just ‘be happy.’
The day where I can talk to people without fear of judgment.
Where I can ride elevators without fear of them malfunctioning.
And crashing into the depths below.
I just want all my worries to disappear. I want to escape this pit my brain created.
I’m just suffering, but you’re here by my side, helping me through it all.


I’m waiting for the day where you answer that question of mine.
What will it take just to find that special day?
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
You’ve spent some time drifting.
Like you’ve been trapped in an endless void for so long.
You may have felt some kind of sensation.
Like you weren’t who you’re supposed to be.

What did you feel in that moment?
Confusion? Or maybe it was something else.
Well, whatever it was, it doesn’t matter now.
Because I’m here by your side.

It doesn’t matter what you want to be.
I don’t care how many people say otherwise.
If someone says anything mean about you…
I’ll be there to help you up.

It’s okay if you feel lost.
I feel that way too sometimes.
But in the end, I’m really happy
That you’re beginning to find your identity.
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
Whenever I’m feeling down, you’re there to make things better.
Today, you wrapped me up in a sweater.
It’s warm and I close my eyes. Savor the moment.
You’re standing in front of me, putting up ornaments.

I guess I forgot. Christmas is coming soon.
I’m supposed to give you your present this afternoon.
Before I know it, the moment’s arrived.
I walk towards you, prepping for the surprise.

When I show you it, your face changes for a while.
There was no mistaking it. A smile.
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
An ideal day
Would be one
Where I know exactly what to say
To you.

An ideal day
Would be one
Where all my fears wash away
With you.

An ideal day
Would be one
Where I can just play
With you.

An ideal day
Would be one
Where I can press my lips to yours
Without fear.
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
 Mar 2018 Sarah Taylor
Everyone squealed
When they found out I had a shield.
Before you came to me, I was adrift.
Blackness surrounded me. But you came to give me a lift.
Now, when they look at me, they laugh.
The sounds they make, splitting my confidence in half.
But then you’re there, by my side.
You’re there, even after my self-esteem died.

One day, I found you on the ground.
You were beaten. ******. The sight made my heart drown.
Your voice quivered as you spoke. You asked me so many questions as I held you.
Some of them, I lacked the answers to.
Your warmth. The sound of your breathing. It was all perfect.
I knew it then, you were something I had to protect.

— The End —