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 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Isn't it funny
How you dismiss the love
Of those who are probably
the most sincere
I've done it quite a lot in life
And I can't even pretend that I care
Cause I don't
When I think about it
There's rarely any stirring feeling there
It's more of an annoyance
That I don't take seriously
Crush your silly crush!
I've audibly told one to just
"Get over it" once

Isn't it funny how
You miss the love of those
that never gave it.
I've done this quite a lot in life
And I can't even pretend that I don't care
Cause I do.
When I think about it
the despairing it stirs just seems unfair
It's an unhealthy preoccupation
That I take too seriously
Weighs heavy and crushes me
Audibly looked in the mirror
And told myself to "Get over it"
Once, twice, or more.
There are many paths to take in life
But I beg of you all
Choose love.
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Eyes are not just eyes.
They hold stories of futures ,
seas and forest trees. Takes
a few minutes for one to see.
Look in your lovers eyes. Take
a moment don't just observe
their eye colour. Search for
stories and lost history. Look
hard and you'll find answers
for unsolved mysteries. Scars
of the past. Gardens bursting
into life. You'll find hope ,
new beginnings and a cozy home.
And if your lucky enough all
you'll see will be endless
amounts of love* ~
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Mike Hauser
I sometimes wonder what would happen
If I took a box of colorful crayons
Out back into the garden
And into rows I plant them

Would some grow into rainbows
For all the unloved kids
Who have not had happiness
Shown unto their little eye lids

While others grow into colorful things
Of pinks and blues, yellows and greens
That fill those kids heads up with dreams
Like cotton candy, waterfalls, puppy dogs, and parties

But alas some kids will never know
Of brightly colored festive parades
Without their colorful seedling boxes
Being nourished in magical escapades

So I'll take from the crayons crop
Bring them into town and hand them out
To all the kids that have never known
The beauty that colorful crayons can grow

For in the rainbow's loving care
Kids everywhere will be happy to share
Crayon colors spread all about
A cavalcade of joyfulness that will forever ring out
I haven't done a collaboration in so long I'd forgotten how much fun it was! Thank you Elizabeth!
Cool grass between my toes
Smiling at the sun
My shirt hose-drenched
And my mouth sticky melon
My hands hang open
Reading stories of the wind
I cannot see my eyes
But through them
I know they contain the world
Joystruck and wonderfilled
Careless with good reason
There is safety in their porch talk
And danger to be found
I am reaching for the spirit
With faith untethered
Breathing and I love it
Grabbing hold of the tactile earth
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
When your hands flutter over my skin, my body trembles under your light touch.
Your being is illuminated perfectly under the faded street lights.
This is the moment I have pictured many times and many ways.
Your kiss is exhilarating leaving me wanting more, I feel helpless pushed against your body.
I have no control over how I move or what words spill out of my mouth.
Your mere presence makes me melt like honey left out on a hot day.
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
It seems sometimes that depression has no cure,
you just can't be happy and people call you immature.
People just don't seem to realize that this won't go away overnight,
the thoughts and feeling hold onto you so tight.
People always think that everything's for attention,
but what they don't realize is that it's like you are stuck in an invention.
People just don't understand how this really feels,
they think that calling 999 would make all of this heal.
The truth is I am not the person I used to be,
I used to be happy and energetic which you just can't see.
I do my best to hold back and pretend,
like everything's okay and this will mend.
It's easy for people to say you'll get over it,
but they don't realize that all you want to do is quit.
You just can't bring yourself to think about the future,
because in moments like these you count yourself as the loser.
You can't sleep because you think about what happened,
this is not at all as you imagined.
But you know in your heart that you can get through this,
all the bad things that happened you just need to dismiss.
You just have to remember that your not the only person going through this struggle,
you know that you will find the light at the end of the tunnel.
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