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 Aug 2016 Jeanie Flowers
I have never stuttered in pen
misspoken in ink
or choked in my writing
the way I do
whenever I speak
my fingertips always know
the right words to say
my tongue is still learning
I try to keep things simple
In my simple day to day
Simple in the way I walk
Simple in the things I say

I always try to think good
Good in everything I see
Good in everything I hear
The good in everybody

If I can keep this standard
Hold tight this philosophy
I am hoping all in life
Will go well for them and me

I try to love with all my heart
To keep rooted to the ground
I try my best to play every part
In what comes around goes around

As I try and keep it simple
Makes it all much easier to figure out
In what I go through, everything that I do
A complicated life doesn't go over so well
Another wonderful collaboration with the ever so talented Eudora!
She truly makes it easy and for that I am thankful!
I'm in italics...
 Aug 2016 Jeanie Flowers
I don't want kisses on the lips.
Kiss my forehead instead.
I don't want movie dates
I want walks in the rain.
I want nights on the couch
Curled up with you.
Reading poetry
And drinking tea.
Sometimes I go to call you
I never bring myself to dial
I know you’re smiling somewhere else
And I can’t change what has come to pass

Sometimes I miss you
the laughter we would share
I could tell you my hopes and dreams
and you’d say you would be there

Now you’re just a shadow
and empty place next to me
A wordless wall staring at me

I wish I could reach out
Tell you all about my life
Share the ups and downs
But now you’re gone

And all I can do is make just a small try
A whisper of a sound
Dear Friend, I miss your voice
i miss my best friend too ,i still cant believe he is gone
 Sep 2015 Jeanie Flowers
you're the lost and I'm the sin
you're gonna do me again and again
like a long, dark night I'll slowly descend
I am your death I am your end
listen -
hear no sound, feel
only wind on its way, ghostly
nothings, but hush to sharp wings
of ocean birds so fraying as they cut
the sky, shuttle to fairways, far aways,
in plaintive cries, i hear what they say,
sailing into the jeweled skylights, but i
am only weight of air, still on ground,
i mumble out, sidle the bone tides
that roll to land, grains of clarity,
i am mist and tear, a world
of hollow, i am that sound -
of ocean in a shell.

— The End —