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  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
WendyStarry Eyes
Open your eyes
To The wisdom
~~Of light~~
Our Father
Of life
His will
Not always
Always right
To His will
He loves you
Beyond all
Earthly delights
B D Caissie Sep 2019
If I could save time in a locket, I would wear it around my neck and sail the seas. Thus being immortally known as the father of time travel.

  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
I know that we took the wrong roads,
But come on, hold my hands
and let’s find a place to turn around.
It’s not too late.
Let’s not give up.
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
A questioning arising
From the vicissitudes
Of life..the constant flux..
We seem as a ball
Bouncing from this locale
To that..desires pulling
To hoped satisfactions..
At long last..the mind asks
What or Why or When  
Opening our emptiness
Quieting the questions
Introducing ourselves to
A new Recognition...
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Chris Fortune
I have this little thing called faith
It's about as big as a mustard seed
When it feels like my life is about to abate
I turn to Him to fulfill my every need

I have this little thing called faith
When it feels like the walls are closing in
I know You suffered greatly and died for me
But I still punish myself for my past sins

I have this little thing called faith
When it feels like I have been forsaken
It's a matter of choice and not up to fate
To accept the offer that has been taken

I have this little thing called faith
In my mind and heart I have been afflicted
My soul feels fallen to the point of no return
But I know it is of the Spirit I am convicted

My soul it hurts so deep from the depths of depravity
I can't go on like this I am a living catastrophe
I will stand firm in the battle for Christ's sake
And I will hold on to this little thing called faith
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Vaguely I recall
Shiny little eyes
My precious baby girl
Feedings in the nights
Heart beat to heart
Now but a stain on all my art
Two small boy and a baby in toll
Three years of the single parent roll
The rest well, most of us know
The pain of losing everything
Even our own soul's
So many the years
I let the pain
Take the wheel
And steer
In my dreams
I still hold my baby dear
A tinny fragment
A tear drop of ink
Brokenness runs deep
In all my poetry
Until my demon sleep
A stumbling block in my serenity
This emptiness bleeding me
Traveler Tim
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