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  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Vaguely I recall
Shiny little eyes
My precious baby girl
Feedings in the nights
Heart beat to heart
Now but a stain on all my art
Two small boy and a baby in toll
Three years of the single parent roll
The rest well, most of us know
The pain of losing everything
Even our own soul's
So many the years
I let the pain
Take the wheel
And steer
In my dreams
I still hold my baby dear
A tinny fragment
A tear drop of ink
Brokenness runs deep
In all my poetry
Until my demon sleep
A stumbling block in my serenity
This emptiness bleeding me
Traveler Tim
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Sona Lachina
I rise from my writing chair
Shake off my poet's robes
And step outside into a
       kaleidoscope of fallen leaves
        and hints of chimney smoke;
Dusky sky slung so low
The tall poplars scrape against it --

Summer's last cicadas are rasping out
        a catchy tune of life in the woods
And a crush of juncos has gathered
        closeby for seeds and conversation;
They know the crispy bite of
        near-winter nights is ever closer --

It strikes me
I am bound to this place with clipped
        wings, yet I feel a wanderlust
        I cannot deny.
Oh that I could fly south like
The little gray wrens mobbing my feeder.

How I aspire to be like them:
They must be so brave
        to gladly live in this world --
This change of season from summer to fall pulls me in more than any other, closer to the bone, where I just feel more present in my life. . . .
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Frank Russell
The Professor instructed -
we can never know anything
outside of our own minds.

Yes, but...

It's reassuring to know
your love and tenderness
are not figments
of my imagination.

- fr
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
I lay on the hard tiles of my rooftop balcony
The city lights make the night sky like a dark day
billowy clouds roll by as only the strongest stars shine
wistfully, I pretend to wish upon the dim little lights
The lyrics to that old Disney song echoing childhood
my wishes take stronger form, as I beseech the Heavens
I don't care for the hopelessness and the doubts I feel
I fight them with every ounce of my willpower
but it is not enough, Divine help is the only hope
It always comes when I least expect it, but it always comes
The love that I feel, and the fear, the endless restlessness
a mind consumed by the misfiring synapses of ADHD
I want to stay, but I'm afraid that I will run away
Even though I love you, and I'm afraid you fear this too
If only your love would glue me to the ground
While God's love would heal our tattered minds
Then our hearts would be free of this fear at last
And we could share a spot while we stare at the stars
B D Caissie Sep 2019
You may take our words and make them yours.

But our fiery spirit is what makes a true writer soar.

We scribble with our hearts, like so many who’ve come before.

For most it’s therapy for their internal raging wars.

Our words are endless like waves crashing along the shore.

Slowly eating at your conscience receding more and more.

Like the rising and setting of the sun our words will endure.

Therefore armed with our pens it’s you we feel sorry for.
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