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  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
guy scutellaro
we were poor
but not deluded

and when
van morrisson's
"brown eyed girl"
comes on the radio on
that worn
brown rug
my brother and I
started tapping our feet
shaking our heads
to the music and
our sisters are smiling
at us and
our mother is laughing
at us

and all we needed was
laughter and love
a prayer and a song

turn up the radio
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Well some insist
The cures of a Poet
The blessing of his gift
My body well normal
My mind evolved
There is no problem
A Poet can't solve

I inter the store
Smile on my lips
A big interruption
But I always insist
Excuse me I say
In an inquiring growl
Do you sell stuff here!?
As the crowd turns around

I'm never lost for words
I'm a poetic clown
Being a Poet lifts me up
When I'm down!
Traveler Tim
B D Caissie Sep 2019
What has become of you? Your missing from our homes, our families and our relationships. People are forced to work multiple jobs just to get by never mind keeping up with the Joneses. juggling the responsibilities of home and work. who is affected most by this but our children and who they become.

Something we must remind ourselves on a daily basis that we live in a country that is free. Although there are cracks and flaws, we are blessed. We are all guilty of taking for granted all that we have and dare I say above and beyond our needs. Which seems to have become an epidemic of sorts. So lets not forget the word thankfulness and what it means.

our hearts to those in need, not just as individuals but as a country. It could be used to describe transparency for our government. Open to new ideas and not close-minded, free of walls and obstructions and not just in the physical sense. It could mean so much more than just a sign hanging in a store front window.

There's something to be said about the power of positive thinking. Sometimes it seems every word out of our mouths oozes negativity. Its a far to easy habit to fall into. We need to retrain our thought process and pay more attention to the words that we speak.  I'm reminded of that old misguided saying "sticks and stones..." Words can wound or words can heal, the choice is ours.  

B D Caissie Sep 2019
My dearest love why did you run from me, when my heart only raced for you.

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