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  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
The morning is dark, as
if the sun never truly rose;

the street is lit in sepia
tones, heavy clouds
repose on the canopies
of fall-grizzled oaks;

unseen birds warble
in hushed, muffled tones,
while ghostly cars travel
on cloud-dampened roads;

the children, buttoned in
to their back-to-school
clothes, weave or meander
the sidewalk, half-asleep;

- gather the little ones close
in this quiet calm before
the madness strikes -

- know your exits, know
your foes - who knows
what might... happen -

then sun parts languorous
clouds, sending rainbows to
vanquish the mists; sunlight
sparks warmth inside;

gloom and doom forgotten,
a golden day to seize and fly

NCL September 2019
Ever ask for feedback before a piece is done and regret it?
B D Caissie Sep 2019
A thistle in a meadow is bold and beautiful, not because it's different, but because it was given a chance to grow...

  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Paddy Martin
And so the girl child sat
knitting melodies beside
the great river of words.
Soon her songs were heard,
beyond the Lake of Lyrics
and the vast Sea of Verse.

The evening tide carried them
across oceans to foreign shores.
Field workers sang her songs
to children in their hovels.
They escaped the lips of scholars
in the great halls of learning.

The child became a woman,
and still she weaved the magic,
from the words of the river,
for the hearts of all who read them.
As she weaved she told the secret
to a child who knitted beside her.

Emerging from the womb of time
I heard her whisper to my heart.
I felt the great river in my being,
and I began to knit a melody.
I heard my soul sing with joy,
I am the child of an ancient poet.

© 30/12/2009
B D Caissie Sep 2019
On this day I've nothing to give thee, save one but my heart I offer it freely.

Trapped in the cold of winter's asylum, your love warms my heart as to springeth to blossom.  

Your kisses like snowflakes fall gently on my skin, melting in a pool for our emotions to swim.

You've the midday sun forever upon thee, casting a light that lovingly guides me.

The key to my heart is wrapped in your love, soaring above in the form of a dove.

So forever together we walk hand in hand, even unto death to the promised land.
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