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Why I'm Single

You know men are just plain better
At most things that we do
You may say wait one minute
But inside you know it's true

A man can change a tire
We can even build a house
We know when it's time to talk
And when to shut our mouth

Some woman think we're crazy
So I've been told a time or two
If only they would listen
When we tell them what to do

Well as a man myself I'll tell you
Exactly what you need
I know that you will understand
For your job is just to please

Now it could be that a woman's job
Is much harder then I think
For after all I'm not dead yet
And that still amazes me

I've heard woman say they can't believe
I've been single for so long
Then they shake their head and walk away
I think there's something I'm doing wrong

What could it be,

**Carl Joseph Roberts
...Now before I get any hate mail, this is just a joke on being a chauvinistic pig. This is not at all how I feel.  I have three older sisters and I 100% know that woman can do most things better then men. I admire and respect all woman.
 Apr 2014 BaileyBuckels
If only my broken heart
could remember
to forget you
He said I would never forget
the taste of his name
on my lips,

the soft sound of his breath
against my irregular heart

he told me, the first thing
about love was to find the
right cadence of their name
in your mouth,

it was more important than
the brush of fingertips on
naked skin,

hungrier than
the touch of lips on lips,

needier than a thousand goodnights.

My tongue fitted the shape of it,
somehow, and I know a name
by any other rose would taste
bitter, like unsweetened lemonade

and our goodbyes would be the same, passionless, less urgent,
asserting that I would never
forget the taste of my first
love's name on my lips
 Apr 2014 BaileyBuckels
I wonder if you’d want to know
I named all of my demons after you and
they haunt me in my sleep

when I was 14 I fell asleep in April and dreamed of bones and
I’m not sure I’ve really ever woken up since

when I lost 5 pounds I never saw a difference

when I lost 10 my mother said I was looking good

when I lost 20 she told me to stop and handed me food
and I became anemic

when I lost 25 I stopped drinking anything because
I felt water had calories

when I lost 30 my mother held me on her lap
and held my bones together for me

when I lost 35 I started fainting every morning and
the doctors could no longer easily find my blood pressure

when I lost 40 people started to stare and food made me cry

when I lost 45 it hurt to walk and to lay down
it hurt to eat
it hurt to breathe and
I started throwing up my empty stomach

the mind plays tricks on those that decide
nourishment is not needed

 Apr 2014 BaileyBuckels
This is a Love poem
A poem about love and ****
And there you go trending poem
I love you I really do you say  you hate me because I broke your heart I understand I want to be with you. My feelings for you are so deep we make eye contact all the time at school. I know I said things I should've not said. I feel your pain I love you you say you don't like me but somewhere in your heart I know you love me. I want to rebuild your heart.  I really really really feel your pain I really really really love you I have deep feelings for you.
 Apr 2014 BaileyBuckels
And though we are
six feet under,
the sun shines
and music plays.
“Yea though I walk
through the valley of death
I will not fear,
for you are with me.”
And yea as I walk
through these places of death
I have to ask-
were you with them?
Belźec, Poland
Thursday, March 20, 2014
3:10 PM

From my collection, Poems from Poland

NOTE: This may not be the traditional translation of the Bible, as I translated directly from the original Hebrew.
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