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May 2021 · 283
Call me bella May 2021
We are liars
in their stories,
they lie in ours,
we all lie at the end.

is it always wrong?
May 2020 · 107
you liar
Call me bella May 2020
she's by your side
holding her hand, so i've heard.

They say you'll be happy
but i still feel fire.

your touch
your stare,
your heart.

I have been told you still say my name
in your sleep
I can see the light in your eyes,
how they follow my light,
i know.
But you lie,
and your heart knows
i am all you need.

your heart beat raises
electrifying my body
eyes paralize each other
tell me not
that the fireworks happen
because of her.
May 2020 · 80
Call me bella May 2020
is the proof
for real love,
but baby,
distance is nothing
to our love.
May 2020 · 65
love, then wine
Call me bella May 2020
at the end
i will hold on to your hand
kiss your lips
stare at your eyes
and laugh at all the challenges
life put on our path
we took down
with the strength
of pure love.

oh wait,
that did happen at the end
but i thought wrong about you.
May 2020 · 73
Call me bella May 2020
If you run,
I will follow you.

Like the moon to the sun,
The the sun to the moon,
I will always be there
No matter how far apart.

Because we compliment each other,
We need each other,
We are made for each other.

Without one
there is no other.
May 2020 · 79
Call me bella May 2020
I get hallucinations,
I get them all the time.
my backpocket vibrating,
oh thanks god, it was not your text.

I'm used to your temper
when I dont respond.
im scared but
how do I get out?

Duh, I'm a fool
why won't you talk to me
do you even bother
or am I just your stored trophy now?

Treat me  
like you want me to treat you.
not like this
YOU are so irrational.
Aug 2019 · 559
Call me bella Aug 2019
It is
Where you’ll see eyes clear as glass,
Reflecting a vibrant sunset.

It’s at the heart of a child,
Who knows no evilness.
At the pen of a poet in paper,
When words fluid fearlessly.

It is every time you see her smile,
Or the sound of his voice.
When honesty is being at its finest,
And loyalty never forgotten.

As the words ‘I love you’
Are said at the hearts weakest point.
It’s pureness what makes us
Feel the profoundness of life.
Feb 2019 · 129
you, you and only you
Call me bella Feb 2019
It is your smile,
that release my hidden secrets.
It is your eyes,
that heal my deepest scars
and bring mine to life.

It is you,
and only you.
who made me loose fear
of love.
Feb 2019 · 118
if you only knew
Call me bella Feb 2019
As you call my name
to tell me you need me,
oh darling, if you only knew.

the way your voice
raises up my heart beat and shines
my smile all big and wide.

you're my medicine
that keeps my happiness

You're the light
in the dark path.
and Im profoundly thankful
for finding you at last.
Feb 2019 · 96
loneliness second effects
Call me bella Feb 2019
what I think
what i feel
is trapped into mess.
in my dreams
they teease me,
hurt my mind.
day and night,
night and day
the heart can't help but bleed
this is not even love
an illusion
an addiction.
Feb 2019 · 112
tan solo un segundo
Call me bella Feb 2019
Que ironía que a pesar del tiempo, problemas y lagrimas, nuestras almas se vuelvan a conectar en el instante de una mirada.
Feb 2019 · 261
What a difficult place:
Call me bella Feb 2019
To be young
and lost.
To be young
under society.
to be young
and in love.
Nov 2018 · 277
The light
Call me bella Nov 2018
On the dark
deep roads,
shines a light.
Straight into my eyes,
shopping my heart.
At last, it seems
the unceasing roads
lead me straight
to your heart.
Oct 2018 · 140
Life doesn't hit
Call me bella Oct 2018
"life will hit you" they say.
But through it all,
it's YOUR life.
So I guess you can decide
if to be hit,
where and how.
Oct 2018 · 137
Endless love
Call me bella Oct 2018
Being with you
makes me pure.
laughing only,
living truly,
I love you fully,
Sep 2018 · 128
Call me bella Sep 2018
This world is full of purposes.
Sep 2018 · 222
Dark dreams
Call me bella Sep 2018
I close my eyes
and you're there.
I open them
you're gone.

Perhaps I should dive
into dark dreams
and false illusions
to feel you here.
Sep 2018 · 601
Call me bella Sep 2018
his magic radiates furiously
shines in the darkest places,
like my heart,
just like love.
Sep 2018 · 124
it's worth dying
Call me bella Sep 2018
It is worth dying,
you'll prefer it sometimes,
when it's out of love.
Sep 2018 · 430
burning lies
Call me bella Sep 2018
It burns
when you touch,
It's sad
when you talk,
It's sour
when you kiss,
It's hurts
because you lie.
Sep 2018 · 429
inperfect woman
Call me bella Sep 2018
She's sweet,
She's simple,
She's elegant,
her laugh is contagious
and her eyes paralize.
She is a mystery
which traps you.
Making them all bow
one by one.
Her imperfections can tell
she's the most beautiful
of them all.
Sep 2018 · 542
beautiful girls
Call me bella Sep 2018
Social pressure,
low self esteem,
self hatred,
self judgement.

It's not in the face
or body
where a beautiful girl
is born.

But in the heart,
the love and mind.

It's society's fault
for making them all fall
into a dark hole of lies.
Sep 2018 · 110
The power of living
Call me bella Sep 2018
Moving somewhere else
makes me feel weak
and small.

But how will I grow
if I stay where im already
big and strong.
Sep 2018 · 131
Call me bella Sep 2018
First time I saw you,
there are no words
to explain
how pure I felt.

My lips stuck

Everything seems to stop
while imposible thoughts
fly over reality.

How stupid can you feel,
But  yet,
how alive.
Sep 2018 · 129
Unknown lovers
Call me bella Sep 2018
When i'm not aware
our souls will connect,
full of unrelatable,
unconrolable and
irrational emotions.
Jul 2018 · 183
Call me bella Jul 2018
I can feel fire
And it won’t expire
This fire
Each time it holds me tighter
Our love
Just like this fire
This fire which won’t expire
Why can’t you see me crying?
My eyes burnt in fire
Now my tears have expired
I dream of you replying
To our love
And my hopes each time get higher
Even if you seem happier
I really hope your happier
Even though I’m not
Cause I’m still on fire.
Jul 2018 · 272
Call me bella Jul 2018
Words that ****
Phrases that ache
Meanings that relate
Emotions that remain
And one poet
Who shares
A piece of their
Suffered pain.
Jul 2018 · 211
Just because
Call me bella Jul 2018
Just because I loved you,
Doesn’t mean I miss you.
Just because I think about you,
Doesn’t mean I need you.
Just because I still dream about you,
Doesn’t mean I still look for you.
So sorry honey
Jul 2018 · 2.0k
Call me bella Jul 2018
I love cats,
They always tell the truth.
If they don’t love you
They won’t pretend.
Jul 2018 · 167
Call me bella Jul 2018
I wake up at midnight
And cold sweats hit in.
Insomnia keeps me awake,
Even if I beg for sleep.
It’s funny actually
It makes me remember
How I felt,
When you left me.
Jun 2018 · 225
Just live
Call me bella Jun 2018
Wait no more,
Do no more,
Think no more.
Just sit back,
And live your life
The way YOU want.
Because if you spend your life
expecting other minds
to aprove,
you'll end up living
everyone elses life
and discarding the gift
that was once
offered to YOU.
Jun 2018 · 142
Call me bella Jun 2018
I’ve seen,
I’v loved,
I’ve kissed,
I’ve searched,
But still
I yet can’t find,
The perfect match
to return the light,
From the dark
You left behind.
Jun 2018 · 223
Call me bella Jun 2018
My beloved friend
I can’t love you,
Not that way.

I beg time
To go back,
And let me see,
Where my mistake was.

Because everytime,
when I feel safe,
The same trick likes to get out
Of the sleeve.
Jun 2018 · 131
Dear unknown lover
Call me bella Jun 2018
Don't be afraid,
I wont push you away,
I'm not what they say,

Let me look at your eyes,
to light up mine,
and fill them with life.

Wherever you are,
just look at the stars,
I will be too
not matter how far.
Jun 2018 · 220
Call me bella Jun 2018
Golden soul
worth tons of gold,
cristaled eyes
filled with hope.

The love you brought,
has fullfilled this home
of pure innocence,
and unforgettable joy.
Jun 2018 · 224
Because of you.
Call me bella Jun 2018
Like the rain,
I could cy out,
for endless days

Walking out of life,
ignoring everyword,
thinking yours could save me,
complete me.

your sunray lighted the path,
thought I found my way
back home.

But the ray
did not heat me up,
to save me
from drowning.

I realized
it had all been a waste,
a waste of rain
for other flowers to rise.
Jun 2018 · 199
To be
Call me bella Jun 2018
Like a rose
on lillies,
like a rock
on sand,

to be noticed
like fire,
in the dark.

like a kiss
from those lips,
like a diamond
in the river.

like you,
for me.
Jun 2018 · 245
Call me bella Jun 2018
Endless nights
have found
a sunrise.

Towards the end,
or into
the new beggining.

it all depends
on the size of the scar,
does it not?
Jun 2018 · 2.9k
Two birds
Call me bella Jun 2018
from starless nights,
to freezing waters,
paralizing the soul
of a despised parrot.
Just like the love
you gave,
and fogged
my soul.

A phoenix's song,
louder than the storm,
with a sacrifice
to die in flames,
hoping to see you again.
Just like the love
my fogged soul
offered to yours.

— The End —