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Ayesha May 2021
So, again,
this bleak little altar
breaks down sobbing blood
"Have I not given enough?"
it cries, and within,
a rose-kissed goddess with her ash-white skin
rakes a single nail down
the wounded, old walls
"No," swirls a viscous sunlight,
sweet and smooth,
"I demand more."
and the whole being
I think I found my perfect bio
"Too emo to function"
What a brilliant line, well done girly—
Ayesha May 2021
A laugh is not a pretence
I wanted to tell you that, Urooj
And maybe to myself too
Because I know you saw peeps
Of the vacancy
Nestled in my skin
And I too was acquainted
With your queer sorrow
That rises and falls
With a schedule of its own
We saw the jolly winds flirt with olden trees
And heard many a strange talks
In golden fields of youthful wheat
And mustard flowers alive

But we ran too, didn’t we?
I pointed to the slender tree far, far away
Count as I go, I said
And count you did as I rushed
Rushed clumsily on
My feet twisting in troughs
Eye-lashes fighting dust
Twenty, you shouted, as the tree grew
But I barely heard
my body singing a battlefield

You stumbled through the ploughed soil
Hardened through suns
Crushing the remnants of harvested wheat
beneath the flat soles of your sandals
(who wears those to a field?)
Then more
Through soft, chestnut soils
Trying not to damage the baby onions
And I laughed through my burning lungs
A smoke piled up in me
Yearning to gnaw all away

And we licked the gusts singing gossips
Of sour, raw mangoes
Then relished the cool water that
You forced the earth to puke
(I still don’t get how that hand-pump worked)

And I know you sneaked along a wilted rose
From your sister’s grave
And wept, quietly sniffing
Seeing her in all the birds I pointed out
All the leaves dried to immortality
In my notebook
I too treaded through rows of childish guava trees
And struggled to will my ghosts away
I too got stranded in the insolent rays
of the dusty sun

But we joked still, didn’t we?
And when, on the way home,
I reminded you stories
Of the silly children we once lived
Your laugh glimmered all around
And mine mimicked

And the radio was ****
So we swam in our own private silences
Got lost in the rowing birds
And I know, at some point,
All the dead days
And all the rotten mangoes
Seated themselves in the car
Along with us and our shackled beasts
And the villages and the stalls and empty fields
Ran past in silence

But we had laughed
When the restless winds nearly sent me
Tumbling down the tree
And we had laughed when
The freshly-watered soil tried
To **** us under
And a laugh is not a pretence
Urooj, a laugh is not a pretence.
I wonder if we know.
For Urooj, though I doubt I'll ever show her.

(I wrote this one on my arm. Was on the roof, with nothing but a pen; as the sun sailed away, my skin got darker lol)
Ayesha May 2021
Mischievous little moon
You are beautiful
I wonder if you know
Though you’re often told
(You know
You can take that hood off
It ain’t cool
You look like a squished football
or an orange rotten from one side
No offence)
But really, you’re beautiful
It is strange
I have words, but none better
Yet beautiful is so much
Mustard flowers
And bluebirds
That girl down the street and her bright-pink smile
Mother’s laugh
Myself too,

But I do not mean that.
I cannot compare you to Arabian Jasmines
Or Sapphire stones
You’re beautiful
unlike all
I think everything’s like that

But there’s this moment
In the middle of a breath, in the middle of a day
It sprouts sturdily out
Like a Morning Glory seedling
In the midst of a Mint shrub

When it drizzles
And I lose my body for a while
My eyes fixed
At the knitted pattern of the chair
Mother places scraps of stale bread
For the crows to finish
And little brother, not so little now,
Rants about his Minecraft battles
The dragons he defeated
And forts he conquered
(through massacre, but let's not talk about that)
He complains about the sun
(It is not square, and, well, it is real)
Mother complains about his complain
And, vaguely,
I hear the traffic
Four storeys below
That of cars and bikes
Gossiping and giggling
An ambulance

I think
Someone might be in it
Wincing and pleading to go faster
Or maybe silent, a still god
I think
I still have my test to prepare
I think
**** the test
I think
That darkened bird
And its undeniable existence
Is kind of offensive  
But it’s pretty too
Rich purple peeks through that night
Blue and gold
And silver as well, a little

Mother talks about my climbing rose
That’s taking over the balcony railings
And a kite soars by
With a hoarse hiss
I think
Did I sleep last night?
Was I awake?
Perhaps, it was a lingering in between
I think
My brother looks so much
Like that crow
I think
****, dude, he really does

I voice this epiphany to him
And I get a smack
He gets one back
‘Cause mama didn’t raise a sweet
Frail butterfly
But, dude can he hit
I hit him again, which is unjust and dangerous
one must not meddle with little brothers
But mama couldn't groom the idiocy out of
Her daughter
I think
You've tickled the snoring beast
Now flea, you idiot
I run, he runs
Mother squints up in the sun
(Look who came to see the show)
I run, he runs
I laugh when he stumbles
And falls

Cement rough over his innocent skin
Clouds dripping on

It is strange
Those moments
I lurk through loudness to the quiet of my flesh
Then sneak into the noisy life within
And yearn for peace
All about
I flutter with a merry dancing
In my bones
And something weeps, weeps
Weeps on

I think you’re beautiful like that
A divinity I cannot touch
Nor see
A hymn I dare not grasp or
Or perceive
But I need not.
Not much unlike me,
but very
Ayesha May 2021
Rows upon rows upon rows of suns
and when I ask them where they’re headed
They go on voiceless
This one you hated, this one
you ignored, this one your forgot,
this one you tortured, this
one you never saw
Someone says
and when I ask them where they’re headed

they go on till
they stumble and fall
This one on that one on that
a shattering, the pieces are grey

Rows upon rows upon rows of moons
and I’m tongue-tied
This one you killed,
and this one and that one and that.
Someone says
and I turn around, you grab me
with your nightly glare
The dagger smiles in my hand
and blood, in queues, downwards flows
Stars in your skies wink
This one you killed
where are you headed
Then moons and the suns rise up
their hues abandoned in rock

and follow you, smoothly, on
Down this tentative cliff
you vanish—
they vanish
—all vanishes
My feet stretched to roots
and them betrothed to ground
suns and moons march on
the dagger in my hand
smiles—smiles— smiles
Blood all about, but not one dies
not one winces,
the crowd comes and
down the cliff, vanishes

dagger in my hand smiles
This one you killed
September, 2020 something
I am a ******* coward
Ayesha May 2021
For you, on whose
Oil painted skin the stars did sleep
For you again,
Who wept, wept in vain

I’d tie a butterfly to the unwavering sky
If only as a frail worm to
lure the fish
But did we not swear to leave the winged

Yet, there they are
Causing a reckless havoc
Trying to tear open the blue
And I’d shoot them down
But the ground is ours you see

Wounded and bleeding
The dying, as a fish, squirms
A broken spear pinning him in place

And I will keep on burning this dirt
To bricks
One betrothed to other
With cement,
Your own strange creation
The one you pour out your flutes
And pluck out them strings
Like fresh born weeds
dried and crushed

Songs upon songs
We set free up the yonder

But here is a bubble that will not be butchered
Like our sacrificial blooms
Ripened and fat,
This untouched pomegranate
Ravages itself

Long did our labor weave tales out ruin
To build us a shell
Within which we now reside


How do we do? It is pretty
A sight
The sky chokes on dirt and dirt
Drowns in the blue
Time, a trapped moth, flutters about
It collides around in its blind frenzy
And will not settle

I keep on
Painting our dry clouds
Birds still peck at gleaming stars
And you
You live, live in vain

I painted yesterday. After about a year.
That's something, ******.
Ayesha May 2021
There is a sadness within me
That will not go away
Too young I am
To fathom her hues
But she will not go away

Instead, I feel her claw out my hands
My arms, my back, my uneven hair
She settles in the seedlings
And climbs up the vines
Hangs by the ceiling
And teases with her dangling legs

She eats the colours
Out of every song I dare to play
And will drink nothing
But the unflavoured hours

I do not know—
She is like a sun-kissed child
Jumping around
She wants a taste of all my scents
Leaves me scentless in return
I watch— I watch
She keeps scribbling verses
Over my messy drawings

I am sick of concealing her
Behind delirious words
And glamourised tales
She asks me if I am ashamed
no— not ashamed
just— I do not know

She is like a wide-eyed kitten
Ecstatic and restless
And will not be grasped
Will not be caged
Will not be butchered

The plants keep dying—
The plants keep dying and
days pile up
I watch— I watch
She will not go away
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