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Sep 2016
I begged and pleaded
Bled the beats of my heart
Hoping that the butterfly
Would flutter on its way
But it didn't.

The winds were brutal
as wings flapped as usual;
I had hoped the butterfly
hadn't dropped.

My best friend said
'Don't worry it's just sick';
Coated herself in her
child-like bliss,
I replied to her with
'Ok. It's just sick'.

The teens were brutal
And she held the storms
With a broken umbrella
As usual.
She would tell me
'Sometimes humans are
alike butterflies;
We'd show our beauty
but silence our cries'.

After a while her words
just stopped,
The first day I walked
pass her house,
Knocked on the wooden
Hoping that I would see her
but silence responded to my
door knock.
The door remained locked.

I was the only one allowed
to knock;
while others used the doorbell
I was the one she would always tell,
'Just knock the door-
it will be our thing'.
Soon after 'our thing'
became nothing.

The second day;
I walked pass her house
Knocked on the door
just hoping that
there'll be an answer,
that she'd dance
her way to the door
and responded.

Her parents went missing
for a while,
Held onto broken smiles
While painting permanent frowns
on smiling clowns.
I have seen things broken,
But their smile sat like
barbed wires along a patch
of empty land.
Their smiles were
the kind, not to keep sheep in
but to keep everything else out.

I came by the third day
Hoping to end my dismay,
I knocked on the door;
she did not answer the door,
And I fell to the porch
cried tears over how
I wished it all went back to before.

I did that for the remaining week;
Hoping that she'd open the door
But she wasn't six feet away from the door;
She'd remain to this day
Not one millimetre from my heart
and memory.

Sometimes humans are
alike butterflies;
We'd show our beauty
but silence our cries...
Star Gazer
Written by
Star Gazer
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