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 Jul 2018 Hella
I feel like an empty coloring book.  
Just brought out the store, still in the bag
and I require every single crayon in your 64 pack to be filled in.
Yet you could never color me properly,  never able to see all of me, I know that all of John’s lyrics were just legends
Cause we would, never have been able to adapt in the environment we were set in.
I promise, we were fail.
But In this moment, at least try to stay in the lines..
maybe squint your eyes ..  take a closer look at how damaged my pages already are.
I never asked you to be neat...
I only advised, that you at least try to stay in the lines.
But really, who am I?...
Giving advice, but never take mine..  
Living for the moment, when i should take time
I  move fast.. like smooth winds, grooving through the motions but
               I…move too fast
             And I  spread myself too thin.
    Like, weak things & wheat thins, we could never break even.
Even when I'm looking for happiness in the same place that I lost it.
     If you weren't gonna color in this book then why you got it ?
            I refuse to be a coloring book kept in the closet
              & I'm tired of being patient, so color me in.
                   Shades of chivalry is not dead yet
                   Of you making my cheeks red and
            Shades of “is the sky black… or blue at night?”
                     Of “my love goes on for light years”
& I'll be loyal like Woody, If you'll be my Buzz Light year.

       Shades of“did you know that violets aren’t really blue?”
                                       Of confusion.
    Color me in shades of understanding, and sympathy.
                                Rose red.
                     And violet. Purple. Not blue.
                           Color me in shades of cliché.
                                       Frame me in calming hues.
 Jul 2018 Hella
the angel
 Jul 2018 Hella
his eyes are of a warm hazel brown.
sat on his chestnut curls, a bronze crown.
sun rays glimmer unto his freckled back
he laughs like a child when i blow on his neck.
but oh he's a man when he licks his lips,
when he holds my hand, then he thrusts his hips.
he took my breath away with the softest kiss
but mine was rough and raw compared to his.
he smiles like a boy when i tell him i love him,
and that i've never been this attached to anyone else but him.
when his tongue whispers back that he loves me, i break.
for i fear, he'll be gone when the morning sun wakes.
lukewarm salt water starts to drip from my eyes,
i've fallen for him, my sweet angel in disguise.
(c) ayesha. h [2018]
opps this was a longer poem than i expected. excuse me, i'm in love

— The End —